Scullcrusher blessing does not increase damage to target

Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

Scullcrusher blessing does not increase damage to target

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

  1. Equip weapon with Scullcrusher blessing
  2. Stagger target
  3. Damage stays the same as before the target was staggered

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

Yes, but I haven’t tried disabling them

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

Steam (PC)

I believe the target needs to be staggered for you to get the damage bonus, as written in the description. The enemy in the video isn’t shown being staggered when you hit it.

This. The debuff is applied on any attack, but the damage bonus provided only applies if the enemy is in a staggered state when they are hit.

It’s effectively the same as the bonus damage to staggered enemies talents in VT2, without the “first enemy is treated as staggered” component

Tnx for clarification. Just checked-damage increases if I manage to put the target on the ground.

I think there was some wonkyness as of #13 even if mob was staggered? There was an older bug report here on it.

Yeah its always been weird. If you can’t knock them down you can’t build use the bonus, despite stacks accumulating even on non staggers like whacking enemies in those animations. But with 8 stacks and 10% damage per they would probably nerf it if it were to work as you’d think.

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I’d be ok with a nerf to whatever if things worked as they should consistently, not many options on things like shields and crushers.

Blessings not doing what they’re supposed to or “half” doing them is rather frustrating for a game that relies on them a lot.

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