Please Improve Barrels

the real problem with barrels is that the AI director simply changes flags on them outside the extra barrels modifiers. That can be the difference between a barrel being able to ledge a monster one run and it being inert fluff another.

or in my favorite spot of the game martyrs bridge, if you get lucky with 2/3s of the barrel spawns at the end and some brave sap decides to run down without clearing you can bounce them in the air potentially 3 times on a continuous loop.

in general I either pre emptively explode a barrel when going near it or don’t. I’ve been conditioned after being pranked so long. I turned to the warp and started doing some of the pranking…better not check that chest on refinery delta.

Easy fix: just have it stumble players a little bit instead of launching them into the stratosphere from all the way downhive. You know, like how Left 4 Dead does it.

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You’re talking like everybody who blasts barrels make the best use of them. Which is not even close. This only makes me think you’re one of those who blast them regardless whether your teammates are in the radius or not.

A really good player won’t touch them until the situation is bad enough so they can cc a group of elites or boss. And that’s a meaningful use. But we will never get to that point because there are some idiots.

So we have to do this just because they might be some idiots in the team like someone.

You might not get exploded out of the map with this fix but damage is damage. As I mentioned above, the blaster should take double the dmg if it hits a teammate.

Yes, but sadly people who blast barrels on others think they are doing something.

99% of the time, exploding a barrel to knock out some enemies never justifies hurting your friends in the process. I won’t do it unless we are dead for sure if I don’t. Likeliness? 1%

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Let’s have a look at what i said one sentence before and one sentence after the part that you quoted:

I explained how to avoid barrel damage and said, that awareness is important.
So clearly, the logical conclusion is, that i have bad awareness and constantly blast my teammates…
Nice mental gymnastics.

Yes. If you want to not be in danger, you should stay away from the danger. I know. Incredible concept.


Barrel tech is super fun and situationally really useful!


Barrels are fun and I don’t find my teammates being rude about them. Red barrels don’t even damage you on explosion. Only sometimes will a teammate and I accidentally yellow ourselves if we both simultaneously go to tap it :stuck_out_tongue:

The majority of people that i see getting barrelled are folks who 1) aren’t aware there’s barrel in the room with us, 2) aren’t aware when they get lit, and 3) don’t react to the character call-out. If someone misses all 3 of those, that’s usually an awareness issue. And even after all that, getting barrelled is usually just an inconvenience.

Barrels are just a part of Darktide. They shouldn’t get special treatment just because a teammate is occasionally asleep at the wheel.

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Red barrels do 1 damage on detonation, I sometimes down the marty zealot who was too cheap or dumb to grab the points for healing when resist death is active. Easy huehue moment. And yes barrel tech is very spicy when you are forced to save your fellow rejects and have a loadout that isn’t great at killing enemies or avoiding them. Like the Thunderhammer has absolutely garbage sprint costs, so using a barrel to fly away from the enemies chasing you + activate thy wrath be swift at the same time is a game changer.

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Make them bigger and boomier

-barrel enjoyer


I see your point. But as I mentioned I try to save the barrels for when I really need it. That’s why I don’t agree with “But you can only be damaged by barrels, if you also have bad awareness.”

The same applies to poxburster, if somebody is in or very close to its damage radius, we should not shoot it. Let the closest one take care of it. I got blasted by my teammates so many times trying to push a burster. It’s annoying. Those are the same kind of players who shoot barrels when someone is near. They don’t give a damn and just blame it on awareness issue. ignorant.

I think barrels are indeed in the wierd place, where they are most effective at killing your own teammates rather then enemies.

Do not know how to fix that, but not by punishing everyone involved.

Also, it’s kinda ridiculous that barrels deal pure health damage to players(I hate that), yet enemies don’t seem to care that much, especially explosion barrels, which mostly just throw around some dudes :person_cartwheeling:

My general opinions on barrels - They do not help

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well, judging by how many players (trolls) like barrels, I don’t think FS will do anything. Afterall they have to make the majority happy to keep the game alive. business is business

I don’t think that barrels are bad, or people who explode them are trolls
(please just look if there are people nearby)
I just think that they are not in the right place right now, or will ever be :pensive:

Also, it will be funny if Ogryn could pick them up and do some Donkey Kong stuff

I understand that a lot of times it was not their intention to hurt a teammate. I just expect more from ppl with 200+ true level in my games.

That actually sounds dope.

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Barrels would be fine if they toned down the absurd amount of knockback to actually scale to how close you are to the barrel. Standing at the very edge of the blast shouldn’t throw you through the air like a circus cannon.

Honestly it would be neat to expand to different types of barrels.

Maybe a barrel of super heavy machine oil that breaks open and coats an area slowing down enemies and teammates who step in it.

Have a compressed gas barrel that throws off the ability for ranged enemies to fire though it and confuses enemies trapped in the cloud.

A cryotic barrel of super cooled liquid seems like an obvious choice for the new area.

Maybe even a barrel that has a heavy corrosive agent that reduces the armor of enemies trapped in the explosion.

I know these are kinda arcadey but it would make hazards more interesting. On top of that add a “Barrels of Fun” modifier which populates the level with a ton of barrels.

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All of the barrels you mentioned here are way better than the current barrels and more creative.

Even though the effect slow down players, we can still dodge a few times (depending on your dodge range) to get away from it without losing hp.

I know it’s going into wishlist territory but i wouldn’t mind having more environmental hazards you could interact with like dumping a pile of junk from a crane on a horde or shooting a lever to open up a floodgate that washes an enemy off their feet or something like that.

I think since we are in a hive city it would be neat to even have 1 or 2 levels that play up the ambient dangers of an area beyond just “you can fall into a death pit”. Make it so we need to move through like a crusher hallway or something like having to fight on a factory that assembles hab buildings Titanfall 2 style.


In this futuristic city that has been taken over by zombie hordes, OF COURSE the previous inhabitants have left behind, unused, highly explosive barrels of 9th century gunpowder and hanging sea-mines. Who doesn’t have those laying around in their basement?

Insert eye roll emoji _ :roll_eyes:

Barrel physics need to not send you flying across the map. Damage you, fine, large stagger too, but firing you across the map is stoopid.