Weapons purchasing, progression, & crafting is horrible

I can’t even try out new staffs for me psyker cause the store literally carries 1-3 staffs at any time and they are all terrible. THe emperor gives gifts that I cannot use since its always guns and my psyker does not use guns…The store sells almost only guns and non force melee…there is only 1 melee that uses force anyways I guess so the psyker gets 1 weapon t o pick from…

The gear is bad in this game. I really enjoy the game loop once I am in the mission but everything is really badly designed and not finished. Its like playing a pre-alpha.

Can you all do something to make the stores better? The in game currency store is useless 90% as it has nothing pertaining to the character class that is loaded. The weekly guy sells stuff that is in the same sitch…none applies to the specific toon loaded its just random and bad. The Cash shop is also very limited and there is simply no options AND you no longer know how long you have to wait to get something new in. Not sure why they took that info out but it sux.

Really all the stores are just bad. I have now logged in and then back out after checking the store for the last 3 days because I cannot try anything out on my class and most weapons/stats/upgrades are just terrible for the psyker. There is maybe 2 classes I can see that will end up working (burn w/spirit burn and the electric cc staff).

The progression skills also are mostly not worth using and don’t support the creation of different playstyles using the different psyker weapons.

I’m not actually even going to develop another class unless they do something to develop this game and make it an actual release. This is a prototype.

Please develop the game. The combat and missions are really fun but the weapons/toons/progression/skins/stores/crafting/loading in/logging in/and all other aspects are simply not finished. The game is not finished. Calling this a release is pretty much just fraud.


I am wondering if there will ever be more than 2 things that you buy/upgrade? Having only melee and ranged options for the only way to ever affect your build seems limited. Where is the armor/implants/other gear? This seems overly simple and not really intended to last very long in this state.

I would have been happy to wait another 6-8 months for a full release. I don’t understand why modern game developers feel the need to release the games before finishing them.

The game has amazing potential, and the gameplay at its core truly feels like one of the best games I’ve played in a very long time. But the game is missing so many basic features, and after playing almost 200 missions, the lack of content is starting to ruin the experience for me. There’s no reward for playing on higher difficulties, and when you do it’s completely random.

For example, I got three legendaries in a row when I was leveling my Psyker. I think he got a total of six or seven from random mission rewards, all of which were useless because they were guns, had crappy stats, or just too low level to matter. My ogryn got exactly zero legendaries.

Weapon customization and cosmetics are essentially non-existent. I don’t count rerolling perks and blessings as customization, they just make your weapon do more damage. That’s the laziest idea of “customization” conceivable. I could sit down and make a list of like twenty blessings that actually change the way your weapon operates. If blessings were actually interesting and some thought was put into it, that would be a step in the right direction.

The reason the game was released as it was is that it had already been delayed (twice I believe?) and investors probably pushed for a release, as they wanted a return on their investment. At the end of the day FS doesn’t get to choose when the game releases, their publishers do (and GW as well may have pushed for a release before Christmas). As for everything else I’m in agreement.

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