Skullcrusher blessing doesn't last 5 seconds (veteran shovel)

Skullcrusher blessing on veteran shovel not lasting 5 seconds as mentioned.

Steps to Reproduce:
Using the vet shovel with skullcrusher, stagger an enemy then hit again while staggered to trigger the blessing. The next hits should show improved damage, as intended.
However, if the blessing has been successfully triggered but you hit the enemy while it is not staggered, the blessing will not work.

Reproduction Rate:
Constant (100%)

Upload Supporting Evidence:

Here I show that I deal 105 damage on normal hit.
When I stagger the mauler with the special attack then hit it, my damage is improved because skullcrusher is triggered.

However, as you can see in the video, if I hit the mauler again while it is not staggered anymore, my damage comes back to 105, despite the blessing description saying “lasts 5 seconds”.

I could replicate that with other enemies like bruisers, stalkers, ragers, etc…

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Just a general question into the void:

“Did they even test this?”

Same issue on the catachan swords.

Received some feedback regarding this from one of our Gameplay Developers. It’s working as intended, but the description could be made clearer for this one.

“Working as intended, but the description is a bit hard to read.
A more verbose and IMO clearer description would be “Staggering a target adds X stacks of ‘+Y% damage per stack while staggered’ to the target. A maximum of Z stacks can be applied to a single target, and all stacks are cleared after W seconds.” I.e. any attack that staggers the target will add a stack and the stacks lives for X time, but the damage bonus is only available when the enemy that has one or more stacks is actually staggered.”


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