Given the day I’ll allow myself a trip through the realm of make-believe when contributing to this topic.
The biggest thing that I’d want is more design cohesion and coherence. Verm1 & 2 remind me a lot of a couple of much older games, Icewind Dale 1 & 2. Or for people who are newer to gaming, Dark Souls 1 & 2. In all cases, the first game is a lot smaller in scale and has a much more focused and cohesive design, while the 2nd is sprawling and throwing so much at the player content-wise that it ends up feeling diluted and lacking direction. On the gameplay side, I think this could be addressed by rounding up the rosters of the already present factions. Skaven are fine the way they are presented, but the Rotbloods could use an extra special or two, which would give them enough variety to make for interesting encounters just by themselves. They have a couple of forgotten sorcerers in the game files. Mentions of them still show up at times as in-game tips or voicelines from Bardin, so maybe something can be done there? It would be very fun to be able to play a Chaos themed map like the War Camp or Skittergate (Norsca side) and see the Rotbloods stand by themselves. The situation with Beastmen is more complicated, as they are first and foremost a faction missing a proper playground (up until Chaos Wastes). Maybe Gors with shields could be added to bring some variety (they are a part of their core roster after all), maybe another variant of Bestigors and an extra special(s) in the form of bray shaman(s) having abilities tied to various lores of magic (wilds, beasts, death, shadows; I imagine there’s plenty to choose from). The Chaos Spawn that can show up as a monster for them could probably use some cosmetic tweaking, to make it distinct from the other variant and apparent as the rampant mutation of a gor instead of a norscan. Functionally it could be exactly the same.
Assuming the lack of units present in some factions is addressed, then there’s the problem of playgrounds. It’s kinda weird to visit Norscan encampments in the Chaos Wastes and find them populated by rats and beastmen, especially since the latter hate any form of civilization, be it one as primitive and warlike as that of the Rotbloods. I wouldn’t mind having some maps hard-coded with specific factions that make sense in the presented environments. Beastmen belong in the wilds and dark places, Skaven have their siege camps and gnaw their way through the underground and into forlorn towers, Rotbloods have their icy bays and so forth.
Lastly, it would be high time to do something with weaves, because it’s a crime to let all that work go to waste. So much effort has been put into their presentation, their visual design, the voicelines and soundtrack and most of it remains inaccessible to the majority of the player base. In my opinion, the timer and leaderboards have to go. They achieved nothing apart from making paid content inaccessible for most players. Just by bringing the mechanics of the maps closer to Vermintide’s core gameplay would likely solve most of the issues and turn it into a mode just as popular as the Campaign or Expeditions. And since beastmen came along with the Winds of Magic, maybe it’s time they properly interact with them when being in the presence of a specific wind. It would make for an interesting and unique gameplay to the mode.
And since we’re here, it would be nice to have an integrated system with which to construct challenging gameplay. I have a lot of shillings gathering dust. I wouldn’t mind spending them on some form of contracts or the likes from Lohner’s Shop that would allow me to play specific maps with all sorts of mutators (deed mutators, weave mutators, event mutators like the skull of Blosphoros etc.)
On the technical side, hopefully there’s a fix for the inventory crisis. I know something is in the works regarding the migration of cosmetics to another storage solution. Hopefully I don’t end up in a situation where I need to start salvaging my collection of red weapons. I would like to see the problems with cosmetics being fixed (mainly mismatching colors), and I would like to dream about being able to change the color of the glowy weapons so as to match the rest of the apparel. This game has always been about style first and foremost. Half the charm of bonking rats is looking the part.
That’s about it on the content side. There’s also the issue of balance, which is a massive undertaking in its own right.