Today is the DAY

Today is the day, after 776.1 hours of playing Darktide. Today i closed the game the first time because of complete boredom.
For me there is no longer a ‘‘fun’’ part involved in playing this game. EVERYTHING on it feels like actively trying to make me stop playing it.

I need RNG LUCK on the shop. If it does not have what i want, i have to wait 1 real time hour.
And even if i get lucky with RNG, i still need material to upgrade the weapon. So i have to grind for that material. And then when i finally upgrade it, it turns out to be an absolute useless perk combo.

It took me 3 days of 16 hours online time,to get a combat knife with at least +2 bleed on my Zealot.
At the same time i got four 380 Auto guns with that char. But not a single Auto gun above 360 on my main Vet.
This game wears off left mouse buttons faster then any other shooter. It tries to slow down progress in EVERY aspect of EVERY game mechanic. Timers over timers and ridicules amounts of material, just to GAMBLE some Perks and Stats.
Missing stuff that was promised at the release is still not there. Without ANY compensation from FS.

All in all, the only thing left to say is that it no longer feels like a game and more like labor to kill time. Lesson learned. Definitely THE LAST ‘‘Pre Order Game’’. And THE LAST ‘’ Release Day Game’'.

Fare well players. Try to have fun with whatever FS call this glued together code lines of RNG time gating scrap.


See you tomorrow.


And I thought that I’ve over played this game with~250h :sweat_smile: What have you done all that time? There is literally nothing to do after you level everything up, just pointless grind without any reward and some gambling for not significantly better weapons… that’s some kind of dedication, or is it self flagellation?

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Anyone else here think all these ‘I quit’ posts popping up every now and then are a complete joke when they are paired with ‘after playing 500+ hours’ or is it just me?


Not really. VT2 still holds up because it doesn’t do any of this nonsense. I only play DT because I’m still having fun without even considering gear. I perfectly get that those who want to actually be competitive in end game see no reason to stay when FS releases unfinished and broken products like this.

I can still level up more characters to level 30. I can still play with friends. I currently don’t even consider gear as the complete experience just isn’t there. I buy something that looks somewhat like what I want and play with it… but that won’t last, and it’s not strange that people give up.

I think it’s important to take it seriously. It’s not just drama.


:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :man_shrugging:

If you got 700 hours out of a game then it was worth the money. :man_facepalming:

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From a “value proposition” standpoint, obviously this person and others in a similar situation “got their money worth.” So that’s not issue. And obviously they don’t think the game is total garbage, otherwise they wouldn’t have stuck with it for hundreds of hours.

For me, and I imagine many others, we want games like this to be a “forever game,” which is to say that it’s a game that you’re always willing to come back to, in large part because there is always more nuances and depths to explore, different experiences and challenges to take on, new builds to try out etc…

Vermintinde 2 is a forever game for me, even if they never made a single additional update to the game. I have most of the challenges done after 700 hours, but honestly I’ve barely played Cataclysm. I’ve played every class/careeer but there are many I’ve only played a little bit. Chaos Waste’s provides so much replyability. The crafting system, while not the best, lets me endlessly tinker with builds and test them out, etc. It’s a 100% “Forever Game” for me for many of these reasons. It respects my time and effort, and gives me a reason to keep coming back.

I want Darktide to be a forever game too. But so many of the systems actively work against this notion. The incomplete (and currently PoS) crafting system, the over reliance on RNG for everything, the silo’d resources, the miserable weekly grind, the inability to select missions, the limited pool of careers and many junk weapon options, limited build diversity, the list goes on. Of course no mod’ing. All of these things work against Darktide being a “forever game”, at least as it stands right now. Hopefully it will get there in the future, and the sooner the better.