KNOWN ISSUE: Fatal Error! Failed to read:

Sorry for the delay. You should be able to stop this by disabling Steam Cloud saving, but it’s come to my attention that this doesn’t seem to be working for everybody:

  1. Navigate to your Steam library
  2. Right-click Darktide
  3. Select ‘Properties’
  4. On the ‘General’ tab, scroll down to ‘Steam Cloud’
  5. Disable ‘Keep game saves in the Steam Cloud for Warhammer 40,000: Darktide’
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We have been made aware of a crash that can occur on startup for AMD users, when using the experimental build.

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We are now encouraging anybody playing on the experimental build that does not have performance issues, to revert to the live build.

If you are experiencing performance issues, please continue to use the experimental build as this contains important information on the stalls you’re experiencing.

The options to change direct storage are now supported in the live build, meaning you can make the changes below without using the experimental build.

It’s possible these changes will remain in place, so it’s possible no other action will be needed once you have switched builds.

For your information, we are looking at including these options within Darktide’s launcher, to make the process easier.

Part 1: Setting Feature Flags

  1. Navigate to your Darktide AppData by:
  • Press the Windows key + R
  • Enter %appdata% within the search input and select ‘OK’
  • Navigate to AppData\Roaming\Fatshark\Darktide
  1. Open the user_settings.config
  2. At the VERY TOP of the user_settings.config, enter the lines below:
direct_storage = {
    enabled = true
    disable_bypass_io = true
    force_file_buffering = true
    force_mapping_layer = false
  1. Save your changes
  2. Play!
  3. Post here to let us know the outcome

NOTE: If you currently have disable_dstorage = true in your user_settings.config from previous instructions, please remove it and replace with the updated version above.

Part 2: Didn’t Work?

In the event the instructions above did not help with your issue, please try:

  1. Navigate to your Darktide AppData by:
  • Press the Windows key + R
  • Enter %appdata% within the search input and select ‘OK’
  • Navigate to AppData\Roaming\Fatshark\Darktide
  1. Open the user_settings.config
  2. Remove the changes made previously
  3. At the VERY TOP of the user_settings.config, enter the line below:
direct_storage = {
    enabled = false
  1. Save your changes
  2. Play!
  3. Post here to let us know the outcome

NOTE: If you currently have disable_dstorage = true in your user_settings.config from previous instructions, please remove it and replace with the updated version above.

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Using both Part 1 and Part 2 potential workarounds, the same Fatal Error issue occurs eventually. Both parts were attempted without mods and on the live build.

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Issue Type (Required):

Crash - on Launch

Issue Description (Required):

GUID: 1e08fd69-0117-4a8f-a15d-86e08c40c159
Log File:
Info Type:

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

No, I don’t use mods

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

Steam (PC)

Player ID (Optional):

[PC] Crash Report (Optional):

GUID: 1e08fd69-0117-4a8f-a15d-86e08c40c159
Log File:
Info Type:

try with these settings, see instructions from Julia fruther up

So is DT actually using DirectStorage now? On by default, right?
I see the DLLs in the folder and in Process Explorer.

I remember having to manually update some Thales group obscure software manually to get a full Direct Storage in game bar->gaming features:

Screenshot 2024-06-30 112117

Issue Type (Required):

Crash - During Play

Issue Description (Required):

I launch the game, get into character select and then the game crashes, hard. I’ve done the %appdata% cleanse, NONE of my other games do this. I only have one GPU which is a 2080TI, I just bought new RAM, Processor and Motherboard to get this thing working, what am I doing wrong?? Audio also clips in and out whenever I play, stuttering a lot even when I’m doing fine.

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

No, I don’t use mods

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Common (<50%)

Platform (Required):

Steam (PC)

Player ID (Optional):

GUID: bd335bed-9262-46a8-abb0-732e26bb2656
Log File:
Info Type:

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direct_storage = {
    enabled = true
    disable_bypass_io = true
    force_file_buffering = true
    force_mapping_layer = false

Doing this fixes the failed to read error but then I’m met with Failed to Decompress. I understand that this could potentially be caused by the fact that I do have an i9 13900KF, but “Failed to Read” or “Failed to Decompress” wasn’t an issue for me up until a certain patch. I’ve tried with and without mods, even enabled a intel preset on my motherboard but still the same error that happens mid play, despite the game still obviously running in the background of the error box.


GUID: 3da42d18-4093-432b-a5fb-291df75b5668
Log File:
Info Type:

I’ve tried redownloading the game multiple times and verifying file integrity, and the game crash keeps happening

Yes we are using DirectStorage 1.2.2

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both error could be due to the intel cpu. I have not getting any responses from microsoft what this error means. The only thing i know is that certain ppl get it and the settings above seems to work as a workaround.

try the workaround for the intel cpu issues as well which means downclocking it. See the link

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Try the settings linked above.

add this in your appdata user config file

direct_storage = {
enabled = true
disable_bypass_io = true
force_file_buffering = true
force_mapping_layer = false

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i have not seen this one before

Did you get the same error before the update? try move the game to another disk or try the settings provided here and see if it helps

sadly this is an error inside dstorage and we have no way to look inside what it actually means

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Do the kids still say “cool beans”? Cool beans!

settings linked?how?
do you mean Create a file which is a “ settings linked”? but how?

not worked,game crashed,check user config file ,the linked dispersed too

I swear I just cannot play the game, finishing a game without a crash is a miracle …
And not only it makes my game crash, but it also make the SSD where the game is installed to dissappear, I have to reboot my whole computer at every crash.

And I have this one for very long ago, it already made me quit the game back in the days, this is so frustrating.

are you sure your SSD is healthy?

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