Onslaught Series Tournament Rebalance Mod

it would be! However I’m organized in the same way McDonalds is a restaurant :cowboy_hat_face:

Anyway we didn’t adjust anything beyond changing Wide Charge to be melee power due to an issue we encountered where the olde version wasn’t improving staggers. Oh and we adjusted Burnout on BW to have a 90 second cooldown (the others/base ult are 60 seconds)

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You also added a “new” passive to BH. Melee killing blows activate Blessed Shot. Never read that anywhere. Just stumbled over it on accident while fooling around with his new cleave and stagger.

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Oh yeah and that, for some reason that isn’t in the patch document at all. Our bad on that one

I assume the thinking there was to open up options on the level 20 row? Isn’t that gonna be kind of insane combined with Prize Bounty?

Damn I’m gonna have to give rep pistol a run with this.

Might sound funny, but Rep Pistol was the first thing I tried after I noticed that change. It clears Specials quite nicely on Cata3.

I dont think that “change” is making something insane. Its still BH, who has a tough time when held against WHC.


It was the original BH playstyle actually. It’s pretty decent but calling it insane might be a stretch.

I’m not complaining, but I thought that combo is largely what got BH’s passive removed in the first place.

It was considered OP at the time and it was. The game has changed a lot since then though and BH’s toolkit hasn’t really scaled with it.

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They made a handful of indirect and direct changes to BH that certainly haven’t scaled well.
Just the scrounger nerf would have been enough

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The “final” patchnotes still miss the Bounty buff.

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ah jeez I’ll fix that now

edit: it’s fixed, lemme know if it somehow unfixes or we missed anything else

Played around with it a bit now and it’s amazing how Repeater Pistol suddenly becomes a real weapon again with this change. Honestly I’m not sure it does anything too crazy for his other weapons anyway, so maybe you’re right and it’s nothing that crazy. BH is one of my mains though so it’s hard to see past my own bias on this.

Yeah you already had a really similar build with crossbow. Now you can run hunter, though. Tbh, the biggest change is how good indiscriminate blast is now. I think the best build he has is repeater or crossbow with indiscriminate blast. Big dammy and some good elite/special killing.

Wow indiscriminate that good with just the cooldown reduction? I really liked it in Icelator’s mod, will have to see how it feels now in the tourney mod.

It’s very good imo.

Just tried it a few times and yeah it at least gives you a kind of reliable escape option, which is definitely something BH is happy to have. This is more feedback for future balance mods than this one specifically, but I still don’t love the core design of the talent, that encourages you to sit on your ult until you see a large enough blob of enemies so you can keep your pellet count high, and generally discourages you from using it as a get off me tool for smaller groups of elites.

I assume you guys are familiar with Icelator’s class balance mod? I really like the way he redesigned that talent, so it encourages you to use it actively and have it slowly build up over a map rather than spike up and down in effectiveness.

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Tbh, I just spam it. It’s a 16 second CD.

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Alright! So in a more proper thread for it.

I cant say it felt or even feels very assassin like to play at all, in effect when you do not have the ability up she plays the same as say waystalker or handmaiden do in a melee. Ontop of ability uses lasting a very short amount of time with a notable cooldown .

This was the only good thing about cloak of mist + vanish really, it really made her work as an assassin doing stealth and sneak attacks with a very clear ( though overpowered) identity.

I honestly feel that the cloak of mist you gave her would probably end up as a fervency WHC ripoff, but with the twist of stealth&shorter cooldown for an overall weaker kit. Plus i see nothing to help her with her passives and level 20 row which can hardly even be used without a very high stealth uptime which just feels like neglect .c

At least when relying on backstab attacks yeah, the game fundamentally does not allow those to happen unless the enemy is effectively stunned somehow since otherwise they will just turn towards you. So a heap of passives that revolve around those and even talent rows that do will just end up working very poorly without heavy cheese like CoM.

There needs to be some other manner of assassin style going here, it´d be a big piece of work but drawing inspiration from Sekiro´s style of counters and such might be a good idea.

(Definitely not in love with the game and completely biased)

oh i completely get that, and honestly i just mostly blame fatshark for having been too damn lazy with Shade´s design&subsequent changes causing this to occur…really, how could they not realize that a style revolving around attacking enemies from behind does not work in a game where said enemies auto-face approaching players? :sweat_smile:

And worse yet i think they did eventually realize that, and slapped in cloak of mist as a bandaid to make her work as an assassin and able to use her passives and her lvl 20 row, but either failed to realize or didnt care that such a bandaid broke the normal game logic completely in turn. Either is bad.


I just don’t think the whole “assassin” playstyle fits vermintide at all TBH. It’s practically impossible to integrate it in a way that is balanced. That’s a problem with Shade’s core identity. Regarding her backstab row/passive though it’s not like it’s impossible to get backstabs without stealth. Any decently tanky enemy that is targeting a team mate is virtually backstab fodder for you. And it lets her get better dps against bosses that are targeting an ally and making headshots difficult. I don’t think she needs stealth to get value out of it frankly. That talent row does need some work though. Vanish is inherently problematic and backstab ammo talent should really be % ammo restored to open up more ranged options.


the assassin playstyle really can only be filled in reasonably by something like cloak of pain imo, where it’s limited to only one or a few (depending on how you use it) targets at a time and isn’t a constant

as an aside, honestly I don’t think anyone complained about shade being underpowered at literally any point in this game’s history aside from release where her ult did no damage? and from beyond then she’s been either meta or considered op

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