Firstly I want to say that I hold no malicious intent in saying this, and I don’t want it to be thought of as such. But man… The crafting in this game is absolute ass. I have said in some comments that I think some aspects of the game are really good, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t complain about the bad ones.
So, the crafting, right? Nice insentive for people to experiment with weapon builds, one of the things that will keep the players going after the “endgame”. But the crafting that darktide has now is nothing but dice rolling where you can’t even see the dice in your hand. I guess it is pretty accurate to the Warhammer lore though, where you literally pray for your weapons to be good. But that doesn’t excuse that god damn it.
I want something that isn’t just “oh sure gimme the resource and maybe you’ll get what you want”.
I hope this gets adressed. I do, but I don’t know how long I can keep waiting.