Darktide Only Melee no Ammo Pickups 1,944,800 MILLION Damage Run

My biggest complain is still the bugged plasma animation and apparently I heard there seems to be “ghost shots” not the regular hit reg issues we have with fs since always. Let alone silent poxburster.

Otherwise only melee is the most fun mode and I wish we had a extra tab only for MAELSTROM modifiers.


great game. You also did revived a lot of teammates and wasnt just greedy dmg dealer.

But i think like “No ammo” should block veteran aura xD kinda defeats the point, since you always have ammo with how much elites and specials there are

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Well currently the way plasma and most ogryn 1 magazine weapon work is just with scav you never have to pick up ammo same on normal missions.

It certainly feels like cheating and I like to have to ration my ammo household and that’s why I hardly ever play with scav aura on auric exception is mostly melee no ammo pickups

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