Not at all:


You can build lots of weapons differently. Do you want something to handle Chaos warriors? What about hordes? Or maulers where only their head is amored? I don’t know how many hours you have in Vermintide 2 but I got 2000 hours and will probably keep playing. And with 15 classes even if I run specific builds mainly with certain feats and weapons, as well as shared resources, it’s still a lot to experiment with. Then balance patches make me want to reroll my weapons.

I will direct you here to this conversation. It’s disingenuous to say people won’t chase it. If I am not hitting important break points (someone brings in the example of an autogun doing 3 bursts instead of 2 which would be solved by the blessing being a tier higher) that people will still chase it, reasonably so.

In the example I gave, if I ONLY played Veteran, and I ONLY liked bolter and power sword, do you think the average player would really just NEVER look at crafting again? With tier 2 blessings and perks and a 371 bolter? If you do, then what does it matter if the devs reduce the RNG to make it easier for people to actually accomplish it in a reasonable time? If you WANT there to be grind then you are taking the second “horn” and agreeing there’s at least a psychological mechanic designed into it so as to encourage people TO chase it! Not to mention WANTING to hit break points or wanting power cycler which only rolls as a tier 4. And if I want that plus power cycler… I am going to have a rough time.

So what is a REASONABLE amount of time to hunt for a SINGLE perfect weapon? How many hours should it take?

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