I’ve made 3 posts in the past 4 months. I’m like so low effort I’m not even here. Or you’re just making poop up to try and discredit me.
Why is this so f-cking difficult I dont understand. This ISNT a pay to win game (pay to progress by old name) like WoT or War Thunder.
YOUR F-CKING model ISNT based on people progressing as slow as possible so they cough up money, THERE IS ZERO reason for the item system to be this ass and YET you have nothing to say after SIX MONTHS of silence.
I know that you Catfish are not to blame my anger is squarely aimed the at company, bu holy sh-t this is bad
“Throneside missions (Enclavum Baross & Comms Plex 154/2f)” - But not Sycorax? Poor.
“We are not ready to announce anything concrete yet, but stay tuned.” - I guess you still havent learned yet, that we DO NOT CARE about your maybe. Just say yes already and lets get this over with.
These 5 lines took 3 weeks to write and bring us nothing but “maybe something will work soon”. Really sad.
They had over 6 months to do something. What a twisted fuzcking brain do you have that after 6 months you are jumping with joy and defend them for saying “lol maybe, probably not kek get fuccked”
Who hurt you, that you suck off a company that just wants your money?
What you’re saying here is that FatShark has, in their infinite wisdom, decided to leave the game in it’s horrific anti-player state over summer. That you’re perfectly happy to continue to bleed players, and that any players coming back to the game, or exploring it for the first time during summer holidays, will slam their heads against the ineffable wall of RNG and anti-choice, and simply leave the game and never buy anything from FatShark ever again. How clever of you.
It’s also important to …
The game runs worse than even at launch for me and many others.
Each bug they fix they roll back later or oveshoot and bug it out again.
2 new maps, the first one released they carved out of the launch game because it wasnt ready.
Full new weapons? I have seen a lot of new marks. Which full new weapons?
The Cosmeticcs should have been there from the start, they took the cosmetic everyone wanted (shirtless) away again REAL fast too.
So you suck them off for, after 6 months, having moved 1 in…
The fact that they’re even considering blessing balance changes before going on summer vacation, with the current locks in place, speaks to how incredibly incompetent they are. They are guaranteed to both break something (make it OP or UP accidentally), and to ruin a blessing or two (on purpose) to the point that people will now feel they have useless items. To do that right before dissappearing for 1-2 months, with the locks in place, is so stupid I don’t even know what to say.
Are you an idiot or are you just trying to bait us?
If option 1 - we told them loud and clear in january and since then that progression is objective ass
And after 6months they say “oh yea, your feedback. We will tell you about it later … maybe”
Spoken like true politicians, lots of talk with nothing to say.
Quite impressive really.
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity
More and more I think it’s this. Because you have to be stupid to not realize the goodwill that would be generated at this point by being more transparent and forthcoming.
Checked the refreshed Aquilla store.
Out of 4 new PAID skins:
2 have sh*tty tiger camo
1 is cheap clone of garbs
1 looks like a cheap SS officier in leather
Seriously? Can your designers do anything else than stupid tiger and jungle camo?
Where are all those datamined cosmetics? Are you saving them until there is less than 100 concurrent players?
Because you are tired How about YOU go and look at another thread I will complain under every karkin commslink this dumpster fire of a company releases until they actually DO something and stop treating me, A PAYING CUSTOMER, like a piece of trash.
110% this.
Stop fuccking around, FS. You have just begun to find out… let’s not go down this path.
Oh you mean they added basic f-cking features that at least allowed people to play the weapon of THEIR CHOICE ?
And I actually back then defended FS before the patch landed and I saw how BAD the system is … 310 average power level brunts shop is ass, post game rewards are all over the place and I didnt get one that I played for more than 2 matches cuz they sucked.
No, Fatshark made an ass system and we are telling them about it - specifically the locks + resources siloing + blessing randomness…
My god this is dire.
If there’s anything to convince me to not install this game until after summer (at the earliest) it’s the knowledge that FS will completely break their own game with poor code when they try to integrate the two platforms and then leave it barely functional before they EffOff on holiday. Adjustments to blessings will turn players weapons into potatoes too. You know… those weapons the players spent a gajillion hours farming mats and human sacrifice to the RNG gods to get…
There’s more if you keep scrolling down, and that’s just one comm-link, and tons more in other threads too. I’m not going to hold you hand finding every rude or mean spirited comment. It’s easy to claim it’s not happening when the worst of it gets deleted. There’s plenty that have been deleted that I can’t show you. No dev wants to read that poop.