The flamethrower OP or something

I am not against flame throwers in general however…
A player using it without the issue of friendly fire, can fill the game with fire taking kills from other players as they are engulfed in flames. This ruined the match for me. Half of the match all I could see was fire in my face. The flame thrower somehow needs to be nerfed so the player cant ruin the game for the other teammates. Not saying it was intentional but it happens. This is a game killer for me and I LOVE this game. Hopefully you can fix this.

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If FF is a thing, Ogryns will be the first casualty lol.
Walking in front of a bolter, what a dumb idea :rofl:

Visually i understand that it can be hard to see next to any type of flames if thats your teammate, bomber or flamer enemeies. I have to ask though…this is a coop game where u work together. It dosent matter who gets the kill, the point is to make it out alive together. A good flamer will try its best to keep that pesky wave off from u at least one angle. Its not an ultimate solution but it can cover a side nicely so u can be more relaxed and watch their flank or back. U supposed to suppress enemy waves with your own tools and flamer just do that which is to the benefit of YOU as well.

Im not trying to be rude or anything so pls dont take it that way, i just dont understand your complaint what so ever in this.


honnestly while efficient against horde FF cost a lot of ammo to use and do do great against elit or anything long range. It’s a good weapon but not one needing nerf.

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“Nerf the flamer and riftheaven staff so nobody uses it cuz I’m upset I can’t get more zombie kills than you” - that’s a pretty weak point.


Flamethrower is fine how it is. Long ready time and fairly long reload balance out the power it has against hordes and it’s stagger.

This game isn’t about who gets the most kills, literally why Fatshark removed the scoreboard. As mentioned it’s about surviving the mission as a team. So that flamer melting the hordes/stunning elites etc is helping out the team.


Purge the Heretic! Burn the unbeliever :slight_smile: :fire:


I was flamed in the front, the back, and both sides. He fired in every direction. It had little to do with me standing in front of him.

flames to left, flames to the right, stuck in the middle with Yo…HIM, the Emperor in all HIS Glory!

The weapon is not OP by any reach. Its just annoying to have to look at. But when coordinating with my premade team our flamer king knows not to fire it in peoples faces…

Flamethrower is absolutely not op, mostly because of it not being able to do anything about ranged enemies that are not close. It’s a horde clear weapon, and it does it well.

I understand the frustration of how blinding it is though. The flames are beautifully done, but they do blind everyone involved, including staggering enemies within it. Hopefully Zealots start to realize that blinding your teammates is a liability (and Fatshark can change the visuals of the vet’s class skill so it doesn’t blend into the flames) and teams can realize that a flamer is fantastic for locking down a direction from anything that gets close, so they can focus in another direction unless there’s shooters behind the flames.

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Maybe it’s not OP (not sure) but is easily misused by idiot players that can ruin the game. Maybe somehow limit it’s use for idiot players?

How is it ruining the game?

This is just nonsense though isn’t it. You just don’t like it becuse it obscures your vision sometimes and kills stuff in a big group. Because… it’s a flame thrower.

This is just nothing. There’s nothing to fix. Just cover another angle, or focus on elites, or combine your melee with the flamer to double down. The whole single strength of a flamer is that it saturates an area with fire to hold an angle.

You’re not more entitled to killing things than other people…

This also serves as a wonderful demonstration that non-team-players will chase kills over their teammates regardless of whether there is a scoreboard at all, let alone whether it lists kills.

I mean ok but at least in this game flamer-like weapons are finally viable. With FF they would be useless on higher difficulties again like in Vertmindie 2 Drake Flamethrower or Flame Storm staff was.

Besides with how much you have to spam range on Diff 4-5 in this game becasue of absolute slog progressing on map with amount of range enemies Friendly Fire would just make sure everyone play only Veteran as Zealots and Ogryns would be massacred from both sides. Not to even mention grenades.

This was the only solution to make sure flamers are viable.

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flame thrower is a complete trap . get a zeolot to give up there ranged slot and blind there team so they can avoid melee and kill trash a bit slower than they used to with melee.

there up there with the new breed of psykers that has just emerged they have had the smite staff surgically implanted into themselves and use it to the exclusion of all things including basic common sense

Read above

Except flamer can also stun lock elites and specials. But I suppose everyone should just use a bolter and be done with it.

Not to mention flamer can hold down an entire area with ease and definitely kills a horde faster than melee.

This is why people don’t want scoreboards.

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Bolter ? ok. wouldnt be my choice .

the flamer , its not only that it blinds your team, its what you give up for it.

the ability to take out hordes is everyones , mellee is perfectly capable, the psyker and ogre are specialised into doing it, the zeolot has (after the power sword gets fixed) by far the best selection of melee and feats that give sustain and burst
Taking the flamer doubles down on a redundancy of making a fantastic horde clearer slightly better at that job but incapable of killing at range.

Mk8 braced will take out 3 dregs per bullet when they are clumped up and retains the accuracy and single target damage to put down specials at range.
Mk8 autogun and mk12 las take one and two steps towards more accuracy and range power but even the mk12 will drop a dreg on a body shot
the combat shotty with its special ammo can take out 6+ dregs in a shot
all of these and others have plenty of power to thin down a horde before it even gets into flamer range and retains the ability snipe out gunners and snipers or take out las scabs
then you have your power hammer/eviscerater or de limber of choice to mop up and sustain .

leaving out the blinding issue, if it were on the ogre id get it, but what zealot gives up for what they get back for it… idk it just looks like a very bad trade to me.