Patch #4 - Blessings of the Omnissiah


We just went live with Patch #4 - Blessings of the Omnissiah. Following are the high level changes and updates, and in the post that follows are all the balance changes and other fixes and tweaks that go live with this update.

New & Updated Features:

Wargear Sets

Wargear Sets are now available for customisation in Darktide!

Saving a wargear set will save your currently equipped loadout (of Weapons & Curios), cosmetics, and your chosen talents.

You can create up to 5 sets, and customise the set in the UI with an icon to designate what it may be configured for or to differentiate them.

Armoury Exchange

The Armoury Exchange now has the option available (“Brunt’s Armoury”) to acquire a specific weapon by its mark (Mk). Both Melee and Ranged weapon marks are available once you have unlocked them by reaching the appropriate level. Brunt’s Armoury stocks the most common weapons only (Profane sanctity), and each weapon starts at a base price and scales with the player’s level just like the prices for weapons in other stores.

You can now preview cosmetic gear, and weapon skins. You can choose to preview these items on your current character or a holographic mannequin.

Sire Melk’s Requisitorium

We’re making a few changes to Sire Melk’s weekly contracts.

All contract tasks have undergone a rebalance by lowering their required targets to complete while also increasing the amount of Ordo Ingots that they provide. The Side Mission tasks for both Scriptures and Grimoires have been collapsed into the same task, which will progress as you collect either item upon a successful Mission completion.

We’ve also removed contracts that required playing specific side objectives on specific Missions.

Additionally, we are also removing the cap that was in place on the amount of times you can re-roll a given task. The system will continue to re-roll tasks until you have re-rolled all available tasks, which it will then begin again to choose from previously rolled out tasks. The cost of dockets required will continue to increase on each re-roll.

New Contracts available:

  • Collect Diamantine
    • Targets: 100/200/350 for a reward of 160/370/700 Ordo Ingots.
  • Collect Plasteel
    • Targets: 250/400/750 for a reward of 160/280/600 Ordo Ingots.
  • Collect Scriptures or Grimoires
    • Targets: 4/8/16 for an updated reward of 150/335/700 Ordo Ingots.

Updated Contracts:

  • Kill Monstrosities
    • New targets: 2/4/7 for an updated reward of 160/370/700 Ordo Ingots.
  • Complete Missions
    • New targets: 5/8/12 for an updated reward of 120/310/590 Ordo Ingots.
  • Complete Missions with no player deaths
    • New targets: 1/3/6 for an updated reward of 120/280/580 Ordo Ingots.
  • Kill Dregs with Melee
    • Targets: 500/750/1000 for an updated reward of 100/230/530 Ordo Ingots.
  • Kill Dregs with Ranged
    • Targets: 500/750/1000 for an updated reward of 100/230/530 Ordo Ingots.
  • Kill Scabs with Melee
    • Targets: 500/750/1000 for an updated reward of 100/230/530 Ordo Ingots.
  • Kill Scabs with Ranged
    • Targets: 500/750/1000 for an updated reward of 100/230/530 Ordo Ingots.

Shrine of the Omnissiah

Prices of actions within the Shrine have been adjusted. The cost of Shrine actions will now adjust based on the rating of the item being modified. This makes it much more viable for modification at lower levels over the course of progression within the game. We’ve also resolved an issue where an item’s rating would appear to lower in the preview. This was a visual bug only, and did not actually lower the rating level.

Consecrating at the Shrine has had cost adjustments, where Diamantine is no longer required to upgrade to the Anointed (Blue rarity) level. Together with purchasing Marks directly from Brunt’s Armoury, this makes it easier to upgrade and earn Blessings as desired.

We’re expanding the functionality of the crafting within Darktide with the final steps which are connected to the Blessings of weapons.

Earn Blessing

You can now extract a Blessing from a weapon in your inventory, which will sacrifice the weapon in the process. After extracting the Blessing, you will earn the permanent ability to use this Blessing on another weapon of the same mark. Earned Blessings are shared between all characters on your account.

Re-Bless Weapon

You can now change a Blessing on a weapon, by swapping out an existing Blessing on a weapon with one of your earned Blessings. Each weapon pattern has unique Blessings available to them, and you can only swap these with Blessings belonging to the same pattern.

When re-Blessing, you must choose an existing Blessing to replace on the weapon; if your weapon has another Blessing it will be locked in place.

Mission Board

The Mission Board will see an increase in the number of available Missions that appear. We are increasing them from 12 to 16 available Missions.

The balance of difficulty, maps, and Conditions / Side Missions has also been adjusted to account for the increase in availability. Timers for regular Missions on the board have been decreased to a max of 15 minutes.

The rewards for Side Missions and Conditions are no longer the same values, and have now been individualised. This means that both Side Missions and Conditions will award different amounts of XP and Dockets, which will also increase in total amount awarded with a higher difficulty chosen.

Modifier for each Side Mission / Condition per difficulty level:

  • Collect Grimoires:
    • +60% Dockets
    • +25% XP
  • Collect Scriptures:
    • +20% Dockets
    • +40% XP
  • Ventilation Purge:
    • +30% Dockets
    • +20% XP
  • Hunting Grounds:
    • +40% Dockets
    • +30% XP
  • Power Supply Interruption:
    • +35% Dockets
    • +25% XP
  • High Resistance:
    • +45% Dockets
    • +40% XP
  • Low Resistance:
    • No change

The availability of crafting materials found within the Mission has been increased:

  • Plasteel
    • Uprising from 195 to 205
    • Malice from 255 to 265
    • Heresy from 300 to 440
    • Damnation from 395 to 805
  • Diamantine
    • Uprising from 30 to 40
    • Malice from 95 to 125
    • Heresy from 170 to 195
    • Damnation from 295 to 300

Emperor’s Gift

The Emperor’s Gift will now be awarded upon every successful Mission completion.

