Instead of weapon nerfs, why not bringing some love?

I was running a lot of catachan mk VII and I think its close enough to the mark of a good weapon, maybe if push attack comboed into L3 it would feel like elf’s 1H sword and pretty cool. It can combo L3 from H2 currently which is very good very fast and pretty awesome single target all around. Especially if you catch a rager between attacks with those 2 hits and quickly parry the start of his next combo, chefs kiss right there. But far from the useless Mk I or whatever catachan has no strikedown heavy.

And yeah Agrip is a really good weapon on infantry. I think all bullet firing weapons should collateral enemies though, or maybe Mk 12 Kantrael just needs 4 charge pack per shot (which feels like a targeted nerf to using it outside Veteran more than actually sorting it out). Definitely lower the power use on the low-ammo capacity version to 2 though.

I’d personally hang back on asking for weapon buffs entirely until the crafting system is in place and the inevitable red(+?) weapons are added.

We’ve already got certain weapons that trivialise higher difficulties and that’s only going to get worse when the base weapons are stronger and we’re able to target our weapon changes to address their weaknesses. Being too easy is a great way to kill a game.


It is not about best weapons that we all use… braced autogun, power sword, force sword, bolter etc.
It is about weapons that are not used…
And the idea behind my post is to say to the devs, please think about the weapons that noone uses!

What I’m getting at is that it doesn’t take much of a buff to a weapon (especially a top-tier base weapon, like what we’ll see when reds are added) to put it in a state where class bonuses and crafting tweaks can make it too strong, so I think it’s best to wait until all those systems are available before changing the base weapon.

If we end up with the DT equivelent of a dual-dagger shade who can 2-shot bosses, for example, that’s definitely not a good thing in my opinion.

I undertand your opinion… however, considering the fast development of Darktide, there’s few risks that, what you describe, happens immediately (I am very kind here…). And, nothing forbids to rebalance things later.

Hah, yeah I’ll grant you that.

Still, as I said, I’m using the pistols because they’re not in the same group as the meta weapons. I like that I have to play differently while I’m using them and removing that will remove some much needed gameplay variety.

I’m no god-gamer. If I can make weapons like pistols work at heresy, anyone can, with some practice.

It’s no fun walking behind a veteran killing 5+ zombies at a time. I want to participate too, not be carried by your crazy overpowered weapons.

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You know that a bolter can kill 30 enemies in less time than a zealot.
Before nerfing combat blade, they should correct the crucian roulette bug.
There is a big difference with exploiting it and not exploiting it.

A zealot can die pretty fast (one that don’t exploit the bug I mentioned). But the zealot job is to go in melee and take damages.
You can test this class, but you will be surprised how dodging/parrying is so important. If you don’t do it, even with the right template, you can die fast.

So, as I say, they need to fix the exploit of crucian roulette. Veteran and ogryn can do their job with the current zealot feats. They are far from immortal.
For psyker, they are too weaks…

Sorry for the double post.
Well, I have just tried other weapons. I actually use an heavy sword. Guess what ?
I love combat blade gameplay, but the heavy sword is, somewhat, more efficient.
When I use until the death (HP go to 0) I can recover 2 to 3 wounds in HP with an heavy sword. With combat blade it was 1 wound at max (even less sometimes).
Off course, the template is different than the one all advice you… but it is effective and works great in heresy.
Devil’s claw work similary (but not as good as is my beauty).
I tested also crusher. Works great, but I must say it is really slow.

In conclusion ? do we have to nerf all these weapons ? devil’s claw, comabt blade, heavy sword, axe (similar, with a zealot you kill fast an horde with).
My heavy sword is similar to a power sword… but you don’t have to energise it. In others words… It kill faster hordes than a power sword can do it.

Back on the topic… from my tests, lot of weapons can find their utility. But laspitol and shredder autopistol… I don’t find one as they are really too weak and can’t see their use.
I did not meet anyone using these weapons…
This is really the only weapons that I fail to find an utility.

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Laspistols crit rate is crazy and I wonder if a future class will utilize that better. It works alright but screw the amount of clicking required for optimal use lol

Now try hitting both your heavy sword and a power sword against a crusher and see how comparable they are. Heavy sword also needs blessings to have the same elite cleave as a base power sword. I dunno I adore heavy sword but seems like a weird comparison to make TBH. Especially since HS is locked to the melee class and you can’t really separate it from Zealot bonuses in play.

