Issue Summary:
No further comment needed I think.
You set sour search parameters under “show lobbies” to “all” instead of just “joinable”.
The browser only shows the top ~30 lobbies and it seems the private ones made it.
check the other link as well
Ah ok
I took a long break from the game and now that I’m back I cannot join any other lobbies via quick-play or server browser.
If I attempt to join a quick-play game, no games are found. If I host a quick-play game then I stand in the lobby forever without anyone joining.
If I set my server browser “Show Lobbies” option to “Joinable” I receive a completely empty list for servers. If I set my server brower “Show Lobbies” option to “All” I see a list of servers but I can’t join any of them.
I’ve tri…
You should be able to resolve this by either restarting Steam, your PC or removing Steam’s download cache. I appreciate this isn’t ideal but it’s a workaround until we’re able to patch this.
To clear the Steam download cache goto: Steam → Settings → Downloads → clear download cache.
February 10, 2019, 10:28am
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