By demanding a nerf to PS because you felt somewhat left in the shadow with your Zealot. Because you felt like you can not be THE HERO in every round. That it is not always YOU who can clear every horde solo. That’s WHY some of you demanded that the PS should get a nerf.
All the topics about ‘‘pls fatshark nerf the Power Sword’’…
They do not see the arguments inside and decide if they should do it. They saw the total number of new topics about Weapon X need a nerf. And then they decided to foster the loud minority.
And i told you in some of that ‘‘nerf PS’’ topics, that if you start calling for nerfs in this 4 class PVE game, like it would be a 2 side PVP game. That the only thing you will get is an endless spiral of nerfing and buffing. Up and Down and so on. Favor of the month… up and down, nerf this, buff that. That’s what you get if you bring your WoW mentality to every other online game.
Flamer was OP from the start. Did anyone cried about it? NO! The only issue other classes had with it, was that it blocks the aim of others. But you were loud and demanded a NERF on a weapon of another class. Not because it hindered you in any way to survive the level. But because it scratched your EGO, that another class could handle melee mobs, that you feel only your class should be able to.
Salty Zealot players started a nerf call. They got fostered. Now the Nerf War started. Well done Zealot main players.
I just wish you the best. Hopefully one day Zealot will be THE ONLY good class for MELEE.
Best way to achieve that would be:
to take away the BOLTER from Zealot. That is a way to sharpshooter like weapon for them anyway. -
to cut the range of the flamer down to 20 feet like it should be for a weapon of THE BEST MELEE CLASS.
Been playing my Sharpshooter again now that I have all other classes to 30.
Did some damnations games… PS is still very powerful, not OP. I get basically same performance as earlier, I do however have to aim at heads more. Which I think is a good spot to be. Powerful if used properly, not when swinging wildly.
could be , or maybe they looked at the results went
“holy fugnuggets batman this power swords got a bigger body count than your mum!”
“well lets see shall we , hmm infinte cleave and no damage drop off ,lol who put this live?”
“you did!”
“well lets put some actual numbers in this field and see how it goes? cleave 10 drop off after 4?”
“sure sounds strong but not stupidly broken!”
“ok ! lunch?”
“good days work!”
think about it. your so invested in keeping this broken when the devs take the obvious predictable step to balance it and its still damn strong. you still cant accept it. you need to create a reality where a proffessional game dev would of thought it was fine (infinte cleave no damage fall off) and only nerfered it because a handful of people complained on the forum.
you are in danger of crocadile attack your so deep in denial
because it isnt. its a noob trap people just dont consider the loss you incur taking it and the penalties it applies to the team , maybe maybe its got a fraction too much range, but it doesnt brake the game.
the reason the PS got nerfered and everything else has recieved nothing but buffs? (has anything else been nerfed yet?) is because the PS was the outlier completing braking the balance.
but comeon then in what regard do you now consider the PS too weak?
I have not played flamethrower myself yet, but from what I’ve seen on Damantion and Heresy runs ,when others use it, so far - as you said - the range being maybe a tad bit much, is the only issue I see with it. It is a horde demolisher, which you sacrifice your ranged capabilities for, so it better be competent at its job.
Power sword nerf was absolutely warranted. Infinite Cleave is silly period.
Hard agree with everything you said.
You are right about the Hero part. Some weirdos like to fantasize about themselves as character’s class… Zealots in this case.
The moment they feel that they are losing out, they can’t stand the thought of other people with different class can perform better than themselves so they whine and cry for nerfs, instead of evaluating their own skills or gear score/perks/blessing. Is just easier to blame everything else instead of getting good.
Nobody is allowed to be better than their main class. Unfortunately, just because a few outstanding Guardsmen perform better than themselves, It became the target to cry nerfs at.
Main Vet player, it required a nerf and got a good one at that because it wasn’t overnerfed at all.
It sure is some irony though when people complaining about the nerf is talking about other peoples skill when the nerf hasn’t made the sword useless and it’s still very much a powerful weapon.
Maybe people who cry about the nerf should stop crying and instead evaluate their own skills / gear / Blessing / Perks?
You do realize the argument goes both ways, right?
PS now require at least a little bit of aiming and if you do you still demolish hordes in 1 swing; elites / specials also go down real fast if you do.
Pre-nerf PS was 0 skill required, blind flailing and everything died. Talking about other peoples skill while defending this weapon is comedy. Especially when you can still perform godly with it if you have skill.
Seriously, I see more zealots with bolters than Sharpshooters nowadays on 4+. With the crosshair bug, I’d say it is even a bit weak compared to some of the other options. It is nowhere near the “clear the screen, destroy everything” kind of weapon you try to describe it as, and has some serious downsides too.
