I changed my review on steam from positive to negative and i will leave the game and community.
It’s not for me at all and the Blog Post reads like selling crap with nice words like “exciting items of different potential” “hidden potential” or “distinctive difference of potential”…
what are they try to tell us here?
I tell you - they want you to be addicted and pull the triggers and wait for the jackpot.
Not with or for me. And it ends up in more people speedrunning and rushing through levels like addicts running to the next slotmachine.
Because knowing WHY people leave is pretty valuable data. Sure you can infer that from other data sources, but having someone tell you with exactly why can be helpful.
I like that they are going to the right direction, almost there.
And I also want to upgrade my blessings, while having this permanent blessing thing.
Curio perk lock is unfare to the curio, I want so I could change 2 of perks while one locked.
There also shoul be a lot more plasteele in Damnation difficulty
Generally I thought they would finish the blessing reroll by the end of february, but they surprized me. Well, they didn’t announce when the update will come, might as well be the end of this month.
As I see, many people would like to have sandbox level of weapon control, which I would not like, it’s just boring like hell.
I don’t think that there are more people that will leave due to this crafting system than people that will come back cause there is a crafting system.
Off course, the beauty of Steam is that we will be able to monitor this.
But, let’s be honest! Darktide has a great core, the combats are really great and intense. I think that this point is enough to keep a playerbase in this game.
Of course there will be new WH40K games. But none are cooperatives… and playing solo is not as interesting as playing with players.
I’m just disappointed that they keep making the same mistakes or doubling down on disliked design. I don’t doubt that it’ll keep a solid core of players, but it’s pretty much the same size as Vermintide 2 in 3 months or so after release.
That’s the whole point.
Step 1: Remove bad system (RNG fest)
Step 2: Replace it with something good (Gather materials and craft items you want from materials)
Instead, they doubled down on RNG and will make minor improvements to how we get base items.
Nothing really changed about the main issue people have with the game - that’s what’s disappointing, not the delay.
I will repost here my wet dream post. Deck alike system would be much better, i think someone posted something like this. Offer an item to Hadron for extracting perk or blessing. Perk/blessing goes to your collection so you can use it in crafting. Choose item socket put perk or blessing you discovered via offering, pay craft materials and dockets, here is weapon/curio you want.
It feels a bit general, but I appreciate the communication.
I would have prefered a blueprint option. Depending on RNG I can work around it.
I like the possibility to buy a weapon type you want at the armoury shop. At least, it is an improvement for people leveling up who sometimes could not test unlocked weapons for days. I need to see what kind of RNG will apply to items rating range, the cost and refresh time.
I like emperor’s gifts being systematic and without a time limit. I need to see how linking gear rating range to mission difficulty will affect the ecosystem. I’d prefer that players go in a difficulty they feel comfortable. I don’t like linking gear rating range to secondary objectives. I dont wish for a mandatory book meta on damnation.
I appreciate the changes to Sir Melk’s contracts and RNG, although i need to see how the item range will actually be impacted.
I did not mind the fuse/combine blessing idea, as someone pointed out in another thread it would have maintained an interest for lower tier blessings. However, I much prefer to keep extracted blessing as a reciepe than a consumable.
Locking perks/blessings is not a mechanic I enjoy, especially since some of the blessings might need fine tuning in the future.
I need to see how the cost-scaling system will work in practice for crafting.
As a side note, I would appreciate
an option to recycle equipment into materials
a trade exchange option between Ordo dockets, Marks, Plasteel and Diamantine. Respectfully, please keep Aquilas out of the equation.
I want to at least give a feel for the “improvement of acquiring items based on rating and “potential” (I assume perks and blessings)” but if it’s going to be 100+ hours just to get a single T4 I’d probably be out.
I like that they add the library function to the blessings, same as in division 2, works well there
Come to think about it, division 2 crafting options would be pretty dang good in this game as well when it comes to modifier grinding
Modifier grind/progress. I would enjoy the overall mission grind if I knew I could bypass the rng and progressively and reliably upgrade a weapons modifier/s up to a certain ammount or even 100%, a way to bypass rng. Im not able to come up with any hard numbers but I’ve played games where this is the case. If luck isnt on your side, in time you can still build any item a little close to what you want.
The lower the modifier, the cheaper the cost/time invested to increase it.
This is exactly what I’ve been wasting my ordo dockets on. Now it really does feel like a waste of both time and dockets.
Now that I think about it more, I think the guaranteed Emperor Gift with rewards stratified by difficulty, modifiers, and secondary objectives will may make the game worse. This will incentivize people to play higher tiers and high intensity, but I’m guessing they won’t all be the co-op team-play types (malice teaches bad habits).
I’m predicting that heresy+ success rates in PUGs are going to significantly decline, engendering a bit more player-base frustration and toxicity.
Underwhelming and disappointing. It’s essentially the same trash core system with some superficial tweaks to make it more palatable.
Honestly, I feel even less compelled now to jump back into the game now.
Maybe I’m in the minority here, but the biggest letdown for me was the lack of any mention of true weapons modification/attachments, which hints it’s truly dead or slated for monetization. The fact I can’t add scopes, larger battery packs, laser sights, flashlights, or any other of the infinite amount of attachments in the 40k Universe just kills my enthusiasm for this game. “8% faster reloads after sliding” does not change the gameplay in the slightest, but an actual complex modification system would.
I want a crazy fun horde shooter, not some RNG fest mobile game.