Red and Cosmetic drop rates are too RNG


this is extremely hard to quantify honestly. if 1 character holds of an entire horde or boss while one other dude is running to res up people, would it be unfair to give the resser a better chance at loot? this would lead to people gaming the system and have a negative impact on gameplay. eg. things like ressing would be a priority over anything else since you get a bigger bonus for a chance at better loot, so you would start to see things like people ‘letting’ teammates die so they can be heroic and rescue them etc

i currently like the simple objective based approach now “just get it done asap no matter what”

but the loot system definitely has issues.

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Agreed with the droprates being ridiculous. I’ve just finished grinding my last character to 30, I’ve opened 100+ legend/champ chests plus my commendation chests (all on my 30+40 IB), and I’ve gotten zero cosmetics and 2 reds, both necklaces. Meanwhile my friend who I’ve been carrying in legend opens three vaults today and gets a red trinket, charm, and spear. I’m so salt I came to the forums.

Welp it could be tied to team perfomance not character.

Yeah obviously not one char gets the points but the team.

  • Let’s say you start off with a base line of a whole bar of Ranald’s.
  • You have X free downs (or none, depending on how punishing we want it to be), after that every down reduces the bonus, if the downed player dies more bonus is reduced and friendly fire or whatever else you wanna throw in.
  • Every team action, so things like saves, aides, revives and team heals for example increase the bonus (obviously a revive gives less back than a down reduces)
  • Dice increase the chance for higher rarity within each box tier and not the box tier itself.

Like this team performance would be rewarded or punished. If you get through with 3g2t and played well as a team you’re guaranteed to get an Emperors how it should be and get rewarded as a team. This would make the loot more predictable and also probably encourage team play more and reduce stupid, selfish scoreboard actions.

100 hours, about 70 hours on champ with 30 (+20) dwarf, no reds, no cosmetics.

Someday we might be able to use crafting to get reds because crafting falls off and becomes an utterly useless game mechanic at a certain point. For an extreme cost, though. They’ll also probably add cosmetics & reds to heroic deed stuff but that’d be more of an insult especially to people who actually engaged in them. I’ve already used my most valuable and difficult ones and they disappear after doing that.

Heroic deeds are a little less obnoxious to obtain than Reds & Hats but…that’s not saying a lot lol.

For the amount of time you have to spend on farming reds, its just not worth it. What’s the point in making em so rare if they don’t do anything special?

r u serious

Yes? Because it is easier to roll perfect stats on an orange item, than it is to find a red.


i was trying to be rhetorical but failed.

a red item’s value is in that perfect stats are attained for every roll. i would like to see your attempts to roll in order to get 2 desired properties with perfect rolls each on an orange.

it has value in that it is red, has a special skin, and a collectible. is it so hard to comprehend people covet it because it is unique?

i do agree tho, in it’s current state, it’s really hard to farm for them.

well, 3% roughly for a red, factor in the number of items you could possibly get and repeats, and since you prolly want a certain weapon set up its insanely low probability you will get a usable red, example I got executioners sword last night, but with phantom swings its useless, so im still using my orange halberd instead /shrug

That 3% is from all Legend Emperor chests.

Halberd suffers from phantom swings too though, just saying :stuck_out_tongue:

huh, never seen it happen with mine odd

yeah I know

170+ hours played, over half of it on legend, not a single red item while everyone in my group has at least one red item (one has eight).

Unless he edited his OP, he did say team performance.

I’ll just go ahead and post this again.

You mean to tell me getting 3 reds(all charms), isn’t your idea of fun? No? Welcome to my world.

i agree this needs to be changed, i think quests and challenges are the best route for cosmetics as you can actually earn them instead if just RNG. destiny 1 had that same problem and they fixed exotics to be obtainable through more quests then just RNG (and then bungie threw that out the window in destiny 2 for a bad game)

but anyway i agree. RNG is good for the low tier stuff but RNG needs to be either reworked or removed all together with reds and especially cosmetics