Playing at a higher difficulty level will increase the chances of a higher rarity item being gifted.

Additionally, Conditions will also affect the chances of increasing the rarity of items being gifted.

Item Generation

Significant upgrades have been made to the foundations of how we generate items (Weapons & Curios), and how they are distributed in the game across different sources.

Items Consecrated (upgraded in rarity) in the Shrine of the Omnissiah now have more favourable chances of unlocking higher tier Perks & Blessings.

The Armoury Exchange requisition list will often see items with Tier 1 & 2 Perks / Blessings, while Sire Melk’s Requisitions will often have items with Tier 3 & 4 Perks / Blessings for characters at level 30.

Character Creation

A number of visual updates have been applied to the character creation screens:

  • Class selection has received an update in the UI.
  • Updated several UI elements such as buttons and scroll indicators to be consistent with the rest of the game.
  • When selecting a home system, the camera will now pan smoothly from one planet to the next.

Social Menu

Chosen Portrait Frames will now display for the users / characters that you see inside the social menu.


The ability for your avatar to emote has been added to the hub of the Mourningstar. All players now have emote slots available to equip an emote to. Holding the [Jump] key will open up an emote wheel where you can choose an emote. Characters will receive the following emotes to equip:

  • Veteran, Psyker, Zealot:

    • Wave
    • Thumbs Up
    • No
    • Squat
    • Kneel
  • Ogryn:

    • Wave
    • Thumbs Up
    • Nah ah
    • Safety First
    • Kneel

Quality of Life

Added the ability to sort item lists in stores and your inventory, by the item type and item rating.


All weapon marks now have a unique HUD icon and will no longer share one icon for the entire weapon pattern.

For example, you can now see the difference between each of the Psyker’s staves clearly.

Commodore’s Vestures

Updated the UI when inspecting an item bundle, to show more clearly how to purchase a single item inside the bundle if you wish to do so. Previously this step was inside the Inspect view of the single item.
Updated the purchase confirmation step with a much larger text of the item or bundle you are wanting to purchase.

Hunting Grounds

We have taken a long hard look at the Hunting Grounds Condition and want to test a couple of changes. As a baseline we want these types of modifiers to be more distinct and less of a continuous challenge throughout the Mission, so we’re changing the format. A handful of spawns of rebalanced and tuned dog packs will occur during a Hunting Ground Mission, with some tender loving care put into the pacing and general presentation. The Pox Hounds themselves have gotten some attention, with a focus on fixing issues with their movement, smoothing out ragdoll transitions and sternly telling them to not spontaneously try space travel. It’s a work in progress.

We want to test this in limited capacity in the coming rotations of the Mission Board. Hopefully it will give a clear sense of when the Condition kicks in and provide for a fun experience to overcome or die horribly screaming together. Please check it out and give us feedback, we want to find a format that works together with the community so that we can add variation and replayability to our Missions.


Weapon Balance

As part of this update we took a pass at each weapon’s available Blessings, tuning and fixing them as we went along. The intent is to raise the weaker choices and fix interactions that were flawed in order to provide a wider palette of interesting choices to pick from. Most changes include buffs to Blessings as they were in general modest or sometimes downright pointless in their old format. There are a lot of combinations to test and tune so please keep the feedback coming and we’ll keep the full Blessing configuration of each weapon as part of our patch rotation in the future.

We’ve presented all changes to each weapon listed together with fixes, Blessing tweaks, and a couple of balance changes mixed in below. In general, we want to approach weapon balancing on a per-package rotation, focusing on one weapon pattern at a time.

A final note on the damage interactions in the game that we want to clarify, specifically in relation to our Blessings. We treat damage as a sum of multiple buckets, where Base Damage is calculated on its own and Weakspot Damage is calculated separately. This allows us to create some definition between different weapon types, where those with low Base Damage but high Weakspot Damage (such as the Accatran MG Mk II Heavy Laspistol) have a clear identity compared to high Base Damage and low Weakspot Damage weapons (such as the M35 Magnacore Mk II Plasma Gun).

These two buckets are then modified on their own with any buffs before being added together for the total damage. So, when a modifier says “increased Weakspot Damage” it is referring only to increasing that bucket of damage, not the sum total. This gives a degree of interaction between different weapon types, their bonus stat rolls and types of buffs available through Feats or Blessings to consider.

