Mission Rewards taint fun

I have been playing for a bit now and having fun but completing a mission only to receive a completely useless weapon as a reward is ruining the experience. And I don’t mean useless as in bad stats (although that sucks to) I mean on my Psyker after completing a difficulty 5+ mission I have gotten a lazgun about 90% of the time. Why can Psykers even roll that on the loot table there are no talents for non warp ranged weapons.

I understand that the system is designed to push us to use the crafting system but nothing is killing desire to play like finishing a hard mission and getting slapped with another weapon that I can’t use.


gun psyker is actually a top tier fun build to play you should try it!


The Emperor constantly rewards nearly all my characters with Tactical Axes.

Melk’s wise and seasoned judgement constantly decides that my Psyker needs all the precision lasguns and boomy autoguns he can source, but nary a stave to ever be found. Meanwhile every Combat axe Melk has ever laid eyes upon he lovingly offers my power-sword wielding Veteran, while my Zealot has never been so generously gifted.


Yeah this feels particularly bad as psyker. The weapon system really shafts them in this game.

Out of the 37 weapons we have at our disposal, 4 of them are staves and 3 are force swords. Due to how they’ve set up most weapons being shared between classes, psyker was always going to suffer.
Between end of mission rewards, melks shop, and the armory, rng is heavily weighted against players that wanted to play psyker because they liked the idea of using magic. Yes, brunt’s exists but it only exists to test out a weapon moveset or as a gambling money sink to try to find a good weapon. It is a very soiled band aid that needs redressing.

I know it would never happen, but being able to choose a % of weapons you’d like a higher chance of seeing would be great. Or even being able to specifically choose the weapon type that you receive at the end of a mission. Idk at this point :sob:

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The emperor’s rewards are making me question my faith

Yeah the whole gearlvl drops are lackluster and broken end game.
Melk 300-380 base = just a lot of usless trash and makes weeklies useless its the same base stat lvl as normal shop only good for maybe once a month buying a blessing.

Running auric and getting low 300 base stat that just clutter the inventory is a bad reward.

kinda wish auric would drop something more fun like recolors, hats and fun stuff.
Grind fashiontide as endgame would be more fun than a gazilion weapons you will never use

It’s a side effect of how unsatisfyingly tuned the itemisation in general is.

I don’t think auric should have any additional reward at all. Let the overcoming of challenge be the reward and let the farm happen on lower difficulties/missions without modifiers.


I agree that the variety is pitiful.

That being said I love rocking the gun on my psyker, head poppin and head shottin for the win!

I like how the ‘rewarding’ system is click on the picture of the weapon until you get close or exactly the number 380 on it.

Extremely engaging and riveting
Clicking a button repeatedly until desired result.

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“taint” fun

When the typo accurately describes the crafting system

I think the whole itemisation and crafting needs to be reworked.

@FuzzOfDeath how do you feel about the crafting system?

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I mean, no offense. But relying on Emperor’s Rewards when you have Brunt’s Brute Force shop available is kind of weird.

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Its not about relying on the reward for gear it’s about how it feels. You complete a difficult mission and your reward is a kick in the teeth.


The crafting system is a pointless artificial grind to try and pad play hours. That said it isn’t “that” bad with the ability to change out blessings and perks you can get a “good enough” item for most builds pretty quickly and play all content levels. The RNG of trying to roll for the “Best” sucks but hey it could be worse.


Truth. I think emps’ gifts are a fine reward while you’re leveling, but once you hit 30 the buzz wears off because very soon after that pointyour progression becomes entirely about gearing up, usually in a specific direction. Random gear drops almost never really help with that.

Ideally, the post-30 end-of-mission reward helps you gear up in the direction you want to go. Unfortunately they seem dead set on this whole “you’ll collect random gear over and over again and you’ll like it” strategy, so I can’t see them really changing this in any meaningful way.


It’s a tiny extra on top of the completion rewards.
You should stop valuing it so highly. Emperor’s Rewards have always been little more than Blessing fodder to fill up your collection or ordo dockets conversion.
In all my time of playing, I got about four Emperor’s Rewards I actually kept and used.

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Same. I don’t even look at them anymore. They just pile up in my inventory and make it even less likely that I’ll bother going through them.

Welcome #428

Exactly… testing and totally useless if you really want to craft something… unless you’re a FS dev and have 100 000 000 ordos…


One of my best psyker builds is focused around lasguns. It pairs with scryer’s gaze quite well imo