Scoreboards and Finding a Compromise Solution

everyone should play what they like, sure. it’s just that people who play on difficulties they’re not prepared for can drag the whole team down. and that’s when bickering over a scoreboard starts: “lol u r teh noob, i did 2x moar damage than u” - “sure, you smite poxwalker while i killed the specials” etc.

often it’s one player going down that starts the row of lemmings coming to the rescue and then needing to be rescued themselves.

i had an egregious example of this not long ago: consignment yard, some auric modifier with blessed enemies. every time the team had forward momentum, this psyker stayed behind roasting random poxwalkers. i kept pinging “go there” forward where the team was, but the guy just didn’t get it that the more the mission drags on, the more occasions the game has to spawn enemies, and that those random enemies he thought to be important would simply despawn. and every time he got himself in trouble by lagging behind, he made one of the 2 other players run back to help him. altough i would have preferred to let him go down and pick him up at the next rescue point, or see him just leave.

not to my surprise he died and had to be rescued in the back of the final area of the consignment yard, at the scaffolding. so i ping the med station, we should heal first, then pick up the guy, then push the buttons. guess what, one of the guys runs along the train straight to him where he gets gunned down, then the second guy falls on his way instead of trying to deal with the gunners from the train… and sadly i couldn’t clutch it. which would not have been necessary in the first place.

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thats the thing, i dont mind people willing to learn.

no, what i´m talking about is the vast majority of laid back “its just a game bro” freeloaders, who not only put not in any effort themselves, no matter the amount of failed matches.
they fully expect that missing effort to be shouldered by the rest of the team, lest they can “enjoy their content”

in about 700+ matches i uploaded i had my fill of both and those “bad” but willing players still put in a contribution that could be salvaged to something in the end, whereas the “others” were either blatant dead weight, a severe detriment to the team or oddly enough the canvas to paint some truly awesome clutches on.

kinda like i polished a turd thanks to their abysmal performace :poop: :joy:


Its so simple its unbelievable…put scoreboard in the game have a setting to opt in and out of it being shown to ppl

Pretty easy solution.

Have it so that the scoreboard only shows once lobby members disbanded and everyone left after mission end, so no one to respond in VoIP/chat by then.


nope. its still against terms because others can hear it.

“Using mods that directly affect unmodded players’ experience of the game”
if you using a mod effects me in any way it is not allowed. vac cap/colling rod and Y/N are all equally bannable. enforcing said rules is on fatshark.


And how it is affecting you?
You don’t even see it…

Don’t tell me that someone can comment your poor performance… cause it is not the mod that affects your ego, it is a player.

And again, if it is against the terms of use, Fatshark asks that they are removed. Several mods have been removed from Nexus for this reason.
See the examples they have given: Examples: Speed hacks, outright cheating in missions, etc. Using mods that affect the stability…
The scoreboard mod can’t be compared to a speed hack!!

I dont hate it, it doesnt effect my performance in fact i really like it when players respond to mission operators or eachother using Y/N.

However how i feel or how you feel does not change the fact that it is against terms of service

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Ah the good old scoreboard debate.
I personally would prefer to have one just so we can roast those ammo hogging idiots in pubs for doing 0 damage while depraving others from ammo. It should also track how many teammates have died while someone had a medkit, and how many times people double dipped ammo crates/med stations.
In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only roast.

So you talk about for the emperor (I asked you if you were talking about an other mod)

Then you must know that “for the emperor” like a lot of mods (example: for the drip, weapon customization) use materials already in the game.
And for your information, a developer commented this mod and pointed the fact that it was using something they wanted to implement and that the author did before them.

Again, this has nothing common than a speed hack. And the part you were refering to (Using mods that directly affect unmodded players experience of the game) is about speed hacks, outright cheating in missions, etc. Using mods that affect the stability…
nothing common with what you try to describe as against the terms of use. Saying “yes” or “no” in the game is not like using a speed hack.
I can’t believe that we have to explain such things…


the speed hacks are not relevant do not mention them.

Using mods that directly affect unmodded players’ experience of the game

its the first line right here.
it effects me without me having any mods therefor it is against the rules set by fatshark, if they enforce them or not thats on them.


You choose to ignore the examples… you choose to ignore that Fatshark monitors the mods and can ask nexus to remove them.
When a rule is written, you have to consider everything… and not just what you want.
Your reasoning is absurd
They have put examples to illustrate. What you say is a non sense considering the examples. You choose to close your eyes and reinterpret the rule… your choice. But it is not the terms of use defined by fatshark. And telling me “don’t look at examples” is even more ridiculous and proves what I said here.
Enough with this… this is totally ridiculous.

My scoreboard:

One of the few game where the achlys worked… (cause if you get surrounded in an horde, you die with this weapon)

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its still against the rules.

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Scoreboard prevents toxicity. I expirienced that once back in the days, bozo start craptalking on the team, he probably thought noone is using scoreboard because UH PVE GAEM. I said he’s dmg taken is the worst and dmg output is 3rd place. He said something like “cause you aren’t doing your job”, lol, but strangely went silent for the rest of the run.

Without scoreboard people will behave toxic on others much more, cause there will be no way to call out them with proofs.


Fixed it for you

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5 wounds ogryn energy


i have not seen many people do great in a game and still be toxic. chances are if you play something like darktide long enough to be good at it you enjoy it.

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I’m very much in favour of scoreboards but I hate the fact that modders have access to them and we non-modders don’t.

It should be included in the game. If other coop shooters manage just fine with scoreboards then DT should be fine too.


Great write up Mez as always

Equating scoreboards and toxicity is a brilliant move by FatShark because it takes the discussion away from transparency and improvement.

SM2 has a scoreboard and is a far more successful game.

It’s laughable that some snowflakes in this thread want to make this a culture war issue. I don’t care if you grew up in the 80s and pretend to be tough, clearly you’re terrified of change lol

you literally asked about a yes/no option, at this point i´m not even sure whether this is serious…

my take is sticking to “rules” effects you way more than any feeling about mods does.
like, yeah i get why speed limits generally are a good thing, but when noones even near me within miles, i don´t give a flying kark.

besides, german autobahn must be hell then too, cause there´s plenty areas where “everything goes” and it´s still “within the rules”

i mean it helps pass the time while being on the clock so there´s that :man_shrugging:
but wait, not “working” at work might be against the “rules” :thinking:

Anti-social behaviour happens regardless of game stats being available or not. Not to mention for those who want scoreboards stats they are are there few steps away with mods.

I would argue that Fatshark design decisions regarding certain weapons, class abilities, game mechanics and penances have done MORE to enable toxic behaviour in-game than anything else. Barrels, broken weapons, 24/7 Smiters disabling fun for anyone in the team, stealth, broken mobility tech on few weapons, the way demonhost behaves when someone aggros and disconnects.

Said that in my 2000+ hours I ran into very few actual examples of anti-social behaviour. Some of it was irritating for sure, other examples are almost funny, but hardly game breaking.

If toxicity is the reason Fatshark never implemented an official scoreboard (data points definitely exist, this is what the mods use?), then you can also ask why the player reporting system is non-existent (as Fatshark admitted themselves), why the block list has limited number of player slots and is so rudimentary, and why players can be kicked from the game 20+ minutes into the map?