Dear FS: The crafting update needs to be good or it will kill the game

I believe what the title says to be true. There’s a lot of pent up frustration with the system on all fronts. I’m sure you’ve seen many snide and sarcastic comments everywhere from reddit, to youtube comments and twitter.

So I implore you: Please listen to the community this time and do not double down on RNG. Even if you think you have found a sly way to get it in through the back door. People will realize. We’re not that dumb.

If we take the current blog as base the things I’d like changed are:

1. Allow us to redistribute weapon stat spreads.
This doesn’t have to be fully free form either. You could allow us to spend diamantine to randomly reroll (See? I’m giving you back some RNG) but give us the option to fully unlock sliders to redistribute as we see fit, once a weapon is mastered. For a hefty sum of diamantine/plasteel if need be, to keep the economy balanced.

2. Option to raise bars beyond 80%
This has long been an annoyance for players. If you’re saving 100% stat rolls for reds: Introduce them along with the crafting update. If the concept of reds has been discarded, allow us to redistribute stats in order to reach 100% once a weapon is fully mastered as mentioned above. This would reinvigorate ‘sub-par’ weapons that are just shy of certain break points for them to be popular. Your stat breakdowns already show the values for 100% rolls. Let us finally utilize them.

3. Mastering a weapon should mean having full access to all blessings
The way you phrased it, and it is displayed, it seems like mastery points are limited and there’s no option to 100% get all blessings at max tier. If this is simply a communication error, please clarify.

4. Do not cap weapon power at 500 if it means we can’t get T4 blessings on all perks/blessings
Same as above, this was quite unclear in the images you posted. It seemed like duelling sword was fully mastered but it only went up to 500, meaning you’d never be able to get T4 versions of all perks and blessings equipped. Please clarify. If it is intended like this, do away with it.

5. Mastery shouldn’t become an excessive grind whenever a new weapon family is released.
This is a big one. A lot of people have concerns that the grind could be excessive, like the spanish article mentioned (6-8 hours). I don’t mind running 3-5 maps to master a weapon. But if you can’t let go of your grind ‘retention’ metrics, give us the option to purchase an ‘Omnissiah Blessing’ from Hadron for a plasteel/diamantine or by sacrificing a few rolls of the weapon we own to boost mastery progress for X missions.

6. Compensate players with a lot of or even all blessings unlocekd fairly
Self-explanatory. If all the work people have invested is turned into a few extra % mastery forcing them to re-unlock the same blessings, this will be bad. Either have it be proportional to 100% or compensate each unlocked blessings with materials.

That’s pretty much what the group I play with and I would need from the crafting overhaul to get back into the game fully (and potentially buy MTX again)

Bonus - Highly unlikely bonus I wish for:

The ability to undertakte contracts/relic hunts/ for fully mastered weapons in order to turn them into reds.
These can and should be exceedingly grindy. You can go full on retention metrics with this one. But this would drive the hours played MASSIVELY. I’m sure everyone has quite a few weapons they love and want to have a red variant of.
Think special class headgear cosmetic in Vermintide 2 you got for 100+ mission completions. Whenever you saw someone with that, you know they were DEDICATED to their class (or a completionist autist like me)


This is a good writeup.

I’d add it to the Book but it’s not a Grudge (yet).


Feel free to crosspost it on other outlets like reddit. I don’t use it tbh. The more feedback we can collect the better it is imo.

add clarify how old players with essentially “finished” weapons will be compensated FAIRLY.

giving us players who own nearly every blessing t1-t4 in the game aside from the just added weapons 10-15% mastery is not FAIR compensation. it will make your CORE playerbase (you know the ones whove been playing regularly since release or regularly since theyve bought the game etc and not hypetrain followers) quite mad to lose the inventory weve spent hundreds if not thousands of hours to get.


Ehh, capping max weapon power is a good idea. It would give people who like to experiment more room to do so, and people who don’t want experimentation can just go for the meta setup.

Ability to max out everything would just lower possible variety to try experiment with, and we would just be left with what 2 perk and blessing to pick.

I’d rather have the introduction with red weapons to come with a new difficulty, one that might even warrant the addition to be able to max out any given weapon.

To be given the option to use the accumulated wealth one have is always welcomed, would be a nice option to have for sure.

This might be more for the sake of balance, to be more specific to be able to put different values for certain blessings and perks means you have to weigh your options on what you really want. Not really against it, but it might be one of the hurdles to be able to recreate the current weapon you have now.

This is going to be the key if people are going to enjoy the coming change or not. That and to be able to mitigate the RNG for acquisition of a good base weapon to roll up.

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I’m sure a lot of people would be very happy if their weapons got downgraded. They definitely opened a can of worms with tiered blessings and perks. It is almost impossible to balance in tandem with class specific talents.

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we can already max everything. a 380 weapon and 2 t4 perks 2 t4 blessings is 550 its exceedling rare but possible. nerfing it is dumb. the only time u dont run a t4 version of a blessing is if it only exists at another tier. like adhesive charge being only a t3. all of this grind for a weapon that will be worse than what was taken away is dumb.


Thanks, added it as a new point.

It’s more about the point gap for me than downgrading. They could introduce t5-t6 version of blessings and/or making the max obtainable stats go up to 100% while keep the achievable points at 550 (or just rising it slightly), it would have the same effect for me.

Weapons stats are currently capped at 380 while everything maxed out would 400. I care about that 20 point gap, and would like to see it get bigger.

Raising the ceiling would be a better idea of course, as I outlined above. People wouldn’t feel nerfed, but point gap would increase.

How excatly do you get more room to experiment in the current or newly proposed system?
Stat points aren’t interesting as the actual numbers they govern are so small that adding or subtracting a dozen or so doesn’t meaningfully change anything.

Blessings and perks are in the same boat, there isn’t a point in picking a lower tier.


Depending on the size of the point gap differences could be pretty huge.

Even currently I prefer getting as much Mobility as possible on most weapons while others consider it a dump stat, and I really feel a difference there.

This is just with 20 point difference which is pretty small. With a larger gap these differences could be even bigger.

Well, if you are forced to make a choice there it would matter a lot. Like I outlined above, if there would be more tiers for example, or you couldn’t pick the highest tier for everything there would be tradeoffs to be made.

With the most recent patch they introduced new bonuses to blessings that were single tier for example, and they said it was just the beginning.

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Unsure if I’d use the term experiment, and not just call it “weighing our options” with the proposed system change. For example I’d use T1 Confident Strike in a heart beat on my Cleaver Mk4 if it meant I could max out mobility with ease, sometimes you just feel the need for speed! or you know, just play a knife zealot instead.

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This pretty much, and it also explains the inclusion on different tiers on blessings and perks.

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thats great. why wasnt it like that from the get go? no one will be happy about having to grind for an inferior weapon to what they lost.


Best guess? the Fatshark curse of not being able to meet deadlines.

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