New Class

Is there ANY HOPE…for an Assassinorum class? Like…I’m not asking for an Eversor, that’d be bull s^@t…But There are poison based Assassins that’d be cool.

i’ve been wanting a tide game with classes from the officio assassanorium but it probably wouldn’t make much sense for super secretive, super elite assassins to be laying waste to huge hordes of enemies lol

i’ve always liked the idea of vindicare assassins since dawn of war despite being horrible at sniping and i like the characters sevora and sevrina.

yeah…I don’t see Vindicare/Eversor etc. But EVERY Inquisitor keeps Assassins on hand as well…so surely Grendyl has them on hand.

We might get our hands on some of their weapons, but actually being them is quite unlikely, since they’re on a level even beyond space marines.

Weapons might include phase blades, exitus pistols/rifles, neural weapons.

Assassins are an independent organisation to the Inquisition, and while an Inquisitor can request one and there’s Inquistorial oversight on them, it’s up to the High Lords of Terra to allow one to be sent out.


Absolutely not. Closest thing we could see are Death Cult Assassin (Which is the inspiration behind Zealot’s right side) and Sicarius Assassin.

If we get new Archetypes it’s really Tech Reject and Sister Reject that have any chances


Even getting their weapons is very unlikely. Magnitude rarer and more expensive than what we get rn


To be honest, I want digital weapons, so I can spew fire, las, melta and plasma blasts from my fingers. Bring on a Jokaero as the next playable archetype.

Well, the thing is that the right side of the Zealot-skill tree is already pretty much what a Death Cult Assassin does, so there is that.

Actual assassins from the various temples of Officio Assasinorum are, simply put, on a whole another powerscale than what our Rejects are.

Now, however, there IS an option to be a lore-friendly version of a chem-buffed and possibly poison using playable class, and that would be in the form of a player-controlled Arco-Flagellant, which is basically being turned into a combat servitor, pumped full of drugs and sent to the frontline to die in repentance of crimes (real or imagined because this is Warhammer40k) for the glory of the Immortal God-Emperor of Mankind.

I would not eat my breakfast before reading about Arco-Flagellants first tho, they are rather nasty.

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  • No Voice Actors/Lines
  • No ranged weapons
  • Minimal skin options (So Commodore and Penance difficulties)
  • Very few actual melee weapon sets (lorewise)

Arent sisters on a similar power level as space marines?
And even if, doesnt the zealot already fill the role of a flame-throwing/bolter shooting maniac?

Sisters are baseline human but augmented by power armour and faith.

my point stands.
The only thing that might be possible is a sister repentia and even that one (as far as i know) is an absolute powerhouse. but even if you’d want to still put her in the group, her role is already filled by the zealot, both weapon and behavior wise.

i do not see how she could possibly be different (talent tree wise) from the zealot.

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Can make it so that the vocal cords are severed and replaced with inspirational quotes from a Loudhailer. Ability to speak does not have to transfer to heretics, after all.

So make a gun-servitor / arco-flagellant type, this lets ranged weapons be a thing too.

You can make plenty of skins to this depending on just how much mutilation and… shall we say, “body-customization” takes place.

You have several to pick and choose from really, and can go wild on this if you want to.

The omnissiah would be pleased if its influence in Darktide was spread via a playable class instead of the weapon bricking machine, that’s for sure.


I doubt the Omnissiah would be pleased that some of his subjects is a reject (law breaker) punished with a death sentence and taken into a warband to extend their already ended live until death claims them in combat.

I think the Machinegod and his Omnissiah would allow for such an individual to repent in combat slaying the enemies of (human) knowlege and Hereteks.

That said:
I see a Adeptus Mechanicus class to be the most likely, as there is a strong voice in the community for tha and lore-wise it would be easily doable.
Hadron could add them in, they could hail from Scitarii, Enginseers oder other low level servents of the Cult Mechanicus.
Weaponwise the would bring some interesting options, too.
and there’s a lot of skins to be sold, just think of all the Augmetics :wink:


wed sooner get felinids than someone from such a secret and elite order.

There are more to Sister of Battle than the flame throwing/bolter shooting maniacs.

Enough to introduce new weapons or give new playstyle to current weapons, as well as fill the Commodore (and Commissary) while making a full talent tree.

This would still mean having an arm devoted for melee and 1 for ranged, thus still having problems with parts where the hands are required.

The Machine god doesn’t really care about it’s rejects, much less than it does for Skitarii for example.

No, there is not.

We are prisoner scum elevated by our associations with the inquisition. An Imperial Assassin from the Officio is essentially a human superweapon.

Everything an assassin does is something we already have. Sneaky knife guy? We got two. Sniper? We have one. Glass cannon that tears everyone to pieces? Got one.

We need something we don’t currently have. Assassins are dope, dont get me wrong, but they don’t fit.


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