Currently I can’t think of a reason to justify Kerillian’s Spear and Shield being locked into one career and unavailable to, say, a Waystalker too.
Don’t we have ranged careers with access to shields in this game? Huntsman, Ranger Veteran, Outcast Engineer all have shields.
Does it not fit the Warhammer Fantasy lore? Spear and Shield is a common weapon combo among the Asrai.
Are Waystalkers not known for using the shields in the lore? Maybe, but neither are Huntsmen.
Isn’t a shield that’s obviously High Elf-styled appropriate for an Athel Loren Elf? An Imperial shield with skulls and the “Sigmar” insignia wouldn’t be appropriate for a Bretonnian Grail Knight either.
Would it be too overpowered for Waystalker to have a shield? Also no.
So why not give us more choice and build versatility by allowing, at least, Waystalker, to use Spear and Shield?
I strongly disagree. There are lore related things. Not only that, but Waystalker is a ranged career and they focus on hunting their prey with bows and arrows, makes absolutely no sense to equipt her with a shield lol. Although be thankful that you at least have the spear XD
I think he’s right that lore is kind of not the issue there (GK can take imperial weapons, bombs, can wear Parravon heraldry while wearing Louen’s armour, for example).
In my opinion, the issue is the opportunity for Waystalker to play ranged only, which is pretty easy already considering her hagbane, for example. But shield will add a ton of survivability. Huntsman is a slow ranged that relies on headshots a lot, Waystalker has a better ammo sustain.
In général, in official realm vanilla difficulties Waystalker is already pretty strong, giving her shield means giving her 1) ledging elites and hordes 2) good movement 3) blocking guns and some boss attacks, which is a lot for her aimbot ult and cd talents. But that’s just how I see it, maybe, some people find this weapon balanced to use on her… idek
Which brings up another point, Huntsman needs better ammo sustain on everything besides the bow to be proper ranger career and have higher pick rate. Currently this career is rarely used (in PvE) and has very high skill ceiling that requires you to essentially never miss headshots
That’s another question, and I will disagree on it as well. I think there should be a career with high skill floor. Maybe, people don’t pick him because of waystalker’s superiority ? I don’t know.
I don’t think Waystalker is necessarily better. They have somewhat different roles. Huntsman has stagger melee options with a stagger THP perk, letting him stagger elites and plague monks like Ranger Vet. He can also reliably one-shot specials at long range in Cataclysm and deals decent boss damage.
Waystalker has higher overall DPS and is often preferred for Legend and below, where teams don’t rely on stagger as much since elites don’t spawn in hordes, and the hordes can be cleared quickly. She’s also a popular choice for newer players due to Trueshot Volley and Amaranth health regen, making her great for farming green circles. She has more ranged options too, while poor Kruber only gets four, and the Rifle gets old fast.
That said, I think Shade could lore-wise have shield option with Dark Elf skins. There’s the Darkshards with shield in the Warhammer Total War games. I don’t think SotT or Waystalker’s roles really need it. Huntsman and Ranger Vet are more uniquely useful because they have shields for their ranged careers. I think revamping Waystalker talents (among other careers that have some crappy talents) would be a more useful focus.
Look, go play Waystalker with her meta build in Versus and watch yourself how annoying and op she can be in the hands of any decent player. Add the shield on top of that, and she becomes not only extremely annoying but also immortal. It’s not going to happen for lore and balance reasons my dude. Handmaiden is already tier S when she’s equipped with the shield.
Waystalker doesn’t need it. Next time OP should ask for tips about how avoid getting hit with her, instead of wanting something that has literally no sense to most of us. You want the shield fine, go play Handmaiden instead lol
Ah yes, the “if I don’t agree with someone then they’re noob at the game and playing incorrectly” attitude again. And here I thought you would make real arguments. Thanks for nothing I guess
I told you already about the real arguments so stop trolling. It breaks lore and balance.
Learn to play safe instead of wasting our time with dumb suggestions.
How am I trolling exactly? You do realise that you back up your arguments with literally nothing (“lore reasons”, WHAT lore reasons?), then instead of actually referring to the points I listed you just assume that I’m a noob and playing this game wrong? And then, call me the troll? Lmao what?
You do realise how childish is your behaviour? You’re the only one trolling here. Kindly refrain from posting in this thread
I agree to this. That’s what I’ve been telling for a long time. Both merc and foot knight should have a bow. There are no real reasons they shouldn’t, just as there are no real reasons waystalker or shade shouldn’t have a shield too.