In yesterdays community comm-link there is a line "Over the course of the next week we will be releasing Patch 1.0.25, which will focus on fixes for issues with talents, traits and some tweaks to weapons for balancing.
I really, REALLY hope this means buffs for the weak/unenjoyable stuff and not some idiotic nerf to Brutal Momentum or something.
I know you now pretty much following the “nerf to prolong progression” mobile game design garbage philosophy, but please dont nerf the fun stuff, improve, gradually, the weak stuff, the enjoyable gameplay is the last string in the rapidly unravelling rope that holds this game floating above the abyss.
Yeah, nerf them to the ground.
The trash players using flamers are more of a detriment to the team; they need to be weened off flamer. Same for crutchsword.
They are OP a bit, especially flamer, you can destroy not only swarm mobs, but flak, and even carapace armor enemies, and rangers, and probably Chaos Gods and The Emperor. It got no cons, even range isn’t a problem, somethig is too far? Dash or dash tow times times. Purgatus maybe need a small nerf. This two weapons are trivializing gameplay which is opposite to fun.
I use flamer currently because it’s too strong to pass up. That’s a good sign that it needs a nerf tbh. I also think it’s fun, but honestly if it were of equivalent effectiveness personally I find revolver to be much more fun – but sadly revolver is so underpowered it’s essentially unusable in damnation+. So yea, nerf flamer, nerf powersword, buff revolver.
Honestly I feel like purgatus is okay tho. Psyker in general probably needs a few buffs.
I’m joking about nerfing it INTO THE GROUND in case that’s not clear – I think flamer needs a nerf to bring it in line with the other ranged weapons. Yeah alternatively you could just buff everything else across the board but honestly it’s much harder to balance that vs just toning down the things that are obviously overpowered.
Only 4.2% of players have the Inquisitorial Legend achievement and that’s for Heresy not even Damnation. Let this non argument die already. The stats dont reflect that reality, if some weapons would make the game too easy more people would beat higher difficulties. Just because you do doesnt mean that we need to make everything a hassle to play so the game gets a bit harder for you. Have you tried Dark Souls?
You do see the point about power creep tho, right? Like yeah you could just buff everything any time there’s an imbalance. But if you keep doing that, eventually it overwhelms the enemy health pools, and you end up having to increase those too. It’s easier to just bring the overpowered stuff down and push the underpowered stuff up.
No its not, there are clearly weapons that need a leg up to be fun and nerfing everything else wont suddenly make them attractive. It will just make everything mediocre garbage.
This is the same argument about muh Vet being OP, while people should realize that nerfing Vet wont make the Psyker any more fun to play.
Game stats like the Inquisitorial Legend Achievement do not correspond to the claim that there are weapons so OP that they trivialize difficulties. If that was the case more than 4.2% of the playerbase could beat all the Heresy missions.
I mean, currently the game is not trivialized. I agree. But take your suggestion to its logical conclusion: why not just make every single weapon 1000x more powerful than it is now? Do you agree that might have some bad effects, or would you be in favor of that?
Guys, can you please look up the definition of powercreep before saying it?
Here it is: Noun. power creep (uncountable) (collectible games, video games, role-playing games) The gradual unbalancing of a game due to successive releases of new content, leaving the older ones underpowered.
Giving the Revolver a quickloader on empty or cleave on charged attack for the Thunder Hammer doesn’t create any sort of powecreep it brings them on par with existing weapons.
If Fatshark released a Hellgun tomorrow with the fire rate of a Recon lasgun and the damage of Lucious then yeah use the word powercreep.
But laspitol, revolver, shredder autopistol need buff.
Laspistol should get an increased damages at close range (but drop for long distance damages)
Shredder autopistol should have more ammo (magazine and total ammo)
Revolver should reload faster and a little more ammo
Infantry autogun should do more damages
Hammer should hit all enemies in front of you when using the charged attack