I just have yet again ruined a curio by upgrading it and getting a pretty useless perk(6% experience). After I had spent like 15 min pushing 2 buttons to get a perk I wanted on a gun.
Pretty frustrating, when the RNG is killing you. And there is nothing I can do about it I can’t git gud to make it easier or something.
Just not enjoying the game like this tbh.
I wonder if the devs actually enjoy crafting in there own game, would you show this in a gameplay preview for the press in the hopes of getting people excited?. Doubtful, so why is it so anti fun, restrictive and unrewarding?
I just don’t get it what’s the philosophy behind it? It should be possible to come up with something more enjoyable and rewarding for a gamestudio right?
Crafting should get you excited about making a new item, not make you anxious and hoping for the best when you push that upgrade button. And then get frustrated most of the times.
It’s even worse on curios with no re-bless and 3 perks of which you are allowed to change 1 for some reason.
You might as well get rid of a crafting system altogether it doesn’t add anything to the game but being a time sink and a source of frustration. Just have a store with much more items on a rotation or whatever. Just as rng but at least it saves you the trouble
Anyway I guess I 'm just pissing in the wind with this post.
Someone at FatShark once went to a casino, and thought it was the bestest thing ever. So now literally everything in the game is a casino. Want to buy a weapon? Casino. Want to upgrade a weapon? Casino. Want to play a mission? Casino. Want specific weekly contracts? Casino. Looking for certain mission modifiers? Casino.
It’s ok, it’s a time sink, but no longer a time gate (… for the most part)
My main issue comes from the perks and blessings designs
They seriously need to go over each and every one of them and make sure they’re all interesting and attractive
Right now it’s not crafting, it’s just rerolling until you get the good perks/blessings because everything else is terrible
You’re not making a tough decision because multiple useful blessings compete with each others for limited slots, you’re only getting rid of the trash
I wouldn’t say that it’s all bad. Being able to rip blessings and then apply them as many times as you want is nice. They could have made it to where 1 ripped blessing = 1 apply it to something else. Same with the perk replacement–clicking a lot is annoying (honestly I have 99 Darktide problems and this ain’t one of them), but it’s nice that the cost to reroll goes down to zero.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a huge fan of this crafting system over any other I’ve encountered, but some credit where credit is due, IMO. I think a bigger problem is that there are perks (like your +exp on curio) and blessings out there that are completely worthless. There’s such an emphasis on getting (or not getting) specific perks/blessings that it makes precise weapon building even more desirable (or required) than it should be.
I hate how you have to do the same blessings for different weapons and Force Staff however it unlocks on a weapon for all characters?! Why? Not having shared currency and being forced to grind on one char to infinitely reroll, otherwise known as crafting, has drained my will to even bother playing more than one character. It seemed interesting for 5 minutes now its just boring RNG shopping/“crafting” for tier 4 perks and blessings.
i genuinely think it very good if flawed around the edges and in need of a QoL pass. it outcomes the things i want extremely frequently, i can very trivially build whatever i want on the classes i play. i wish the system didn’t penalize class exclusive weapons like it does, but hey there are lots of reasons i don’t wanna bother with psyker rn so
i roll nothing but twenties tho apparently so iunno.
How are people even calling it “gambling” exactly?
Today I decided it was time my Zealot finally got a decent Catachan IV.
Bought ~30, got six 360+ candidates
got a bad perk at Green with the first one, so discarded it
second one had a good first perk/blessing, so maxed it out and it has two T4 perks, two T3 blessings, and easily cleared a couple Damnation runs to recoup resources.
Well that’s like 10 missions worth of ordo/materials for a maxed weapon. Pretty straightforward, and I didn’t even change out a blessing yet (will hold out for a nice T4 that synergizes). But even though it’s not the exact blessing combo I’d have chosen it definitely gets good value from the ones it has.
Assuming you just avoid the missteps (in this case it cost me 200 whole plasteel to bail out of the first candidate, and I regularly get 600+ from a single mission currently) I’m not really sure why people think it’s particularly RNG based. Apart from the ordos stockpiled beforehand, it was seriously only like 2 missions to get the final weapon (with one of those runs using the purple version of the weapon, since it was already great at that point).
Basically “gambling” to me involves a significant risk. But what I just described is essentially guaranteed to provide good weapons with less than 10 total missions worth of materials.
It’s not. It’s gambling. It’s not “essentially” guaranteed. It’s not guaranteed at all. You clearly haven’t the slightest grasp of what evidence is. Nor statistics and RNG.
You just spent 5 hours worth of materials for a weapon that wasn’t really what you wanted, but in your opinion it was good enough. That’s not progression. That’s a lottery. A casino. Gambling. With a very real, very non-zero chance of you having wasted all those materials with nothing to show for it.
As for gambling requiring significant risk… Oh boy. You put in something of value (your time spent grinding materials) into a system that has a completely random outcome. How is it not gambling?
I know understanding random math and statistics can be difficult, but please do try.
I seriously doubt that anyone at Fatshark plays the game, or any video game for that matter. I believe that the people who work there hate video-games and gamers in general.
It’s the only way I can explain the state of Darktide, tbh
I think “crafting” has become a catchall term that basically encompasses everything we don’t like about the Mourning Star. I think the issue is that Fatshark has set the stage for a late game build-crafting experience with feat selection and synergistic gear traits but then not really delivered on one. I think this is down to two or three big reasons.
no diversity of exciting options from which to build
What is the point of the Columnus autoguns, graia autoguns, lousy axe variants, lousy claw sword variants, exp perks, ordo dockets perks, hound damage resistance perks, curio% perks? Why are there good blessings on some weapons that have been copied to other weapons where they don’t make sense. Why do so many blessings have such teeny tiny impacts on game play or are simply bugged/not implemented beyond an icon? There is no challenge to be found in creating a build from a pool of options that present interesting possibilities. Rather the challenge is in not ending up with any of the vast pool of negative options on your gear.
limited agency in building at all
Patch #4 went a ways to fixing this since you can now develop a library of blessings and you can buy crummy grey weapons to roll the dice on in hopes of getting a blessing you don’t have. Ultimately you are still rolling dice that have nonsense on 5 sides though, it’s just easier to do now. If you play the game for 10 years you might finally be able to put together a complete library and find that agency in picking weapons that complete your desired build. Not so with perks & curios though. It would be nice if we had more positive options and something we could actually do to work toward specific ones.
Could definitely be improved with some value tweaks, like stopping level 30:s from seeing sub 320 items for instance since they serve no purpose other than being blessing sacrifice fodder (and we can get enough of those with just missed bases).
Locks are really annoying and should at least have some sort of resource to get rid of those or maybe thats what the future red item tier will be?
Its definitely better than what it was but its still far from perfect. I find it still to be extremely annoying to get what i really want, even tough “resonable items” are far far easier now to get with this system.
No and that’s coming from someone with a lot of time in other looter shooters and proper MMOs as well.
I can only describe the problem as a total lack of direction and a big divorce from actual gameplay time vs gear progress.
I’ve gotten some of my best gear on characters i barely put time into and on other characters they are mostly running mid equipment that i don’t care for (ie yeah it works but i wouldn’t call it game changing)
-Siloing of resources and gear feels like it wants to push you towards playing 1 character and i feel like it’s going to get especially obnoxious as more characters / subclasses roll out, especially if you need to grind a new character from scratch every time.
-Once you have a weapon that rolled 1 blessing and 1 perk you can’t tweak it anymore and you have no agency over that weapon besides getting an entirely new one. I would take the ability to slowly work towards improving an existing weapon even at a steep resource cost but i feel like im wasting my time constantly checking the exchange / brunts / malks to hope for a not terriable roll. I would rather have the level of control over my gear i get from say Warframe with their hot swap mod cards system or Payday 2’s attachment system.
-Yes people post their chances and say “i got this thing in x hours” but judging off the number of other posts saying otherwise the average swings so wildly. I don’t care if i need to grind 100 hours to get a thing but it starts to get irritating when it could be 50 OR 300 hours.
At this point they probably aren’t going to change the system but i don’t have to like it.
It’s a mixed bag tbh. System would benefit from better odds and/or more agency.
I enjoy that the crafting system allows for a blessing reroll, which will make it way easier to try new stuff in a game that need content. I enjoy that Brunt Armory is giving me an option, although more expensive, to get weapons that are not accessible otherwise. I enjoy keeping blessings as a receipe, which I like way better than a consumable. I like that the last patch boosted drop rates of 360+ / 370+ weapons in shop rotations.
I dislike the current odds at brunt, as well as locks on perks and blessings. I am not allergic to RNG in general but grind toward loot feels way overtuned, and that includes crafting in its relation to drop rates and crafting materials. This is improved by the patch, but not solved.
I would like an option for weapons to be recycled against materials, and to reroll or improve weapon stat repartition.
I unironically like the system for the most part.
I don’t see the big deal with most of the complaints, especially the Casino stuff.
It’s like those critisizing the RNG never played any other loot-based game. Of course there will be RNG. Always is there RNG.