What you’re saying here is that FatShark has, in their infinite wisdom, decided to leave the game in it’s horrific anti-player state over summer. That you’re perfectly happy to continue to bleed players, and that any players coming back to the game, or exploring it for the first time during summer holidays, will slam their heads against the ineffable wall of RNG and anti-choice, and simply leave the game and never buy anything from FatShark ever again. How clever of you.
It’s also important to note that this is the first time you, FatShark, has even mentioned that these issues exist at all. For six months. The first time.
It’s also incredibly important to note that you, FatShark, have previously talked about how important player agency is, in the very same post you then went on to describe how RNG and locks would completely destroy any notion of player agency. Quite frankly, you can’t be trusted as far as a two year old could throw you. You also, in this very first time mentioning that these issues exist at all… Say absolutely nothing meaningful about them whatsoever. You’re talking about ‘changes’, which could mean anything at all. It could mean more RNG, and honestly, why would we think you’d do anything else?
You, FatShark, have shown yourselves to be capable of ideas so stupendously stupid that they might end up destroying your company reputation forever. Would it not perhaps be an idea to float your changes to the community for feedback, before you put out these ‘changes’? Is it possible that the universally negative feedback, the countless youtube videos, the articles on gaming sites - is it not possible that you should feel humbled enough to realize you have no frigging idea what you’re doing? That perhaps, for once, actually looking at feedback might be a good idea?
You sure do know how to keep dissappointing over and over, FatShark. The fact that you’re not dismantling the current locks and horrific RNG over summer while you work on something better is just mindblowingly stupid.