Ogryn Cleavers


  • Increased Critical Chance bonuses on all tiers:
    • Tier 1: 1% → 7.5%
    • Tier 2: 2% → 10%
    • Tier 3: 3% → 12.5%
    • Tier 4: 4% → 15%

Catachan “Devil’s Claw” Swords

Vicious Slice:

  • Increased damage bonus received on all tiers:
    • Tier 1: 2% → 4%
    • Tier 2: 3% → 6%
    • Tier 3: 4% → 8%
    • Tier 4: 5% → 10%


  • Increased damage bonus received on tiers 2 and above:
    • Tier 2: 15% → 20%
    • Tier 3: 17.5% → 30%
    • Tier 4: 20% → 40%

Maccabian Duelling Swords

Riposte: (for more information on this Blessing see † down the page)

  • Lowered active duration from 5 to 2 seconds.
  • Increased Critical Chance bonuses on all tiers:
    • Tier 1: 2% → 5%
    • Tier 2: 3% → 10%
    • Tier 3: 4% → 15%
    • Tier 4: 5% → 20%

Precognition: (for more information on this Blessing see † down the page)

  • Lowered active duration from 5 to 2 seconds.
  • Increased Weakspot Damage & Critical Damage on all tiers:
    • Tier 1: 2% → 4%
    • Tier 2: 3% → 6%
    • Tier 3: 4% → 8%
    • Tier 4: 5% → 10%


  • Increased damage bonus received on tiers 2 and above:
    • Tier 2: 15% → 20%
    • Tier 3: 17.5% → 30%
    • Tier 4: 20% → 40%

Turtolsky Heavy Swords

  • All: Weapon Special Action attack on all Heavy Swords get increased damage against tougher targets. We want to make it a can opener:

    • Flak armour: from 75% to 125% baseline.
    • Carapace armour: from 25% to 65% baseline.
    • Unyielding: from 100% to 110% baseline.
    • Changed stagger category to fix some issues with unwanted hit reactions.
  • Mk VII and Mk IX: Push Follow up stab attacks get a bump on armour penetration:

    • Flak armour: from 75% to 90% baseline.
    • Carapace armour: from 25% to 30% baseline.
    • Unyielding: from 100% to 110% baseline.


  • Increased damage bonus received on tiers 2 and above:
    • Tier 2: 15% → 17.5%
    • Tier 3: 17.5% → 37.5%
    • Tier 4: 20% → 50%

Catachan Mk III Combat Blade

Riposte: (for more information on this Blessing see † down the page)

  • Lowered active duration from 5 to 2 seconds.
  • Increased Critical Chance bonuses on all tiers:
    • Tier 1: 2% → 5%
    • Tier 2: 3% → 7.5%
    • Tier 3: 4% → 10%
    • Tier 4: 5% → 12.5%

Precognition: (for more information on this Blessing see † down the page)

  • Lowered active duration from 5 to 2 seconds.
  • Increased Weakspot Damage & Critical Damage on all tiers:
    • Tier 1: 2% → 4%
    • Tier 2: 3% → 6%
    • Tier 3: 4% → 8%
    • Tier 4: 5% → 10%

Standard-issue Munitorum Sapper Shovel

  • Light attacks; increased Finesse multiplier (Applies to any combinations of Weakspot / Critical Damage as a percentage of Base Damage) range from 40%-80% to 40-130%.

  • Weapon Special Action stab; increased Finesse multiplier range from 40%-80% to 40-150%.

  • Fixed issue where the ‘Thrust’ Blessing on Sapper Shovel was not giving maximum Power bonus on the third heavy attack in the attack chain if the attack button was held for the entire chain.


  • Flattened negative power bonus on subsequent attacks on Tiers 2 and above:
  • Tier 2: -15% → -10%
  • Tier 3: -20% → -10%
  • Tier 4: -25% → -10%

Take a Swing:

  • Increased Weakspot Damage bonus received on all tiers (Note that Shovel Weakspot Damage is fairly low, thus warranting a higher bonus):
    • Tier 1: 7.5% → 30%
    • Tier 2: 10% → 40%
    • Tier 3: 12.5% → 50%
    • Tier 4: 15% → 60%

Combat Axes

  • Antax Mk V Combat Axe Weapon Special Action stab; increased Finesse multiplier (applies to any combinations of Weakspot / Critical Damage as a percentage of Base Damage) range from 40%-80% to 40-150%.


  • Flattened negative power bonus on subsequent attacks on Tiers 2 and above:
    • Tier 2: -15% → -10%
    • Tier 3: -20% → -10%
    • Tier 4: -25% → -10%

Tactical Axes


  • Flattened negative power bonus on subsequent attacks on Tiers 2 and above:
    • Tier 2: -15% → -10%
    • Tier 3: -20% → -10%
    • Tier 4: -25% → -10%

Tigrus Mk II Heavy Eviscerator


  • Increased number of stacks applied per Special Attack:
    • Tier 1: 2 → 8
    • Tier 2: 4 → 10

Orestes Mk IV Assault Chainaxe


  • Increased number of stacks applied per Special Attack:
    • Tier 1: 2 → 8
    • Tier 2: 4 → 10

Cadia Mk IV Assault Chainsword

Increased number of stacks applied per Special Attack:

  • Tier 1: 2 → 8
  • Tier 2: 4 → 10

Artemia Mk III Purgation Flamer

Blaze Away: (for more information on this Blessing see †† down the page)

  • Increased power bonus from 2% to 10%, stacking 5 times to a maximum power bonus of 50%.

Obscurus Mk II Blaze Force Sword

Riposte: (for more information on this Blessing see † down the page)

  • Lowered active duration from 5 to 2 seconds.
  • Increased Critical Chance bonuses on all tiers.
    • Tier 1: 2% → 5%
    • Tier 2: 3% → 10%
    • Tier 3: 4% → 15%
    • Tier 4: 5% → 20%

Precognition: (for more information on this Blessing see † down the page)

  • Lowered active duration from 5 to 2 seconds.
  • Increased Weakspot Damage & Critical Damage on all tiers:
    • Tier 1: 2% → 4%
    • Tier 2: 3% → 6%
    • Tier 3: 4% → 8%
    • Tier 4: 5% → 10%

Equinox Mk III Trauma Force Staff

Blazing Spirit:

  • Increased number of stacks applied per critical hit from 1 to 3.

