Leavers/Quitters should be finally dealt with

I’ve only played auric event for the last couple of week (no Maelstrom, so it’s not A.S.S. issue), and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a single match ending with the same people who were there from the beggining. Auric is infested with leavers, people ragequit at every given opportunity: if they go down, if they die, if they trigger DH, if they get netted, whenever something goes wrong.

These players have no place on Auric, simple as that. I am pretty sure the game already has a tracking system which can tell how the session was ended (manual, force-quit (aka alt-f4), disconnect, etc). Those who lack discipline and skill and leave manually or via alt-f4 should recieve a time-out from Auric only. First it could be 10-15 minutes, then it may increase progresively if the subject keeps quitting.

Also, here is a video on this topic:


The issue with punishment systems is that ultimately there is no way to tell if someone intentionally disconnected or if it was a real, not-his-fault honest to god disconnect or crash. Sure you can track if someone alt+f4s or manually, but then people can just pull the plug, or maybe even use mods to induce a DC/fake crash. You can not actually lock it down that way.
I think rather than punishing people who DC it would be far better to reward players who don’t DC. It should be something substantial enough to encourage them to keep playing, but something that isn’t so bad it would frustrate someone who legitimately has a black out at his home.
Alternatively (or on top of this), Fatshark should just stop designing the game in such a way to encourage doing this. Get rid of those stupid penances and redesign them, and finally fix the braindead exploit that lets people avoid the consequences of dying by reviving themselves via disconnecting.

Overall though I fully agree this is a pretty big issue and at this point it messes with the mission flow even. I go fight my way to someone who went down, oops, looks like he DCd and now I’m in a corner alone for no reason. It’s annoying if not downright griefing, and generally it takes away from the coop experience a bit when you just cycle through teammates throughout a single mission. Not to mention the bots are utter trash and missions near the ending won’t have players load in, so you’re stuck with a garbage bot.

PS: It’s funny that the video uses Dark Souls 2 music. Dark Souls 2 had a pretty funny punishment system for players who alt+f4 or otherwise DC out of invasions: You’d just get online banned. To counteract it you have to play the game for ~15 hours which spawns an item that allows you to unban yourself. It worked pretty well there, but the game also had less crashing than Darktide does


I think this would be a great way to handle it.

This could also fix most of the issue.


True, but I think most quitters won’t bother with going that far. My simple idea would at least help to weed out the majority of them.

I used to think that way too, now I am confident that this is just a mentality and skill issue. While the penances are indeed a problem, their impact on leavers is much lower than actual nerdrage problems. In my experience, A.S.S. was out of question, because people quit on non-maelstrom auric T5 missions, and other penances could just be done on normal T4 missions.

I remember that too. DS2 times were golden, even though the game wasn’t good :smiley:

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in the end, there are too many selfish and impatient players who can’t stand losing. the moment they die, they quit the match and jump into the next one. repeating this over and over, they never improve and it’s honestly pathetic.
fortunately, i don’t rely on other players, so i’ve stopped immediately reviving those who go down. it’s not worth taking the risk, so i don’t share ammo or medicare stations with players like that either.

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oof, how can the community get better when you treat them like this?


After 4-5 carrots, it’s time for the stick.
I always give people the benefit of the doubt, but if someone is constantly doing selfish anti-team crap and treating everyone else like an NPC, I’m voicing my/our discontentment.

Not saying anything is passive agreement and acceptance of their karkhole behavior.
You want the community to get better? Don’t reward bad behavior.

P.S. Brace yourself for a deluge of these shenanigans, winter’s coming.


Wouldn’t it be better if you could disconnect as you please, but while the match was in progress you could only rejoin that match?

Admittedly I’m guilty of leaving the (very) odd game to play with friends, which would no longer work…

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Its also extremely easy to make it look like a dc if you know what you are doing.


That would put the remaining team in a pretty bad situation because now they’re stuck with a garbo bot if the guy doesn’t join back


As long as ‘complete 10 auric games without dying exists’

Leavers will exist this penance will encourage people to leave, losing what could be hours of progress because of someone else’s mistake or failure is jarring.

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I get that it’s frustrating to have people leave all the time.

Most of the people that leave my matches these days, do so after they have died and wouldn’t do it for the penance anymore. People just cant stand the fact that they have to sit there and do nothing for a while.

Most of the time, if someone dies, the match is actually over. It’s much rarer that someone is able to clutch the situation. Something else that I think contributes to this; the respawn points are always way too far away and it therefore takes way too long to be saved. A map that’s especially bad with this, magistrati oubliette.

tl;dr: most peole are too bad at the game and respawn points take too long to get to. Ever noticed how much less people quit during events?

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I think the inverse is true, actually. I usually see people stick around if they’re the only one dead, since 3P or even 2P can reliably salvage, but the moment it’s up to one person, the run is usually doomed. Most people would rather move on to another game than wait 5 minutes and see if the solo player is actually gonna clutch, because they probably won’t. I don’t solo clutch reliably, and reliable solo clutches shouldn’t be a thing in the first place anyways.


For me, this is always a mixed bag. Mostly due to the fact that I enjoy winning/or being the carry. It’s obviously not guaranteed, and there are plenty of matches where everyone contributes/I’m trying out something new and getting carried. But sometimes there’s just 3 rejects on your team, and you gotta pull out all the stops to try and win.

And in that insanely heightened state, where you KNOW you are the one holding things together, the moment you drop, if your team isn’t like RIGHT on top of you, you see them getting pushed away instantly by the horde they can no longer deal with, and it’s like ‘heck dang it, I gotta see if I can salvage this/make up for my f up’.

And that combined with the adrenaline always has me hitting the alt f4 and trying to rejoin. As I’d always rather try and see a win in the face of all odds, verses just go ‘dam, welp I missed 1 dodge in a 30 minute game, better luck next time I guess’. It would feel different/it does feel different during the instances where it’s a culmination of your own actions that cause the issue (I sit down and reflect on my poor choices when I’m off alone and the trapper nets me/dog pounces me and I don’t respond accordingly), but when ‘it doesn’t feel like your fault’ (which this game is so, so very adept at doing with trappers through hordes/walls or multi burster insta wipes etc etc) the mind wants to salvage the situation, and it sucks going from ‘everything is fine’ to ‘ohh, I died, and now the team literally can not function, what the heck’.

But, to that end, this isn’t like an ‘every game’ scenario, so I’d greatly appreciate some form of ‘leaver buster’ counter, especially for the people actively leaving sessions and not rejoining. Say what you will but a bot is better than a fully dead teammate, and at least for ME they function just enough sometimes to pull through until a new warm body fills the seat. Not always, but to enough of a degree I’m not upset when the downed guy goes away, as the bot is probably serving better than them anyway.

But something that fights the chronic leavers, those that are doing it every game for as stated, if they aren’t getting carried ‘it’s not worth it’ and they bounce, a stacking hit that punishes those taht don’t rejoin or auto leave like 3-4 times in a match, that’s what every other game has, and I’d be all for something like that.

Reward those that stick into a game, punish those that drop out over and over and over, and leave the ones that ‘want to see what happens’ in the ‘almost there’ games to themselves. That’s my thought at least.

I’ve played since release and quitters have never been a problem. Yes, it happens all the time, but it doesn’t matter. People quit when they go down, get replaced by bots that are still standing up & fighting, then get replaced by other players a minute or two later. If anything, the problem with quitters is how it helps the team. That’s why the whole alt + f4 exploit exists after all (it shouldn’t).

Leaver penalties are as a rule used exclusively for ranked play, PvP, or games with no mid-mission quick join etc, because there it has a real harmful impact on both teams. Darktide is nothing like them. The only thing it would do here is placate either the petty & vengeful control freaks, or ppl who overstepped so far above their skills they can’t even handle 1-2 minutes with a bot.

Worse, DT is filled with issues like instant deaths to sound bugs & instantly spawning bursters, getting stuck in stairs and thin air, joining ongoing missions and spawning into a fiasco of a firestorm with an empty clip while down to 20hp & already surrounded by 20 crushers… and more. To even think of leaver penalties before the perfectly understandable reasons for why people leave in the first place is unreasonable.

That said, Havoc mode actually is the equivalent of ranked play. Leaving there affects not just your team, but could also be used as a way to cheat yourself out of a deserved loss. So for that mode, I agree that something like this is needed. For the rest of the game tho? Absolutely not.

Dead By Daylight was a fun game until they added leaver penalties without addressing tunneling and other obvious open griefing. Enabling toxics and bullies like that is why I stopped playing it. Now this is just my opinion ofc and I only speak for myself, but I can promise you all right now the day DT gets leaver penalties on regular T5+ - without first fixing the bugs & bs -, is the day I leave for good.


I support this message.

Tangentially related, but when quitting out of the game via the menu during a mission, the game treats it exactly the same as a disconnect or alt-f4. It reserves the slot for 5 minutes and everything. Makes you think.


Also speaking for myself, but I certainly wouldn’t miss you since this entire post suggests you get downed, go “not fair! bugged game mechanics!” and quit out. This game isn’t broken enough to warrant acting like deaths aren’t your fault. It’s fair to say there’s a lot of crashes and errors that boot you from the game to make leaver penalties less feasible, but to act like it’s the game’s fault that you constantly ragequit after getting downed by something… wow


You also see this a lot around mods for absent sound cues, etc. Sh-- happens! IMO laugh it off, take the L, spectate a bit, and move on!

A lot of people have low tolerance for this kind of frustration though, especially in their games. While I think that can be a harmful mindset, outside of weighing in liberally with my opinions I’m not sure policing it will lead to good outcomes. Generally I support player agency even if it means some bad actors can abuse it, since I feel often more good comes than bad.

I am tragically optimistic, though… :innocent: