I’ve played a lot of games. My level in the game has long exceeded 600, and lately (especially last week) I feel FRUSTRATED that people just come out of matches where they fell once.
Yes, it has happened that I have also suffered, I am a sinner. But I don’t do it ALL the TIME. What kind of fashion has gone that one mistake and that’s it, you’re leaving?
Is it related to achievements? What good are they if the game is lost and the heretics are still alive?
People still are trying to get auric storm survivor. The thing is, unless they push themselves and deal with the defeat, they’re losing skill. They won’t operate under pressure or desperately fight to keep that last wound. So it’s more a disservice to them than it is to you.
yeah it’s a bit annoying and think it would be better for all to make the title penance reset when leaving.
Even with the game chrasing
It’s not like they are hard to get legit.
But now I find those runs kinda funny having like 2-3 people join and dc under a run
“oh noooes we lost another smyker trying to smite a whole run, how sadge.
But atleast we got this ogrin that doesn’t know how to dodge or push things.
wooops he’s gone after getting trapped for the fifth time”
the thing is going down isn’t the same as dying, so idk why they’d leave unless they were actually having to be revived at a checkpoint thing. maybe they should clarify that on the penance.
Usually for me they won’t instantly DC when they go down. Usually it’s when half the revive timer has gone and it doesn’t look like the revive is going to go through.
Exception being when a player has over extended super far.
This wold probably be a good idea.
They could reset these two penances for everyone and then change the logic so that “not finishing” a mission also counts as ending the streak.
Those who did the penances legit in the first place, will probably just get them again within 10 matches or so.
And after that, the titles will actually mean something.
It would be a tiny and temporary inconvenience for some, but an overall win for all who deserve it.
A big inconvenience for those who do not deserve it.
Only problem is, that the game still crashes quite often.
Still, I’m one of those people who quit literally all the time. I’m not proud of it in the least, but it just is what it is. I simply can’t deal with the soundless trappers, dogs or maulers / crushers, or getting stuck in random pebbles and stairs for no reason.
I’ve played since release and rarely left games before the class overhaul and all those sound bugs. But after that things just got completely out of hand, especially for that long period where we’d have instaspawning & soundless bursters too. I absolutely refuse to stay in a game with a cheating AI. I can’t help it.
And it’s just sad that outside of those Darktide is just absolutely amazing and one of my favorite games ever. But if I had to actually sit there dead and do nothing but wait because of complete garbage like that? I’d very likely uninstall and move on for good. So my only choice is to leave & reset the whole thing.
Thankfully leavers are instantly replaced by bots and soon enough by new players, and I’ve never really had any issues with others leaving my games. I know it’s not the same, I’m experienced enough to handle them even with a few bots around but leaving newbies with bots isn’t fair to them. I just don’t know what else I can do. And while this is no defense or excuse, leavers also give up any weekly progress & materials collected in the mission thus far so it’s literally a waste of time with zero progression.
Most of the time on Auric I stay. In normal damnation, I can quit for these reasons:
teammates are in wrong difficulty… ok one is still alive… but no way he will survive
teammates don’t play as a team
well, do you see these 25 crushers, 12 bulwarks, 8 snipers, the dreg bomber, the 2 scab bombers, the DH that is killing my friend in the background while the nurgle beast has eaten the other one… i have fallen, but sure the last one will… wait… let’s return Morningstar… (hypothesis with Auric)
In the span of 2 days and about 6 hours of play I had 10 different people leave as soon as they would go down. It’s actually hilarious people are cheesing a title meant to show you are good at surviving.
“Hey guys, look at my Auric Storm Survivor title: proceeds to go down every minute and crumbles at any sign of adversity.”
You can wear all the titles you want, your gameplay will show you cheesed the title and then you’ll look like even more of a complete fool.
Me, I just take the L – I don’t usually play games I’m not at risk of losing since I enjoy the challenge of a good struggle.
I understand where some people come from, in that it affects them personally to the extent where leaving is simply better for their mental health.
Achievement chasers on the other hand, I’ll never understand (and don’t particularly want to). Getting the achievement is about the journey there, if people want to exploit their way to a hollow victory then I almost feel sorry for them.
Finally, I’ve had some games get clutched by a bot revive after a downed player leaves – it’s not a strategy I’m willing to employ but I get it. I actually assumed that’s why people did it at all, not really considering the achievement aspect of it.
I personally not really bothered by people leaving (unless it’s leaving after agroing DH, which sucks).
Many things can happen to cause this, like being very unsatisfied with your performance, taking a break, realizing that this build is not your thing (usually you realize this after being downed), something came up IRL, or you are doing a penance I suppose (this reasoning is kinda…)
Also, I need to say that there’s a difference between ALT + F4 and just leaving, in the first case game will wait for you to return, in the second you will be immediatly replaced.
Really the only thing that makes me not very happy is that DH will target another player if targeted player left or didn’t let it finish him off. I understand why does it do that, but that is… well, I do not like it.
Dude agroed DH, dude left, DH killed another player, which kinda defeats the point of previous change that limits DH to only kill one player. I can just agro DH → leave → + troll points.
It will bother you when you are playing a Maelstrom that pops up maybe once a week. Try finding a Maelstrom with Specials/Monsters/Pox gas/Snipers. I have seen that modifier maybe three times since their last major update.
It is a very fun modifier if you have a good team yet people leaving completely ruins the experience and it happens more often than not because we have people who aren’t even close to being ready for Maelstrom queing for these games trying to cheese their Auric Survivor title.