You should play a bit with sharpshooter before judging its whole arsenal. Post-buff hellbore is a monster, K12 is good for anything apart from crusher/bulwark, and when the blessing swap finally makes it in autoguns with the ridiculous crit blessing might have some serious potential.
PS thankfully didn’t get nerfed into the ground, it was more of a slap. It is a bit weaker now but totally usable, especially with the right blessings.
As someone who plays zealot flamer def needs a nerf. One less clip and a range cut should be enough. Maybe nerf the ammo count in the tank instead of the total, that could work too. The ability to solo large rooms of reapers/zerks/shooters with a single tank just feels absolutely op, and it has pretty insane boss damage too.
Just because you don’t want the Boltgun nerfed, doesn’t mean that it isn’t a point and destroy everything. No other guns clears all specials, elites (even groups of elites), Ogryn’s and does respectable damage to Monstrocities on top of wiping out an entire wave in a horde with accuracy of a Recon Lasgun.
Compare that to the Zealot flamer - it has slow ramp up damage, that does do a lot when the burn stacks are maxed out - after shooting for 3s. It cannot kill Carapace units nor can it clear Bulwarks or Crushers unless you use your F to get 100% penetration to Carapace. It can’t deal with the vast majority of specials or ranged elites. The flamer is what a weapon should be. It is exclusively a horde weapon. Doesn’t work for the vast majority of specials, doesn’t work on monstrocities after Heresy+, doesn’t deal with ranged or elites outside of hordes and should be used in conjunction with Veterans that are sniping ranged, elites and specials…
Just because other weapons are good, doesn’t mean that Boltgun doesn’t need a nerf.
Boltgun and Revolver both have massive power. Thats why they have such limited magazines.
They are for dmg on point/one big enemy kill.
Flamer has high range high number of enemies cleared.
You all miss the Point of it at all. IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT WEAPON IS OP OR NOT!
The point is, that so many people who play one class only, tend to feel outperformed by others.
And don’t come in this discussion with ‘’ I play XY class myself and i too thing that XY is toooo OP!‘’
That’s a straight up lie.
The game is not even 60% completely finished. The weapons are not 100% out. Crafting is not 100%
available. Specials act weard and mobs spawn right behind players etc.
And still you think ‘‘Hey lets demand NERFS on this or that…’’
I slowly get the feeling, that most of these nerf demand posts are just a distraction to push away the focus of an unfinished game. To make the players fight each other instead.
You want the bolter to be nerfed which is mediocre at best while thinking flamer is totally okay? Even with the nerfs I proposed it would be the top pick to have one in the group.
I just can’t take anything you write seriously you are either trolling, or hate sharpshooter for some unknown reason. If you are actually playing the game currently, cos I’m not even sure about that.
Bolter needs less damage vs carapace (if still good, nerf ammo reserves), flamer needs less range or depreciating damage, the eviscerator needs -5% attack speed, the rumbler needs -20% ammo capacity, and I think we’d have the strong weapons in line with the gold standard Kantrel (which could use a hold down auto-fire for QoL to prevent arthritis).
Then we can focus on nothing but buffs from there.
At this point i mostly just leave the bolter in the armory, even thought it has a lot of ease of use going for it in terms of damage, non reliance on good blessings, and burst damage, the slow handling and reload just makes its feel to clunky.
This, plus you are screwed when you shot it empty on burst into a Crusher/Bulwark head, to deal with it fast. And then get round up by Rangers while trying to reload. That are the moments you see why it has so much power. Because it lacks the mobility and reaction part.
Kantrel (which could use a hold down auto-fire for QoL to prevent arthritis).
If anyone have issues and reads this. You can make a mouse macro or keyboard macro for this to make your mouse click with weapons attack speed interval (add 0.01s for margine or test what’s consistent) while holding the button.
Most games tend to allow macros like this, not 100% on Fatsharks stance on it, but it’s a workaround as long as you have a mouse/keyboard that supports macros.
Bugs should never affect balance. Can’t say i’ve had issues with charges not applying, hell I even abused the “sprint charge” to have it charged super fast instead. That’s removed now though.
This has already been discussed. It will affect your melee too so you’d have to turn it off unless you didn’t want to use power attacks. It would be logical to just have the lasgun work that way for the user. The fact that most ranged weapons should have firing modes and don’t is already a little odd. Flashlights not just being an F key for everyone and a bash not being a Q key for everyone are also odd and stingy things to be labeled as like weapon traits but that’s not really a discussion for here.