Please turn down the force of explosive barrels on players

When an explosive barrel explodes, it can throw a player over 15m across the map. Including an Ogryn.

At the very least, reduce the amount of force applied to the player to be the same as what is applied to the enemy. It just seems ridiculous that a poxwalker will get blown barely 5m, but an Ogryn player will be thrown over 10m.

One of the advantages of being a GIANT Ogryn that can’t use cover should at least be that explosive barrels don’t really move you at all


completly agree

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Hell no, it’s fun.

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Oh come on! You know you love it when your buddy gets blasted across the map and off the bridge to certain doom. It’s hilarious. I mean, I totally agree with you, but it is funny as hell. lol


oh it can be super funny, but it can also be super frustrating.


How am i supposed to knock teamates off the map after i bait them next to a barrel with an ammo crate if the knockback is removed. This is currently the end game.


Is it funny watching you or an ally get yeeted off a ledge into your doom? Yes

Is it a problem that needs addressing? Yes

Do I need to explain it anymore? No

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My problem isnt the force that hits you, its the fact that barrels have a specific explosion radius and it doesnt matter how close to the center of said explosion you are, you get yeeted the same distance no matter how far away you are in said radius and that is really infuriating.

Bombs from bombers act the same way, you might have an animation of the flame patch expanding, but the damage ticks instantly in the radius, this is especially annoying when you try to slide away, but suddenly get ripped out of your slide animation without fire around you.