Please for the love of god give us red weapons

So we can finally work towards building an arsenal for each class.
Yes i am talking about 100% perfect stats, 500 base rating red weapons.

I dont care if the requirements to upgrade them to red are something ridiculous like

Sacrifice 10 orange weapons of the same type
5000 Diamantine
15000 Plasteel

For 1 red weapon.

I just want to work towards something and not check the RNG shop forever for that 3% increase.


At this point, “Give us anything” would suffice.

Vacation ended over a week ago, and the radio silence is astonishing.


I understand the sentiment, but i personally dont want another “crafting” component where i go to Hadron, press a button and hope for the best, wasting my resources in the process.


It’s most likely what you are getting next, the full “”“”““crafting system””“”“”, where you can’t craft anything, just modify random stuff.


Then don’t check the RNG shop and play with what you get. It’s not as complicated as people are making it.

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Not sure how red weapons would help a lot. The underlying crafting system is what needs fixing. Also 500 base rating is 120 higher than what we currently have, which is just not necessary. A 380 (or below, for that matter) is perfectly adequate for damnation.

But I agree that the RNG has got to go.


They should definitely add some path to upgrade your weapons over time. The current system is obnoxious, because it isn’t a journey toward your goal, it’s just hoping what you want will appear against all odds.

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Then why create a system where a stat goes only to 80%? What is the purpose of it? Why not make it 100% from the start?

Because better weapons are behind their version of future seasons maybe ??

That’s completely beside the point. You can do any difficulty with the starter kit, if you really want to. The point is that the current max, 380, is very obviously not the actual maximum. You can tell by how stats only go to 80, and even a 380 doesn’t max all five stats. Which means any gear we’re working towards right now, will be null and void whenever 500 weapons appear, or even 400 weapons.

And of course, the major issue is that you can’t actually work towards anything. Even with the crafting system they laid out in their blog post, the crafting will solve pretty much none of the RNG problems. Finding something better will still be pure RNG and luck, completely disconnected from playtime (or skill).


Exactly, the weapons you get come from RNG system (Shops and Gifts) and the only outlet for the resources you farm is another RNG system where you waste your resources not knowing what you get blessing wise and being unable to influence your weapons stats. (like upgrading blast radious from 59% to 80% at least)

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My thought is they should allow you to level up a stat on one of your weapons by 1% whenever you gain a level after 30. That way if you play a bunch you eventually get perfect weapons.


That would be something at least!

Rng systems are not inherently bad, they are a pain if the loot is too stingy and it very much is in Tide games and in Darktide it’s freaking horrible (squared).
If we would get enough rewards/loot, no one would care if we can only re-roll one perk.
Imagine we can get 2-3 items per completed mission out of selection of 4-5, depending on difficulty, monsters and secondary objective for example.

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I mean, that sounds super grindy (without me having done any math on how long it would take to gain a level), but yeah, it would be a helluva lot better than what we have now, which is… nothing.

Besides the point? The OP specifically asked for a 120 point increase. I just don’t think that’s necessary.

But sure, Fatshark probably has something higher than 380s planned for the future. Never said they didn’t.

The only, singular thing that is in your control right now regarding weapons is a single trait, if you waste enough resources and time to reroll it again and again. Nothing else. Thats not an enjoyable system.

Not saying that it is, I fully agree with you.
I just do not think problem lies with what you can do with the loot, but with general lack of loot sources and no targeted loot.

For example when leveling we should be getting every weapon type we “unlock”, so we can actually try them out before getting to 30.
Mission completion rewards, imho, should be main loot source with RnG shop being just complimentary. Now it is the other way around and you need rng luck again to even get an Emperor’s Gift.

I didnt ask for an instant 120 point increase for everything immediately. I am asking for a way to get there eventually, so i can actually influence my arsenal and not be forever bound by RNG until the servers shut down in 4 years.