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Nah, I agree with Ralendil. Heavy Sword is much less clunky to use, Heavy Sword blessings give it a more notable boost than Power Swords get from their blessings and it synergizes very well with the bleed/crit/damage reduction build.

Yes insofar as without head taker it’s a pretty bad weapon. Silly blessing balance aside.

No it doesn’t? It has no innate crit chance, and no access to shred blessing. It is less compatible with crit build than claw sword in almost every conceivable way unless you abuse Crucian, and yes, Crucian abuse heavy sword is very very strong. However, saying something is good with crit build when you need to use an exploit to actually give it functional crit chance for the build is a hell of a stretch.

Yes it is generally much less clunky to use. Again that is more than compensated by entirely relying on one blessing to get good damage output and having an armour class it is extremely ineffective against.

On another note I somewhat missed before.

Well Bromo Caxe V probably does deserve a nerf TBH. I enjoy it but it’s undeniably quite ridiculous.

They’re usable. If you’re actually suggesting heavy sword without head taker is even in the same league as power sword, I’ll probably have to leave it as “agree to disagree” before I start questioning what planet I’m living on. No personal offence intended, I just genuinely can’t fathom that take.

I don’t even have a Heavy Sword with Headtaker yet and they’re still great.

I agree with you on this
Mine is a 380 has Perfect Strike, rampage, +5% chances to get critics and +20% against flak armor. I wait crafting to replace rampage with death blow (from what I see it is the brutal Momentum of heavy swords). But even with that, a crusher is a no way with this weapon.

However I have an excellent Bolter gun for crushers (modifiers 374, pinning fire +10% and shattering impact +3, +5% chances critics).
I don’t really use the bolter except against such enemies like the crushers.

But against hordes and normal enemies, my heavy sword is more effective than a power sword cause it doesn’t need to energise

I must say I love this gameplay… Also cause it is not lot of people that use the same weapon… I like to be different :stuck_out_tongue:

To be very clear, i am not against buffing weak weapons. I think all weapons should have a useful niche.

I am against avoiding nerfs, because what you use does affect my gameplay experience.

I also dislike the underlying assumption that these are mutually exclusive, or difficult. Balance releases should be a regular occurrence until stability is reached, and then an occasional occurrence.

I give props to the devs for their last round of buffs and nerfs, id just like to see that more often for a time.

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The problem is what we’d be looking at is less of a nerf and more of an entire gameplay redesign. Right now, each class has weapons made for horde clearing. Unfortunately, these weapons are very efficient at killing (more so on lower difficulties) which can feel like it pulls the rug out from other players preferred play styles and weapon choices.

And the thunderhammer’s inability to hit elites even if they’re wide open in front of you because some trash mob is just off to the side of you. And the thunderhammer’s poor light attack damage paired with its slow attack rate (it takes a year to swing a light attack and it still takes a few hits to the head to kill a scab). The heavy needs more cleave on the active, not more damage.

And, a side note, it’s incredibly annoying to have to keep re-activating power weapons ffs. If it were up to me, I’d have it be a toggle, and use stamina to swing, but whatever else works to make it so I don’t have to be constantly reactivating the damn thing.

A further side note, chain weapon activation shouldn’t time out- I can’t tell you how many times it turned itself off during a lengthy zealot charge.


What kind of a cave-dweller mind set is this lmao

“Oh no the Zealot just killed that horde with a Flamethrower, a horde clearing weapon, but it is I, ME who wanted to kill that horde, so Devs, DEEEVS I want that nerfed NOW! It affects my experiencerinooo!”

This is a coop PVE game, when your teammates do good YOU WIN.
If your teammates doing good bothers you, I urgently suggest touching some freshly cut grass.

PS No nerfs, only buffs to the weaker stuff. Fun gameplay is the one good thing anyone has to say about the game.

Source? The reviews which are at 38% atm

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Strawman much?

All 4 players want to participate. An overpowered weapon takes participation away from other players.

I like winning as much as anybody, but I also like playing too. Maybe you only care about the points, but I have fun with the process.

Let’s not be silly, the flamethrower isn’t a problem; it’s certainly not overpowered. In fact, outside of the power sword, I wouldn’t describe anything else as overpowered.

Bottom line - I don’t care which player has the “I win” button, it’s no fun when anybody has one. Nerf the power sword, buff weak weapons.