It's official, this game is dead

1200 hours in this game and this patch has sealed the deal. Awful cosmetics, boring portraits, boring trinkets, boring penances. It is EXTREMELY obvious 95% of this content was created just to try and shut us up, and they did an absolutely horrid job. It is even MORE obvious the people creating this content don’t actually PLAY THEIR OWN GAME. I log into the game and get about 30 different penances completed at once - and not ONE of them gave anything that looks remotely cool or pleasing. Seriously, the entire team in charge of patching this game needs to be FIRED asap. The VT2 team makes the Darktide team look like they’re little children playing with a coloring book, its pathetic.

Edit: I am editing this post because I might give the vibe that I don’t enjoy or like the game. It’s quite the opposite, I actually haven’t put as much time nor enjoyed a game as much as this outside of games like Last of Us, Red dead Redemption 1/2 and games of such quality. That is the specific reason it is so frustrating - so much potential, so much work and effort put into the art, universe, gore, dismemberment, movement, shooting and its being completely squandered because the unfortunate truth is - passion is few and far between anymore. In my personal opinion, Vermintide 2 has some real passion behind the small team left in charge of releasing current content after release. Darktide it would seem, not so much. This is of course, speculation… but I don’t see any other explanation as to the completely mediocrity being piled on top of what is a literal diamond waiting to be polished and cut properly.



deep breath

90% of those penances are to unlock the cool stuff. Go to Hestia, click through the rewards (switch to the grid view, it’s faster), then go through the Path of Redemption at the bottom. If you’re like me and have ~300 hours in you’ll unlock at least the cover art cosmetics and the TOME. Rest is up to you.

The game is very much not dead and it’ll keep me around for a bit longer just to get a feel for the unlocks.


you know i´m something of a necrophiliac myself :skull_and_crossbones:

you don´t like it fine, but all this “official” can kiss my officially ogryn sized balls.

playerbase is fine with a tiny bit more people knowing their craft rather than 100k stumbling about.
never had empty lobbies for auric maelstroms and those playing “usually” knew what they were doing.

personally i like the fluff we get, gonna test the new modifier and puzzle stuff to see if it spices up the matches, game was fun before don´t see it getting any worse.


Never thought some be so wrong. Meybe not what you wanted. But is what Ulgo and other wanted for long time. Maybe give it real try then come back yes?


This patch feels like a filler before something big…or at least it should be because the game needs it.
Also, did I miss folks crying about Survavilst being op? Cuz I only read/heard that it’s the other 2 auras that are utter garbage…nerfing the only good one will not make the other 2 appealing…


U herd it hear furst guuuys, the gem be ded!



You don’t seem to get it. They added nothing other than bad cosmetics and penances a 5 year old could think of. This is the definition of a “honeymoon phase”. Once you start unlocking and finishing those penances you’ll realize its a whole lot of nothing. Unless you’re one of those “achievement addicts” that only care about completing meaningless achievements to feel like you’ve accomplished something, then yes this patch is AMAZING. I’ve scrolled through every penance and I do not see ONE thing that’s appealing to me outside of the current content.


Aight man, cool. Guess I won’t be seeing you playing then. Catch ya later.


They are laying down the ground work. Now when actual content gets added this will be nice stuff to have in the background.


Ulgo tried. If not enjoy it then not play it simple as


This one and Crafting aren’t meant to make people come back (though they will in some number), but rather try to prevent the fast decline of players and hopefully garner a plateau that is higher than 3k


ulgo wise ogryn, sometimes i wish i could turn off that implant of mine…small mind tidy mind ´n all


hey I didn’t give you permission to use a Gif of me!


It’ll at least keep me playing for a little bit. The achievements did feel left behind. Balance changes are fine as well, and finding secrets in the middle of maps has always been fun.

I’m starting to see why @Ol_Jakal has the attitude he does. We finally get some kind of major content update to make progression a little more fun and I still see people doomposting, like how people complain about Brain Burst being “too weak” because it doesn’t instantly one shot every enemy in the game.


well numbers went to 7k for what its worth, huge numbers don´t equal quality teams though and as long as wait times don´t exceed a few minutes i´d be perfectly fine with around 3k.

sure sales-perspective drools for larger numbers so i´d wager anything around 10k is more than healthy in the long run, no ?

Let’s not excuse Jackal though


NGL this is, conceptually at least, exactly what you want to see as a progression system: you know exactly what you’re unlocking, you can choose how to get there (via what penances to aim for), and you know how long it’ll take you to get there.

I’d say it’s best example of player agency if it came with a map selector but atm it’s lightyears better than what could’ve been.

Apply this ethos to itemization and my remaining complaints about the non-game systems will mostly be centered around the cosmetics you have to pay real money for.


See what the numbers are tomorrow or on the weekend

I’m betting people will check out the nothing burger and leave again hungry


Sorry, I can’t hear you over all the chests I’m ooooopeninnnngggggg!