Fix Psyker rewards

The overwhelming majority of drops for psyker are guns, since there’s more of them. However very few psykers use guns, so it massively inflates the effort required for psyker to farm blessings compared to other classes.

Please, PLEASE weight the drops more in favour of staves. I’ve done over 40 difficulty 5 runs in the last 2 days and received literally no staves in that time. No other class has their progression totally screwed with like this.

It is annoying indeed, but when it comes to farming blessings, staffs only have 5, 5 , 9 and 10 available to them.
So it might actually somewhat cancel out.

in ways i agree, not just for Psyker but for all the classes.
perhaps they should be weighted to offer Class specific weapons more often.
i would say only 5% or less more likely any more than that and people may have issues.

personally i play my lv30 Psyker and most of the rewards i get i convert into blessings
so i have most of the staff blessings and dont use staffs so for me this wouldnt help, :slight_smile:

i wish their was more over lap in weapons for Characters.
my Psyker craves for a Bolter. please dearest Fatshark,…

Yeah for sure, but I do think it’s a lot more pressing for Psyker since the overwhelming majority of us use staves due to both practicality and how many of our talents are directly tied to staff use. Plus the functionality between staves and guns are just totally different.

As a Zealot you’re not basically wasting half your talents by talking an autogun over a bolter, but as a Psyker you’re wasting tonnes of talent points if you aren’t built to use a gun.

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