Equinox Mk IV Voidstrike Force Staff

Blazing Spirit:

  • Increased number of stacks applied per critical hit from 1 to 3.

Blastoom Mk III Grenadier Gauntlet

  • Increased the impact of Weapon Special Action attack to be the same as a regular grenade hit.


  • Increased amount of Toughness replenished on all tiers:
    • Tier 1: 4% → 10%
    • Tier 2: 6% → 17%
    • Tier 3: 8% → 24%
    • Tier 4: 10% → 30%

Blaze Away: (for more information on this Blessing see †† down the page)

  • Increased power bonus from 2% to 10%, stacking 5 times to a maximum power bonus of 50%.

Reassuringly Accurate:

  • Increased amount of Toughness replenished on all tiers:
    • Tier 1: 4% → 15%
    • Tier 2: 6% → 20%
    • Tier 3: 8% → 25%
    • Tier 4: 10% → 30%

Columnus Mk V Infantry Autogun

  • Increased magazine size and reserve, moving the range from 25-45 * 8 magazines to 30-50 * 9 magazines.
  • Increased Power by 10% (from 350 to 385) across the board (affects Attack, Impact, and Cleave on all shots).
  • Changed keywords description from Rapid Fire & Precise → Torrent & High Capacity.

Lucius Helbore Lasguns

  • All: Increased cleave, effectively doubling it (from 1 average to 2 average hitmass).
  • All: Increased magazine size, moving the range from 50-100 to 60-120, scaling reserve accordingly.
  • Mk II: Improved armour mod vs Flak (50% → 60%) and Carapace (50% → 60%).
  • Mk III: Improved armour mod vs Flak (50% → 80%).

Lawbringer Mk VI Combat Shotgun


  • Increased number of stacks applied per critical hit from 1 to 6.

Full Bore:

  • Increased power bonus received on all tiers:
    • Tier 1: 2% → 7.5%
    • Tier 2: 3% → 10%
    • Tier 3: 4% → 12.5%
    • Tier 4: 5% → 15%

Accatran MG Mk II Heavy Laspistol

  • Reworked aiming movement animations to fix misalignments between where your sight is pointing and where the shot is going. This basically means that the whole aim experience has way less swaying while running around, on top of actually shooting straight.
  • Increased Base Damage, moving the range from 62.5-87.5 to 78-109.
  • Increased armour mod vs Maniac (50% → 65%).
  • Bumped power of the Weapon Special Action push, now uses the same push strength as normal push actions.
  • Bumped up magazine size, moving the range from 30-60 to 40-80.
  • Reduced spread on hipfire.


  • Increased close range damage bonus received.
    • Tier 1: 1% → 2%
    • Tier 2: 1.5% → 3%
    • Tier 3: 2% → 4%
    • Tier 4: 2.5% → 5%

Ius Mk III Shredder Autopistol

  • Shortened Range: from 15-35 to 10-25.
  • Improved armour mod vs Maniac 100% → 150%.
  • Increased Impact of hip-fire shots: moving the range from 1-4 to 2-4.
  • Increased Impact braced (aimed) shots: from 1-4 to 4-8.
  • Braced buildup of Impact (multiplier to Impact on multiple shots vs same target): from 0.5-2 to 2-4. Basically easier to stagger enemies if you keep shooting them.
  • Increased magazine size: moving the range from 30-50 to 40-60.

Blaze Away: (for more information on this Blessing see †† down the page)

  • Increased power bonus from 2% to 10%, stacking 5 times to a maximum power bonus of 50%.

Zarona Mk IIa Quickdraw Stub Revolver

  • Fixed issue with the Stub Revolver where ‘Point Blank’ would not trigger on melee kills made with other weapons. Players should now be able to kill something with their melee, then switch to their revolver and use the benefits of the Blessing. Increased duration of buff from 2 to 2.5s to give you a bit more time to swap weapons and use it.


  • Increased amount of Toughness replenished on all tiers:
    • Tier 1: 4% → 10%
    • Tier 2: 6% → 15%
    • Tier 3: 8% → 20%
    • Tier 4: 10% → 25%

Foe-Rend Ripper Guns

  • Bumped up Ripper Gun ammo reserve with 2 extra magazines, moving the range from 4-6 to 6-8.


  • Increased number of stacks applied per critical hit from 1 to 8.

Born in Blood:

  • Increased amount of Toughness replenished on all tiers:
    • Tier 1: 1% → 1.5%
    • Tier 2: 1.5% → 2%
    • Tier 3: 2% → 2.5%
    • Tier 4: 2.5% → 3%

Blaze Away: (for more information on this Blessing see †† down the page)

  • Increased power bonus from 2% to 10%, stacking 5 times to a maximum power bonus of 50%.

Krourk Mk V Twin-Linked Heavy Stubber

Blaze Away: (for more information on this Blessing see †† down the page)

  • Increased power bonus from 2% to 10%, stacking 5 times to a maximum power bonus of 50%.

Lorenz Mk V Kickback

Punishing Fire:

  • Increased power bonus received on all tiers:
    • Tier 1: 2% → 6%
    • Tier 2: 4% → 9%
    • Tier 3: 6% → 12%
    • Tier 4: 8% → 15%

Blaze Away: (for more information on this Blessing see †† down the page)

  • Increased power bonus from 2% to 10%, stacking 5 times to a maximum power bonus of 50%.


  • Increased power bonus that is applied to the Weapon Special Action melee attacks on all tiers:
    • Tier 1: 2% → 50%
    • Tier 2: 3% → 60%
    • Tier 3: 4% → 70%
    • Tier 4: 5% → 80%

(Note: The tooltip isn’t correct and indicates this affects all melee attacks, whilst at present it only affects special action melee attacks. A later patch is planned to match the Blessing to the description so it will then affect all melee attacks as described)

Full Bore:

  • Increased power bonus received on all tiers:
    • Tier 1: 2% → 7.5%
    • Tier 2: 3% → 12.5%
    • Tier 3: 4% → 17.5%
    • Tier 4: 5% → 22.5%

Lorenz Mk VI Rumbler


  • Increased amount of Toughness replenished on all tiers:
    • Tier 1: 4% → 10%
    • Tier 2: 6% → 17%
    • Tier 3: 8% → 24%
    • Tier 4: 10% → 30%

Blaze Away: (for more information on this Blessing see †† down the page)

  • Increased power bonus from 2% to 10%, stacking 5 times to a maximum power bonus of 50%.

M35 Magnacore Mk II Plasma Gun


  • Increased amount of Toughness replenished on all tiers:
    • Tier 1: 4% → 6%
    • Tier 2: 6% → 10%
    • Tier 3: 8% → 15%
    • Tier 4: 10% → 20%

Blaze Away: (for more information on this Blessing see †† down the page)

  • Increased power bonus from 2% to 10%, stacking 5 times to a maximum power bonus of 50%.

Munitorum Mk III Power Sword

  • Fixed an issue where activating the Munitorum Mk III Power Sword after doing one attack didn’t reset the number of hits. The sword should now properly allow two swings after each activation in addition to resetting the active time.

Power Cycler:

  • Fixed an issue where additional max activations used a default value. Lowered the number of allowed activated attacks per Weapon Special Attack from max 7 to 5. (without Blessing, the Power Sword allows 2 attacks per activation.)

Savage Sweep:

  • Cleave bonus from 5/10/15/20% to 20/30/40/50% per stack (times max stack of 5, so max +100% change to max +250% cleave).

Captain (Kill Mission targets):

  • Fixed issue where bleed could be applied through his shield.
  • Fixed issue where bleed damage would drain the shield in cases where the Captain was bleeding and his shield popped back up. Shields can’t bleed, so instead Bleed now continues to damage the Captains health, even if the shield goes back up.

Ogryn Skullbreaker:

Our dear Ogryn players are getting a general boost by making them harder to stun and push back from taking hits. The lumbering brutes are slow enough so we want to start with lifting some of the punishment from being unable to hide in this patch. We’ve also switched out one of the Skullbreaker Feats in an attempt to provide more interesting interactions within the combat loop. We will be looking further into more specific Ogryn tweaks in the future.

  • For Ogryns, all enemy Shooter and Stalker shots that hit now have shorter stun times and less pushback.
  • For Ogryns, having Toughness broken or getting hit in melee while sprinting now have shorter stun times.
  • Replaced feat ‘Knife through butter’ (Fully charged heavy attacks have unlimited cleave) with ‘Knock em’ down, beat em’ up’: (Staggering enemies adds a number of stacks relative to the size of the enemy (range is 1-10) of 2% damage bonus to next heavy attacks. Max number of stacks is 25, so keep pushing for a 50% heavy damage bonus.).
  • Fixed issue with ‘Bull Gore’ feat where not all enemies hit with ‘Bull Rush’ would get the bleed stacks applied (the AoE at the end of the charge now bleeds them up properly).
  • Increase bleed stacks applied by ‘Bull Gore’ from 2 to 4.
  • Fixed issue with ‘Blood & Thunder’ feat where bleed would be applied on non damaging attacks, for example attacks on Bulwark shields.

Side note, We also increased the range at which the Ogryn can pick up items, given how much further away from the ground he was, it sometimes proved difficult for our Ogryn friends to pick things up.

Psyker Perils Quelling

Normalised passive vent times for non warp-weapons, they defaulted to max speed previously. Enabled passive Quell time modifier as part of the Quell Speed bonus stat for force staves. Slightly buffed passive Quell times for staves across the board.

Veteran sharpshooter

  • Fixed issue with ‘Frag Storm’ feat where the player did not get reported the kill if the bleed stack killed an elite or special.


  • Changed so Poxburster explosions damage enemies at close range and stagger them at far range.

‘Precognition’ and ‘Riposte’ Blessing: †

We’ve updated the functionality for these dodge-based Blessings while fixing a bug with the trigger. We now allow retriggering while already active and pair it with a duration of 2 seconds (same as the ‘Riposte’ Blessing). The main idea here is to allow you to keep dodging to maintain the bonus rather than dodge once and gain a singular bonus for a longer while. Previously you gained a bonus for 5 seconds but could not retrigger it until the duration ran out, making for gaps in the buff application.

‘Blaze Away’ Blessing: ††

We have gotten reports from players regarding how the Blessing ‘Blaze Away’ (and other Blessings based on continuous fire) functions for single shot weapons such as the Lorenz Mk V Kickback or the M35 Magnacore Mk II Plasma Gun. As long as the player keeps firing as soon as the weapon is ready to, the buff will not be lost. Each weapon also scales differently to accommodate for the buff where, for example, a slower rate of fire or smaller clip size equals a faster climb in power bonus.

