Skullcrusher - how does it work?

Target receives 4 stacks of +10% damage if already staggered for 5 sec

So, is it:

  1. 4 stacks of +10% and they sum with each other, so +40% and this debuff work all the 5 sec? Why not write it like that then?

  2. 4 stacks of +10% and they do not sum with each other and every stack removes with the new hit?

  3. 4 stacks of +10% and they sum with each other, so +40% ,but this bonus damage applies only when hit happens if target is staggered?

With addons help I learned:

it has 8 stacks max
the stacks ain’t removes with new hits
Stacks applies with the hits which staggers the target and with hits on already staggered target.

But, it seems that damage bonus applies only if hit happens on the staggered target and damage boost is not 80% (as I think it should be), but still 40% (with weapon, which applies 4 stacks) or even less

(do not visit my channel and do not watch other videos)

Check damage of the 2nd hit (horizontal) in the chain
1st test with the green no blessings shovel - damage the same
2nd test - with the Skullcrusher shovel - damage increases

As you can see, 1st hit is 590-660, 2nd one is 760-800 on the 8 stacks
It is far from 80% boost

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As all stackable buffs/debuffs in this game:
Additional applications refresh the duration and increase the number of stacks (if the stack has not reached max size yet) .

Depending on the tier of skullcrusher that you have on your weapon, you apply more stacks per hit, but independent of the tier, it always caps out at 8 stacks.

Skullcrusher is applied to the enemy by the hit that staggers them, as well as any further hits to the target, while it is staggered.

The debuff stacks additively and increases damage taken by the target (from any source) by 10% per stack. But the damage bonus only applies while the target is staggered.

Basically, if you want to benefit from the blessing, you have to repeatedly strike and continuously stagger the same target, so that the debuff gets stacked up and actually does something.

It used to be different, where the stacks applied in the same way, only granted 5% bonus per stack, but increased damage taken by the target, even if the target was no longer staggered.


thanks, but doesn’t it renders this blessing useless?

You can get long staggers only on lower targets, while most dangerous ones are big and has way bigger stagger resists (like crushers) and could be staggered with weapons for something like 0.5 sec?
And most (all?) bosses can’t be staggered with weapons at all - only for a brief period - with grenades and skills

Still, buff is not 80%, but lower

Imo it was much better before for sure, where it only required you to stagger the enemy in order to initially apply the debuff (but the debuff had an effect for its entire duration, independent of the enemy still being staggered or not).

The blessing works pretty well against enemies that you can properly knock over (although they are pretty likely to be killed by the next attack that hits them, anyway).

As it is now, the blessing still does some useful things but it is nowhere near as good as it could be.
Having to keep the enemy staggered for the blessing to have any effect at all, is a bit stupid and lowers its value quite significantly.
Many of the enemies that are a bit more beefy, can kinda be stagger locked with some weapon’s heavy or special attacks, but the next attack does not actually necessarily hit them while they still count as staggered, so although you can stack up the debuff on them, you do not actually get to hit them while they are affected by it.
This is pretty bad and maybe the blessing should be changed back to the way it was before.

Right now, it seems to be more of a team supporting debuff, than one that you can boost your own damage with.

Weapons like power maul and crusher can chain stagger multiple enemies in their AoE range,
including big ones.
So it pretty useful for these weapons, especially because they don’t have good options for damage. And they usually fall into support role, which synergizes well with this blessing, since your teammates benefit from it as well.

to benefit from this blessing they should hit targets immediately after you which is just not needed in the most cases

Trash blessing

targets will be constantly staggered, as long as you spam special attack.

there is no dedicated debuffer or CCer roles in the team :slight_smile:

So personally me as Zealot would prefer old good knife

CC yes, everything with wide arching attacks and heavy knockback is designed to be that.
Braced weapons too, they’re all stagger heavy.

Debuff? No, not much in the way of debuffing in this game. Or rather, there is, but it’s relatively pointless as the requirements usually mean that you have to deal so much damage, the enemy would be already dead.

One of the notable exceptions is the Trauma Force Staff with a certain blessing.

I personally consider it one of the better blessings on the Indignaturs Crusher.
Fat lot of choice it has.

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