Well, i made a post a few days ago about weave rework and want to share some suggestion about other system rework. (i don’t know if make a new post is better than make a replies, but this post can be a clean and full version of what i want to tell.)
(sorry for my english)
In my suggestion :
weave doesn’t have a timer anymore
weave quickplay aren’t in a different section than normal quickplay,
weave quickplay can have 20% chance to be played when the host have winds of magic (edit: and check the check box),
you gain a soldier chest of the difficulty you select if you complete a quickplay weave.
(edit: ranked weave need bots and need to be joinable by quickplay if weave checkbox is check.)
Ranked weave go from 1 to 100
1-20 = recruit to veteran
21-40 = champion to legend
41-60 = cataclysme
61-100 = cataclysme 2&3
Custom game allow you to choose a deed & wind mutator, (edit: only 1 wind mutator max, you can select 3 mutator max to get 1 chest xp bar)
if you select a deed the game is register as deed for the quickplay finder
if you select a wind the game is register as weave for the quickplay finder
you can select wind mutator only if you have winds of magic.
if you select both, only player with both selected can join
Wind mutator doesn’t change the look of the map, you only get the wind effect.
if a player use quickplay and join a custom game with wind or deed mutator, he gain the reward emplifier for the final chest (you can see in bellow images)
The mutator reward emplifier add 1/3 chest xp bar per mutator. (max 1 bar)
Ranked weave progression doesn’t reset anymore,
Every day, a daily ranked weave is available and give more reward if done in higher difficulty (see images bellow)
Fortunes of war get weekly with more reward if done in higher difficulty (see images bellow)
(Edit: Athanor give +300 power lvl for weave game mode, doesn’t work as a build creator, only a buff system, you can apply 3 bonus in amulet of ashur.
Each bonus have 3 or more choice, you can select only one and get this bonus for weave game mode only.
Athanor get a season shop where you can find a repeatable chest progression.
You can complete the progression with essence and get the reward when progression complete.
Athanor weapons are now only skins ! When you unlock a athanor skin, you can equip or unequip it to replace you weapon skin to those skin in weave game mode only.)
select a deed mutator:
select a wind mutator:
custom with mutator:
ranked weave:
weave daily:
fortunes of war weelky:
EDIT: (every images bellow are post by editing)
athanor weapons skin:
athanor season loot: (it’s just an example)
athanor amulet upgrade: (it’s just an example)