Remove the unpopular modifiers

Why does a melee only maelstrom exist that has no ammo pickups? Might as well just change the modifier to “PSYKERS ONLY”. Then we have the gunner Maelstrom. Never touched this maelstrom, never will. At least on my psyker the melee one was kind of fun, couldn’t imagine anyone finding a purely gunner map fun by any means.


Melee-only is my favorite modifier.


Only people playing melee only are ogryns and psykers. Having a modifier that has no ammo pickups when 4/4 classes, 3 of which REQUIRE ammo use makes absolutely no sense. Terrible decision, needs to be removed. Having a modifier that caters to one specific class is a weird design choice

My favorite modifier, no need to remove. And every class has melee weapons that can deal with the armored enemies. It is a skill issue if you can’t deal with enemies playing certain classes.


Entirely possible to do with a Veteran who can manage ammo efficiently. Use a dedicated loadout for melee-only Maelstroms. It’s a lot of fun!


I actually really like the mostly ranged modifier…but it’s rarer than hens teeth. Almost never see it.

Always nurgles blessing or that f***ing BS hounds and Sniper gauntlet :man_facepalming:


I hate the hounds modifier, mutants are also the bane of my existence. I can dodge dogs and trappers better than mutants lmao. I avoid that ranged maelstrom like the plague

I like to see the modifier from time to time, but i don’t like seeing it one time after the other (thanks to the bad sistem so i can’t choose the modifier i want to play).

And i don’t think you’ll see only psykers and ogryns, knife+uncanny strike is soo OP (and can be used on the 3 classes), i do find the limitacion on the weapons list that u can bring to the modifier aren’t so fun to play with, i mean using a devil’s claw, heavy sword or shock maul is not going to be so usefull in a room full of crushers compared to a psyker or uncanny strike+knife, duelling sword, deimos.

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I mean the game is an fps, if I wanted melee only I’d go back to vermintide 2 lol

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I guess that’s more of the issue, the repeating cycle of some modifiers. Last few days I have seen some modifiers repeat 2 or 3 times on the same maelstrom

Not true in my experience, especially playing personally as a vet and loving the crunch from the lack of ammo. Feels like some real stakes.

If anything, we need more maelstroms, more options. Not fewer.


To each their own, I hop on this game to shoot guns and have fun melee combat. If I wanted a good melee experience with no ammo I’d just go back to v2, they do a much better job.

CIVI is one of the most fun but it’s sadly smyker bait

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I probably win most of my games in the melee mode by playing vet. I can understand that its not for everyone but i personally play it every time its on.

If anything i think mostly shooter is the one that need some serious re-thinking.

Psykers completely ruin the melee only modifer. It’s a fun modifier and bringing a staff removes the only interesting part about it. It would be better if they weren’t allowed to que into it. Vets with Survivalist are fine as it isn’t 100% uptime stagger or kill on everything.

My biggest complaint with it is that it forces you to bring weapons with good ap. I like Monstrous more than it because it allows more loadout variety.


melee only scab is the best maelstrom modifier in the entire game. if you think you cant to melee only on say zealot or ogryn you shouldnt be playing this game


Do you know they introduced a melee class called Zealot’?


Have you tried doing this one with a gunner psyker? A good Lasgun is a great fit because of the large ammo pool it has considering it also does ~300dmg per shot. Or, you can use the wall build with a voidstrike stick.

I mean, the combat is hybrid. You can choose melee and that is just as valid as shooting. Even more valid with the melee only modifier since there are very few ranged enemies.

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yep. a melee modifier game should stay as melee oriented as possible and increase peril drastically for example, so psykering away is of very limited utility.

any class can play civi and have fun. it’s just that many psykers play civi “wrong” by using staves and especially that unspeakable smite. they don’t need to. they’re nimble and have deimos and rapiers that can put a crusher on his ass. one recent example:

speaking of smite, it’s a badly designed mechanic. it’s a panic button that puts the game on pause, like a zealot stun grenade, but permanently. sure it’s effective at that, but one doesn’t learn anything by using it. it needs a rework as a short stun pulse, a rending wave or something, not a celebration of “unlimited power”.