If they are going to make a new Character/career, its Active ability NEEDS to be unique. You might say that all the careers have unique actives, but I look at Huntsman, Shade and Ranger and I disagree. I have a feeling that Fatshark came out a little bit “thin” with some careers because they needed to fill that “3 career per character” request. I’d be perfectly fine if they created a new character with only 1 career - better to have 1 original and solid career than 3 quasi-careers that don’t feel that good.
My initial suggestion was a Tilean Master Engineer - An arrogant full of bravado type of character with a lot of engineer thingies in his arsenal. It could be a ranged focus career with some really powerful range weapons that take time to reload/cool so that he must revert to melee at least 50-60% of the time (and to get THP ofc).
On the other hand, Warrior Priest (WP) is a really good candidate. After all, WPs are some of the most iconic models/characters from the Empire. Yes, it would be another agent of Sigmar’s church but it would fit the story perfectly. Tall, muscular, bald, clad in heavy armor with a rough raspy voice (possibly from Ostland, just sayin ). @Krator already wrote about the arsenal:
And yeah, WP would be another class which doesn’t use ranged weapons, that’s an important thing to consider.
I see him as an utility class with an active healing ability or some kind of a powerful blessing/buff, but of course there should be an option to build him more offensively (which must come with a cost to his utility).
I don’t think that similar ults is a lack of creativity issue - I think it was intentional that they wanted people to be able to find a similar role if their fave was taken. “I can’t play Huntsman? Well, I can still play Ranger!” They’re also very much enablers of their particular style, and so are pretty appropriate, I think. I mean, it’s weird that Kruber can just duck and go invisible, but it DOES enable him to do his role.
Regarding Satlz as a Warrior Priest; he is already close. I mean, I do hope we get that as a career for him, because it’s super-fitting. Right now he is a Templar of Sigmar, technically . . . he already KNOWS the faith incredibly well. He’s not even a lay-person. We hear him talk about it in Blightreaper that his friend, Father Kraussman, had been a Witch Hunter, but then became a priest. So it’s not a weird thing at all. For each career, we’re told that these are “possible roles they take on after Ubersreik”. Saltzpyre becoming a Warrior Priest seems completely possible.
Enough talk of this warrior priest nonsense. I need my vampire babe <3
But yea, they said they will be working on the game for 5-10 years. I’m sure we can expect some new characters in that time. At the same time, the voice acting needs to all be interwoven. So I don’t see them adding a lot of new characters. I feel it will also mess up the Ubersriek 5’s vibes if there’s too many new people. I can see a warrior priest getting along with Salty and lots of banter between the other characters, especially Kerillian. Same for my vampire sweetheart, it’s even mentioned that she has a knack for changing people’s minds and making them like her. I can see the old lady jokes incoming with Sienna as well. As Geneviève Dieudonné would probably be the oldest person in the group, being over 400 years old back in the day when her stories were set.
I’ve been reading that book, I managed to get a copy!
I can see a lot of influence on Fatshark from these stories; there’s a hard-bitten bounty hunter with a volley crossbow, Genevieve compares the lives of mortals to mayflies, and of course - Drachenfels Castle. Sadly, it’s really out of date with later Warhammer lore, and they don’t just burn people for being mutants or vampires.
Except he isn’t.
WP is a Priest, not just a warrior, that’s one thing.
They are not only great warriors, but also tacticians.
He uses heavy armor quite often.
He can use blessing and help of divine powers to support the team or attack enemies.
His iconic weapons are hammers/maces/flails (and mostly it’s hammers). Zealot has only 1 such weapon.
Zealot just has a bit similiar looks, but that’s pretty much it. Reckless fighting style, abandon of tactics, not really being concerned with those around them (as opposed to WP being a leader-type), lack of any kind of faith-powered magical abilites - so there are more differences than similiarities IMO.
I like the idea of Genevieve, too! She sounds like an awesome character to have… but why not both? In two or three years, I’d love to have 7-8 characters to choose from.
Personally, I think it would be really fun to roll out Genevieve 1st or 2nd, a Brettonian Grail-Knight (I just love them so much because cavalry charges are so wonderful) 1st or 2nd, and maybe a High-Elf/Lizardman? Oh man. I get so excited at the thought of new characters I can hardly contain myself.
I think what they are trying to mention is that each of the ‘career’ paths our heroes embark on are nothing that can be done overnight… every single one of them would require a lifetime of dedication in order to be who they are in the game.
When someone says that Victor could’ve been a warrior-priest, I think they are right. He has the zealousness, he is (actually) extremely smart, and certainly is physically capable enough to be an armored warrior.
Witch-Hunter Captain would’ve taken his entire life which would’ve left no room to become so knowledgeable in the world of being a Bounty-Hunter… yet the careers exist side-by-side. You choose your lore when you play the character (which is super awesome, btw, I love it a lot). So… why is it so far fetched to imagine Ol’ Saltzy having Warrior-Priest lore?
By “zealot is basically warrior priest” I mean its what FS chose to do instead of WP, they also kinda fill the same role, I dunno how you would make WP different than a tanky damage dealer that bonks stuff? Plus, you have to either give them no ranged or make something similar to sienna staffs for WP “spellcasts”
Well as far as I understand it the lore is, that they specialized after the main story missions of V1.
So no lifetime investments there.
That’s why the Shade and Handmaiden story shows strong signs of ***-pullyness.
I agree that Zealot looks and works similar there still would be differences.
Somebody suggested Books and I think that could work quite well but I don’t actually know what WPs are supposed to be able to accomplish with the battle prayers I only know them from Total War: Warhammer.
But I know that Sienna doesn’t use anything like it’s supposed to work in the lore so…
Because it’s quite clearly explained that the transition from WHC to Bounty Hunter/Zealot happens after the first game as sort of “evolution” of Saltzpyre.
I think it’s entirely believable that Saltz could become a Warrior Priest. He even says in Blightreaper that Father Kraussman was a Witch Hunter who became a priest. Witch Hunters are already members of the church and know as much about the Sigmarite faith as any Priest - they just don’t minister to a flock or perform miracles through the power of their god.
And regarding Kerillian; it is a bit hand-wavey (mostly about how she got her gear related to each career), but Alarielle does just pick her Handmaidens from great warriors among her people, and it makes sense she considers the Asrai still part of her people. And for Shade, it’s really just . . . her embracing being a murder-hobo and Khaine high-fiving her lust for blood (spiritually-speaking).