‘Unstable Power’ Blessing:

Currently displays the wrong values in the UI. Should be 5% per peril threshold, with a maximum of 4 x 5%.

‘Wrack and Ruin’ Psykinetic Feat:

This Feat now applies on Hit instead of on Kill, however the tooltip will be out of date until a future patch.

Player incapacitated UI:

We’ve done a pass on the UI that informs you when team members are down / grabbed / hanging from a ledge to try to ensure the proper interfacing is given. This includes adding some “time remaining” info to the icons, fixing so all incapacitating enemies actually have icons and of a suitable colour depending on severity. Hopefully this will improve your team’s awareness and improve the chances of friends helping each other.


  • Fixed an issue where ‘Flechette’ Blessings on Lawbringer Mk VI Combat Shotguns and Foe-Rend Ripper Guns could proc on individual pellets per body parts. Should now proc once for each enemy hit, regardless of number of bodyparts hit.
  • Fixes issue where ‘Speedload’ Blessings could not reactivate when active.
  • Fixed an issue where ‘Haymaker’ Blessing could trigger on Ogryn enemies (clearly not human sized targets).
  • Fixed the text for ‘Counterfire’ to show the additional bonus rather than the total Weakspot Damage modifier. Previously showed the total bonus stacked with the default ‘Volleyfire’ bonus.
  • Fixed issue where ‘Kinetic Deflection’ didn’t take Peril Reductions into account.
  • Fixed issue where the ‘Honour the Martyr’ Feat displayed 8 max stacks instead of 6.
  • Fixed bug where the description for the ‘Speedload’ Blessing would display incorrect numbers.
  • Fixed a bug where Blessings triggered by consecutive hits weren’t resetting after a short duration (2.5 seconds) .
  • Fixed an issue where the Catachan Mk IV “Devil’s Claw” Sword’s last light attack wasn’t using all modifiers properly.
  • Fixed dead reload input if pressed while going out of ADS for Accatran Recon Lasguns.
  • Fixed issue where Psyker would explode if at 100% peril and using Brain Burst but switched weapon before the damage is dealt.
  • Fixed some issues where players could end up inside geometry / outside gamespace after leaving Mutant / Beast of Nurgle grabbed states.
  • Fixed issue where Auspex scanning effects would not disappear correctly when quick switching from a weapon or going down.
  • Fixed a bug where VFX wouldn’t spawn when you blocked attacks with the Munitorum Mk III Power Sword.
  • Fixed a crash when Ogryn Skullbreakers would charge after swapping equipment at the chest in the Psykhanium.
  • Fixed the timing of the effect that warns players of a Captain’s attacks on higher difficulties as he was shooting so fast that the effect that telegraphs his attacks was cut off.
  • Fixed a bug where controller triggers would have to be pressed all the way down to register being held instead of being tied to settings.
  • Fixed another case of Pox Hounds soaring towards the sky.
  • Fixed a crash that could be caused by the Pox Hound movement system.


  • Reworked DoT stack interfacing allowing scaling of burning VFX relative to the amount of actual stacks on each enemy.
  • Fixed an issue where the ammunition based sound modulation (mechanical sounds used to indicate low ammunition count) didn’t work when spectating another player.
  • Autoguns: Added equip variations and reworked original equip to make the animations less repetitive and frustrating.
  • Changed charge animation for the second heavy attack on Maccabian Mk V Duelling Sword to better fit the direction of the heavy attack.
  • Tuned Poxwalker stagger animations for beauty.
  • Artemia Mk III Purgation Flamer: Fixed issue where the hipfire shoot animation would play instead of the braced shoot animation when shooting after pushing.
  • Optimised our smart targeting system and made improvements on our visibility algorithm, which should make it easier to find targets behind covers with transparency (for example railings).
  • Fixed missing or broken sway animation when blocking for: Tactical axes, Combat axes, Orestes Mk IV Assault Chainaxe, Catachan Mk III Combat Blade, Catachan Swords, Heavy Swords, Duelling Swords, Cadia Mk IV Assault Chainsword and Munitorum Mk III Power Sword.
  • Fixed hand disconnecting from the grip on the Tigrus Mk II Heavy Eviscerator when getting hit.
  • Fixed character’s third person arms breaking when getting hit while charging the Psyker Psykinetic’s ‘Brain Burst’.
  • Fixed clipping on some Force Staff skins while quelling.
  • Fixed an issue where Lucius and Accatran pattern Lasguns didn’t play any discharge effects from the battery when reloading the weapons.
  • Sped up the fade out of the Peril overcharge shake effect when aiming down sight for most ranged weapons.
  • Fixed an issue where the effect wouldn’t fade out when aiming with the Zarona Mk IIa Quickdraw Stub Revolver.
  • Tweaked duration for deactivating the Weapon Special Attack on the Cadia Mk IV Assault Chainsword, Tigrus Mk II Heavy Eviscerator, and Orestes Mk IV Assault Chainaxe to be slightly shorter than activating them. On average it should now be 0.15s faster to turn them off than turning them on.
  • Fixed bug where the Accatran MG Mk II Heavy Laspistol reload mag-out sound would not play.



  • Fixed a hole in the ceiling.
  • Fixed a bug where players were unable to pick up an ammo crate.
  • Fixed a bug where enemies could run through a wall.
  • Fixed an issue where enemies could be located underneath the Valkyrie.
  • Fixed an issue where players could use Zealot Preacher’s ‘Chastise the Wicked’ ability to get underneath the Valkyrie before it had landed.
  • Fixed a bug where Ogryns could not reach a Grimoire.

