Okay, so, to preface - the recent buffs to Psyker really did help to offset the nerfs and now they seem functional again. I would still change some numbers to make some of their passives a bit more impactful (3% damage bonus per warp charge is a bit lackluster) but they seem to be working as intended.
I have played for eight hours now (I know, not a lot compared to some of you, but I didn’t have much time to play it until today) and I just got my first staff… and I can’t even use it because I’m level 10 and it requires level 12. Given that diff. 2 missions only get me about half a level at this point, that means another three to four missions - maybe an hour and a half more - before I can use it (I was hoping to avoid moving up to diff. 3 before I had a staff, so that I could actually perform the role I want to).
That’s nine to ten hours of gameplay before I can actually feel like a psyker. Because news flash: I didn’t pick the class to shoot guns, I picked the class to use magic staves. I’m a Sienna main in VT2 and I knew coming in that the experience wasn’t going to be identical, but come on. There is no reason to make me put in this much time and effort before I can fulfill my class fantasy.
It’s making me actually really concerned about the possibility of a progress wipe where previously I was more blase about it. I really don’t want to have to put in this ten-hour slog again just so that I can access a basic force staff. I get it, we’re prisoners to begin with, they aren’t gonna give us the best stuff, but for the Emperor’s sake, at least reduce the level requirement. Make the staves start dropping at level 5 or something. Please.