No mods que

would really like an option to not be queued with people who have mods enabled . i think there are some mods that affect the way people play. id just like to be able to avoid that.

There is a mod for people like you.
EnlightenedGameEnjoyer at Warhammer 40,000: Darktide Nexus - Mods and community (


Agreed, for example seeing everyone’s ammo amount in percentage, so I know when to give the ammo to someone else. Surely, I must be avoided like the plague.


see some mods doesnt mean all , it means some


I’d like that feature.
But i don’t think it will play out very well for you in the end.
I know it because i played pre “some mod” enough.

But hey, placebo effect is still a thing, right.

Just curious, what mods/ways people play because of mods are you trying to avoid?

well didnt name it because i figured it was pretty obvious and would just derail , but the scoreboard is the issue.

Ahhh now that you mention it, I don’t know how that wasn’t my first guess

You got called out for hoarding all the ammo didn’t you?


I have never met anyone in my 1000 hours of darktide who was toxic about the scoreboard. And neither am I.

How do these happen, what are they saying?

Also yes, you said some mods but you also said to not be matched with someone using any mods. So yeah.

Enjoy playing with bots because everyone else is playing with some mods enabled :person_shrugging:


I’ve legit seen more people here on the forums getting toxic about it than in game.

I think it might be a regional thing.


How do you know if someone is using mods to such an extent that is a problem to you?

Do they give you grief over your performance or something on the end screen?


Neither have i , my issue isnt toxicity

if you had asked about that i would of explained why , but you didnt, you said

so i didn’t explain about how i didn’t want to derail the thread into a debate about what counted and didn’t. that can happen later

To be fair you were intentionally coy about it hence why people jumped on that point.

Never had a problem with getting yelled at over the scoreboard. Literally only 2 times someone even mentioned anything was an argument a vet had with an ogryn in the same match and a guy said “hey you did a good job with those frag bombs but can you leave some grenades for other people next time?” at which point i went “My bad, Ogryn Neuron Activated” .

Literally haven’t run into people using it to be toxic so don’t know what else to say.


He can matchmake with me, since I’m not playing with mods :joy: I’ve used them in the past but, frankly, I haven’t felt at a loss for not having re-enabled them.

Personally, I have never seen anyone mention the score in game. It mostly shows up in Epeen arguments in forums. I generally only really look through the score is if there was someone who seemingly did nothing the entire mission. I will then check to see what they were doing the entire time. On that note, I find it helps alleviate misunderstandings.

But I will also note that I don’t think it always accurately scores contributions for support roles. If I devote myself to CC, I will end up with the lowest score. Yet while in the mission if I go down, the squad nearly wipes. But if someone else goes down, we can usually finish the wave and retrieve them without much issue.

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I use the scoreboard to see how bad I am and if I have to apologize …

And I agree, I never had any occurance of toxicity because of it. All toxicity I had in game was based in people taking the game toooo serious or bad game knowledge combined with the entitlement of teaching people how to play …

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I’ve met two in my many hours. Not many in the grand scheme, but still, two. Most of the time it’s just people vacuuming up ammo and rushing ahead trying to kill as many things as possible (just typical elf things in an ogryn’s body), or just generally trying to get the most damage to boost arbitrary numbers on their little scoreboard, instead of trying to play with the team.

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in all those matches since i had the scoreboard installed i had one occasion when a downed vet was writing bloody murder about our performance, still fighting and carrying the match.

him,having been made aware of his lousy contribution and still completely clueless of it even being a thing made me discard any attempt of even wasting energy to broaden his horizon.

other than that i am very happy having a tool to monitor my performance, still being close to a psyker in terms of damage and kills while doing all the essentials(keeping my team on their feet) as a shield and kickback build, means i’m properly caffeinated and right on track :slight_smile: