NEW Topic - CONTINUED discussion - Fatshark needs to LISTEN to customers

The first part is true, but I think that was due to the other adjustments WoM brought rather than that mechanic. I’ll quote what I posted in the other thread to explain why I don’t think the mechanic itself works particularly well in promoting teamplay:

Yes and I don’t agree with that solution as I don’t think it fixes any of the inherent issues with the mechanic, but our posts there also included gameplay reasons why we don’t like the mechanic.

I mean yeah those responses are in there too, but you’re intentionally being obtuse if you’re ignoring the posts that do explain why they don’t like it.

The repetitiveness aspect I concur with in one major area and one major area alone, and that’s combat initiation. It isn’t a problem on weapons with automatic CC or an inbuilt modifier (which FS has added to 1h axes now afaik?), but to maximise horde DPS on other weapons without CC you need to initiate with a push. That is limiting, I like being able to throw pushes in naturally in the middle of combat for CC and not having to worry about that.

Does that make the game harder? No. But again, if you’re concerned about playing optimally it limits your flexibility in how you enter combat and that point it’s less tedious to take a CC weapon instead.

Again I prefer throwing pushes in where the CC is actually needed (and you could argue that the game was lacking in that before), not to take advantage of an arbitrary damage boost. They’ve always come in handy for taking aggro off of a party member.

Well I haven’t tried the latest version of WoM (can’t atm) after the nerfs, but one thing I do have to say from skimming through the video, a lot of the time you and the elf are hitting different enemies, so the damage boost from stagger isn’t even taken advantage of. That’s why I don’t think FS should rework combat around it as much of combat/teamwork involves covering different approaches and so on, like in my quoted post above.

Making combat more dangerous if you don’t use all the abilities in your arsenal well (dodging, pushing etc.) I’m all for, but I don’t think the blanket stagger damage boost is the way to do it. Again, it becomes a weapons balance mechanic then, rather than a pure combat one, which brings a whole slew of new problems. And again, I wanted Legend to be harder than it was pre-WoM, and I still want Cata to be a lot harder than Legend.

If stagger’s adjusted on a per weapon-class basis it might be balanced but then the question becomes: why didn’t FS simply buff the underperforming weapons from pre-WoM?