Please Improve Barrels

Honestly, I think barrels are the worst part of this game. They’re only good if you want to troll others.

Sure, you can kill 10 trash mobs faster with fire damage, but do I really care? Can I easily kill 10 trash mobs without risking damage to myself or my teammates? Yes, no problem.

The issue is that “most” people want to blast them regardless of whether there are teammates in the radius or not. And this happens with players in T5 Mael.

How can we fix this? Can you make it so that the damage from barrels also affects those who detonate them? To be honest, the detonater should take double damage if it hurts the team so people will try to be very careful. I’m always super careful not to hurt my team with barrels and poxbursters, but some people just don’t care.

FatShark, can you do anything to improve this annoying feature?


they are meant to be an obstacle, not a tool.

recent penances that want me to blow x heretics with barrels doesn´t change the fact they are a hazard to sabotage a run.

and in this… they are fine, making a maybe quicker path less safe.

a bit dated and going far back to the golden days of doom, but exploding barrels are a staple of such games, for good or worse.

some meaningful changes could be red barrels being able to refuel a flamer maybe.

i mean it´s burning material inside.

both could be made throwable by ogryns for shts and giggles.


That’s the fked up part.
There are plenty of ways to get fked by teammates. I don’t mind helping ppl trying out the hardest content in the game. I get Xbox players, low level players in my runs all the time and I don’t care. I don’t mind if they are not good enough for the difficulty, constantly dying or whatever. But getting hurt/killed because of barrels by a teammate is shet.

No, I use them to get around faster as ogryn. Its fine.


if the way´s clear i shoot them preemtively to prevent a possible yeet. ending of refinery delta is a prime example.

before the punies run for them shinies i blow them barrels so no one yeets the other in the heat of battle.

hab dreyko stair case is another such place. be the first to blow em, problem solved.

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I ended up just shooting them all as I entered an area, before we got into range.

Other than that, when you can’t push, it gives you time to count your melee Talents.

hm? You explode them on yourself?

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I do that also. But that only supports my point how dumb the barrels are.

This game would be AT LEAST 15% better without barrels. No joke. I despise them. Why must they make me fly across the map when one explodes near me? Even as an Ogryn. Meanwhile if you blow a barrel close to an enemy they just fall within 2 meters max of the blast zone. I on the other hand am blown into another mission area (that actually happens in places that should be only as a cosmetic part of the map but you somehow end up hanging from them).

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Yes I agree

:sob: This is no joke.

It is better in V2 because we can toss barrels. And people actually try to use them creatively (in a good way).

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Some say, I barrel into my enemies.

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yet i find ample opportunities to spice my matches up with a nice enemy cluster sent flying or a monster stunned briefly, gives the whole view a cool flow to it.

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yep that’s what most players do. that’s why I have to work extra hard.

so its hard work to stay briefly away from a barrel where the action is handled already and not charge head on in ? gotcha.

I really like explosive barrels, because they are a great tool. Not for clearing trashmobs, but for knocking groups of elite enemies on their ass (or quickly stunning a boss).
Not a fan of flaming barrels (although they can be interesting, since they can have a similar effect as the toxic grenade).

Yes, teammates with bad awareness can damage you with barrels.
But you can only be damaged by barrels, if you also have bad awareness.

If you want to be sure that teammates don’t hurt you with barrels, either preclear the barrels or stay outside of their blast radius.
If you pay a little bit of attention, you never get knocked off the map by a barrel.
When you get hit by a barrel without getting knocked off the map, you take so little damage that it barely matters.

Barrels are an awareness check. They pose no danger to a player with good awareness.
If you struggle with them, the problem is not with the barrels.

Same thing with people getting knocked off the map by bosses.
Learn from your mistake. Do not position yourself in a way that would allow for a known source of knockback to yeet you off the map.
Position yourself properly and move, remove or stay away from the thing that could potentially knock you off.

Per mission, there are probably fewer than 5 barrels that could knock you off the map, and which you can not simply walk past in a safe way (assuming that your teammates are trying to kill you).
I am sure you can spare 10 bullets to deal with those 5 barrels, if needed.


I mean your nickname is Flawless so supposedly you walk into any situation having perfectly studied where barrels are and could be. Even when they’re concealed by 5 bulwarks or tides of enemies. When you pre-clear barrels I’m sure you know if one of your allies is about to sprint out of your line of sight into the radius of said barrel and be booped 123012 miles away because yes. I like hard games, I like hard difficulties. What I don’t like is having a mechanic that serves close to no purpose and has about 0 lore relevance besides sometimes knocking down an insignificant amount of enemies. I’d have much less of a problem if they didn’t throw you around as if you were made of cardboard.

Especially in the context of what happens to enemies when they are nearby an expoding barrel.
In that sense, it would be reasonable to expect a similar knockback for players.

At the same time, it is pretty funny when a player gets yeeted across a corridor.
The stonger knockback also clearly has a larger impact on players, when it comes to gameplay around barrels.

I do not really care either way, but i do not agree that barrels are a terrible part of the game, or that they need to be changed.

They’re not a major issue, but they’re annoying. I don’t die because of barrels. I just despise them because of the boop. And yes of course I’ve had a laugh at people flying.


Maybe everyone can be happy.

If the player is in contact with the floor at the time of the explosion, the knockback could be reduced.

If the player is standing on top of the barrel or jumping when the barrel explodes, there is a proper yeet (as we have now).

I would still understand if the barrels stayed as they are, because they might be designed to be an actual hazard and to potentially disrupt the flow.