For me, this is always a mixed bag. Mostly due to the fact that I enjoy winning/or being the carry. It’s obviously not guaranteed, and there are plenty of matches where everyone contributes/I’m trying out something new and getting carried. But sometimes there’s just 3 rejects on your team, and you gotta pull out all the stops to try and win.
And in that insanely heightened state, where you KNOW you are the one holding things together, the moment you drop, if your team isn’t like RIGHT on top of you, you see them getting pushed away instantly by the horde they can no longer deal with, and it’s like ‘heck dang it, I gotta see if I can salvage this/make up for my f up’.
And that combined with the adrenaline always has me hitting the alt f4 and trying to rejoin. As I’d always rather try and see a win in the face of all odds, verses just go ‘dam, welp I missed 1 dodge in a 30 minute game, better luck next time I guess’. It would feel different/it does feel different during the instances where it’s a culmination of your own actions that cause the issue (I sit down and reflect on my poor choices when I’m off alone and the trapper nets me/dog pounces me and I don’t respond accordingly), but when ‘it doesn’t feel like your fault’ (which this game is so, so very adept at doing with trappers through hordes/walls or multi burster insta wipes etc etc) the mind wants to salvage the situation, and it sucks going from ‘everything is fine’ to ‘ohh, I died, and now the team literally can not function, what the heck’.
But, to that end, this isn’t like an ‘every game’ scenario, so I’d greatly appreciate some form of ‘leaver buster’ counter, especially for the people actively leaving sessions and not rejoining. Say what you will but a bot is better than a fully dead teammate, and at least for ME they function just enough sometimes to pull through until a new warm body fills the seat. Not always, but to enough of a degree I’m not upset when the downed guy goes away, as the bot is probably serving better than them anyway.
But something that fights the chronic leavers, those that are doing it every game for as stated, if they aren’t getting carried ‘it’s not worth it’ and they bounce, a stacking hit that punishes those taht don’t rejoin or auto leave like 3-4 times in a match, that’s what every other game has, and I’d be all for something like that.
Reward those that stick into a game, punish those that drop out over and over and over, and leave the ones that ‘want to see what happens’ in the ‘almost there’ games to themselves. That’s my thought at least.