Silo Cluster

  • Fixed an issue so that enemies can no longer clip through the Valkyrie.
  • Fixed an issue where the players could get stuck after being knocked back by an explosion.
  • Fixed issues with several areas where players could get stuck.
  • Fixed an issue where players could use “Chastise the Wicked” to get out of gameplay space.
  • Fixed a bug where enemies would walk through a wall.
  • Fixed a bug where players could get stuck in between water barrels.
  • Fixed a bug where the sound would sometimes cut out during a Mission.

Hab Dreyko

  • Fixed some spots where players would fall to their death instead of entering an incapacitated hanging state.
  • Fixed a bug that would allow players to fall out of bounds during the end event.
  • Fixed an issue with some locations where players could get stuck.
  • Fixed a potential exploit which allowed players to bypass an entire section of the Mission.
  • Fixed some pickups that could not be collected due to them being inside other objects.
  • Tweaked the layout to increase the performance.
  • Added various performance tweaks.
  • Visual improvements to the start of the Investigation Mission.
  • Fixed some spots where bots could get stuck instead of entering an incapacitated / hanging state.
  • Fixed issues with some scanning targets not being outlined and highlighted correctly.

Vigil Station Oblivium

  • Fixed a bug where the world could stop rendering if you stood in a certain spot in the Ragtown Bazaar.
  • Fixed a bug where enemies could run through a fence.
  • Fixed a bug where players could not reach a Scripture.
  • Fixed a bug where enemies could run through a wall.
  • Fixed a bug where enemies could get stuck in the end-event.
  • Fixed an issue where players could get out of bounds.
  • Fixed a bug where bots could get stuck.

Enclavum Baross

  • Fixed a bug where the Power Cell you were carrying could disappear in certain locations.
  • Added another Medicae Station.

Magistrati Oubliette TM8-707

  • Made changes to part of the path after the first event for performance reasons.
  • Fixed a bug where bots would use the stairs in the first event to reach the Medicae Station before the stairs had moved down.
  • Fixed an issue where players could get out of bounds.

Smelter Complex HL17-36

  • Fixed a bug where bots sometimes didn’t want to follow the player.
  • Minor visual improvements to the start of the Mission.

HL-17-36 Power Matrix

  • Adjusted so that bots should now follow the player correctly and enemies should no longer try to board the Valkyrie.
  • Fixed some graphical issues with the Power Supply Condition.
  • Fixed an issue where some enemies’ sound effects could not be heard while they were inside a spawn room.

Consignment Yard HL17-36

  • Fixed a bug causing players to violently shake if standing still.

Chasm Station HL-16-11

  • Fixed a spot where players could leave the intended gameplay space.
  • Fixed a spot where players could be left hanging if they fell off after their teammates already dropped off.
  • Fixed an instance where a Scripture couldn’t be picked up.
  • Fixed some graphical issues with the Power Supply Condition on.

Refinery Delta-17

  • Fixed an issue where the player could jump off the map and land under the end arena.
  • Fixed enemies spawning in plain sight.
  • Fixed an issue so that the Ogryn no longer gets stuck between two buildings.
  • Fixed an issue where the corrupted machines didn’t start after killing the Corruptors.

Excise Vault Spireside-13

  • Fixed some clipping issues with the vault doors before the end event.
  • Fixed issue with players able to get stuck between pipes in certain Conditions during the final event in Hourglass Mission.

Relay Station TR5-150

  • Fixed an issue where enemies could sometimes shoot through the ground.
  • Tweaked the boundaries so players can no longer accidently go out of bounds.
  • Added a new airlock.
  • Updated some art assets.

Consignment Yard HL17-36

  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to ping the Consignment Yard HL17-36 radio tower.

Multiple Maps

  • Populated the following maps with more pickup locations:
    • Hab Dreyko
    • Chasm Station HL-16-11
    • Smelter Complex HL17-36
    • Chasm Logistratum
    • Magistrati Oubliette TM8-707
    • Excise Vault Spireside-13
    • Enclavum Baross
  • Fixed some issues with some of the pickups and chests not functioning properly on the following maps:
    • Relay Station TRS-150
    • Excise Vault Spireside-13
    • Refinery Delta-17
  • Fixed some spots on Comms-Plex 154/2f and Enclavum Baross where players would fall to their death instead of entering an incapacitated / hanging state.
  • Added some minor visual improvements to the bridge in Comm-Plex 154/2f and Enclavum Baross.
  • Updated the banners around the bridge in Comms-Plex 154/2f and Enclavum Baross.
  • Removed unneeded assets in Comms-Plex 154/2f and Enclavum Baross.
  • Reduced unit count to increase performance on Comms-Plex 154/2f and Enclavum Baross.


  • Added more rain effects to Missions taking place in The Torrent.
  • Minor visual improvements to areas within Chasm Terminus.


  • Players will now spawn by the Psykanium when exiting a training Mission.
  • Resolved an issue where an item’s modifiers rating would appear to lower in the preview. This was a visual bug only, and did not actually lower the rating level.
  • Fixed some instances where players who join a match in progress would spawn into the level in unintended places (such as inside walls / static objects or beneath the floor).
  • Fixed an issue where moving the camera while reviving could interrupt it.
  • Fixed an issue which caused the UI to not show interaction progression.
  • Fixed an issue where picking up Scriptures / Grimoires simultaneously could cause Side Mission progress not to count properly.
  • Fixed a bug where players that joined into a Mission already in progress couldn’t interact with Interrogator objectives.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed enemies to fire through floors.
  • Fixed an issue where enemies could sometimes run through cover walls.
  • Fixed an issue where the sound effect for the score tracker would get stuck.
  • Added various sound effects to a number of destructible units.
  • Bottles have more variation of their sound when interacting with them.
  • Added various visual effects throughout the levels to further enrich the environments.
  • Fixed an issue with some water effects that would appear as if they glowed in the dark.
  • Fixed an issue where some materials would show incorrect colours when Ray Tracing was enabled.
  • Fixed issues with the lighting on various Missions and Conditions.
  • Resolved a crash that could occur either at the beginning of a Mission, or when you were changing the appearance of a weapon.
  • Resolved a rare crash that occurs upon a new member joining the Strike Team.
  • Resolved a crash that occurs when using a controller whilst you are interacting with settings that have a slider.


  • Fixed mesh clipping issues that affected various pieces of player gear.
  • Fixed static seal and shoulder pad on the Sharpshooters armour.
  • Fixed elbow guard clipping, see-through patch on Sanguine Scavengers Garb.
  • Fixed one of the cultist faces having visible neck seam in certain animations.
  • Fixed teeth sticking out in the back of the Tigrus Mk II Heavy Eviscerator.
  • Updated the Blastoom Mk III Grenadier Gauntlet to use the magazine with 4 shots.
  • Fixed several clipping and orientation issues for Weapon Trinkets.


  • Fixed some clipping animations in the intros and outros to some levels.
  • Resolved an issue with the Path of Trust cutscenes, where you were left in slow motion if you skipped the cutscene while it was playing in slow motion.
  • Resolved a crash that would sometimes appear when playing Path of Trust cutscene.


  • Added a new Medicae Servitor voice.
  • Tweaked the Medicae Servitor so that it plays its shutdown line more consistently.
  • Added more voice lines for soldiers in the Mourningstar.
  • Removed the voice lines containing incorrect information from the dodging tutorial in the Psykanium.
  • Added new Sire Melk contract purchase voice lines.
  • Made Hallowette more friendly to the players.
  • Added face animations for Mourningstar personnel without masks.
  • Fixed an issue where other conversations would trigger while a conversation is already taking place.
  • Fixed an issue where certain player voice lines could interrupt tagging voice lines.
  • Fixed an issue so that the hub guards don’t speak during Zola’s Mission Board onboarding.
  • Tweaked the cooldowns for The Mourningstar personnel lines, so they are no longer shared across all players in the hub.
  • Fixed an issue where barrel explosions could interrupt other voice lines.
  • Fixed an issue where downed voice lines played after a player had already been revived.
  • Fixed subtitle timings that caused “Who am I”, “I am Warrior” chanting to be wrong.
  • Fixed an issue where player characters would not always call out Scab Flamers.
  • Player characters will now call out when killing a sniper.
  • Shortly after calling out an enemy, the players will not repeat its name when announcing its death.


  • Ray Tracing is now available for players using Intel Arc GPUs.
  • Fixed an issue where some players could not enable DLSS when eligible to use the feature.

Modifier for each Side Mission / Condition per difficulty level:

That does absolutely nothing for people who are at max level and sit on a trove of dockets.
Enhanced rewards should have been here.

Thanks for the notes though!


thank you for the patch and the patch notes


I think it will matter for the Emperor’s Gift

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Ngl pleasantly surprised that it actually included balance changes and other stuff. Especially good that Ogryn is getting looked at as well as fixes and updates.


Thanks for the patch. Lots of things to love about it.

But, I’m disappointed to see that we still cant manually select the difficulty of a map. This is like gameplay basics 101 and you still dont have it right.


Appreciate the patch.

1 Like

Really nice patch. I only ask that we could upgrade a locked blessing so we don’t have to luck out and get a t4 blessing of our choice before commiting to full craft.


is this a typo? or can you not share blessings between marks of the same pattern?


Very little about crafting in the crafting update and we still have to deal with the locking perks/blessings bollocks even if we admittedly can cycle through the crafting loop faster now.

I guess this is going to be as good as it gets from you.


yoooo shared blessing inventory i was hoping for but not expecting that at all lol


Thank you for such detailed and well-formatted patch notes, it really is great to see after how vague (or incorrect) previous patch notes have been. Please keep it up!

These contracts were available in the Closed Beta. I was wondering why they disappeared on full release.

Why are emotes not available in missions like Vermintide 2?

Any further info on the modding stuff coming out end of the month?


brilliant look forward to trying it out. Are there any plans to add in more cosmetics we can earn in game or use the in game ordo dockets to purchase

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Could we know what this patch will mean for the future of the game ? Will we get to the Live service soon ? Or are you all planning further patches beforehand ?

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There’s a lot to love about this patch, but locking blessings and perks still is anti-fun


To me this is all a big step forward in the right direction. I would argue that we need to go further down this path, with more agency on map choices and not locking blessings, but I’m already very appreciative of this.


I’d be more alright with Blessing lock if the blessing were unlocked for all weapon instead than just their patterns

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Ah, I’d love it if Melk’s contracts would stop having tiers altogether. And by that I mean having only highest tier contracts with an option to cash in earlier for lesser rewards as if you were turning in lower tier contract. That would work even better and be more player friendly in my opinion.