So I don’t think I really understand the toughness nerf in havoc. It doesn’t make the game harder it just means that the chance of insta-failing an otherwise perfect run is waaaay higher. It’s like a really crappy lottery.
It doesn’t make sense, especially at the sub 20 havoc matches.
I just hosted a 17 havoc match which is a damn BREEZE. Absolute cakewalk compared to normal auric games. I took no more than 10 health points damage the entire time in the carnival arena until nearly at the arena…
2 bosses spawn at the same time. A plague Ogryn and a captain dude. No sweat. These guys are easy. But a single hit landed from a plague Ogryn deleted my entire toughness and half my 490 health and within the same second a shotgun fired from the captain from a mile away insta-kills me. Game over as plague Ogryn already insta deleted teammates by barely sneezing before this. On a havoc 17 match.
Sorry but that is total bs.
I have every toughness and health node and +5 toughness and health on all 3 curios. And plague Ogryn deleted me in a single hit. A. Single. Hit.
So yeah this cheap “no toughness” is lame.
If a game is brutally easy that I was almost falling asleep then something can delete you in a second then the balancing is way off.
It felt cheap because it is cheap.
Oh and 2 of my 3 curios have full gunner resistance and yet roughly 4 bullets (in a game that has zero cover mechanics) deletes my entire toughness. You wot? It doesn’t affect me that much because I never stop dodging but still that is nonsense.
what a turd mechanic. Oh you had some rookies and quitters in your hosted game? Who cares, we’ll take that tier away from you and make player selection as ABSOLUTELY TOXIC AS POSSIBLE. Great.
On Damnation you usually gain a huge amount of Damage Reduction for multiple seconds once your toughness breaks. That feature is gone in havoc, which is indicated by the “No toughness grace period” bit in the modifier description.
That leads to all sorts of funky stuff like Monster attacks hurting, and Gunners being a menace.
It is just one of the many things FS fails to communicate with its players.
Like I say earlier, if a match is a snooze fest for 95% of the time and then something can delete you within 2 seconds - that is absolutely horrific game design.
It’s made me not want to play havoc anymore. Why would the potential of losing your progression make anyone want to risk it again? Bad, bad and bad design.
I was warming to havoc but this just left a turd sandwich in my mouth.
The only part I dont like about Havoc is how omnipotent Psykers are.
The lacking grace period is just something to get used to. Failing a mission hardly matters more than failing any Auric Mael. The single level demotion is hardly relevant. We need to play huge amounts of Havocs anyway for all the goodies.
Rofl… so you say me that half the talents tree has to be read with the Havoc manual and that they do less or nothing cause of havoc…
More I see, more I experiment and more I wonder why we have this game mode. I just want to complete the penances for cosmetics and I will be definitively done with this thing.
It makes a huge difference if you’re playing your own hosted game. I played a level 24 game yesterday and it was a piece of cake too. Never felt even close to failing it…so getting insta deleted has really riled me. As a non zippy zealot, players don’t have infinite dodge to deal with this cheap “challenge” trick.
If You’re playing other people’s games then this threat isn’t there…which makes absolutely no sense imo.
Guess I will now have to add to the toxicity of player selection and only choose high havoc levels, which i wasn’t doing before as I don’t mind helping people gain levels, especially as this kind of difficulty is easy…until insta deleted are part of the equation.
You will have to make builds for Havoc specific modifiers no matter what. The spreading corruption by exploding mobs is hard to handle, unless you have a cleansing aura Zealot. Many breakpoints wont work because of modifiers and rising elite HP values. Gunners being by far the biggest threat make every counter measure possible against them a high demand skill.
etc. etc. etc.
So. Yeah. You will have to take Havocs modifiers in mind if you want to use your Talents effectively.
I already did… and that’s one more point I dislike with this game mode.
Too much corruption artificially elevated as a permanent threat. So I use beacon of purity. Shield of contempt seems also a good idea considering we have players that don’t play cautiously.
I have never worked with the breakpoints. I just test in the training area.
At least I have 20 loadout slots…
No 26 if I remind well
50 havoc games
50 players helped this means 50 games with an havoc engagement inferior of yours
I honestly have no clue how that works. All I know is that when I lost in a games lobby I did not host, there was no “continue” removed on my end. Only the host lost one.
Btw, I have seen an ogryn that was kicked from MY lobby without a vote. So I launched play, we were 4, then the mission screen appeared we were 3. The mission launches, then the game gives me a notification that the Ogryn player has been kicked. And that’s not good such feature.
We had to do the mission at 3.
Yeah FS have made a system that guarantees elitism and toxicity by giving you a set amount of chances to lose a hosted game…in a game mode that people can’t drop into it your teammates quit on you?!
Damn this has made me really angry. What a terrible system.
It highly depends on the modifiers. Gas, or spreading sauce? Bring the Aura. Otherwise it is not more or less helpful than in usual runs.
I enjoy the part that makes you shuffle your builds around. The only problem I have is how bubble Psykers are dominating Havoc no matter what modifiers are running.
Server errors. Happened to one of my mates too. I lost a continue to a hard crash too yesterday. Did 100% not feel great. Especially the part the left me with half hp, a quarter corruption, and half my ammo gone after I rejoined the game.
Many people screamed for such a change, because they loath the players who quit the second they get jumped by a dog. There is always a price for every wish. The monkey paw always curls a finger.
Anyway. I joined two fully random groups yesterday. The only negative part about it was how it took me roughly 12 minutes to find a group in the 20s. The people themselves all were super friendly, even more than usual. I dont know if that’s different in the 30s, but so far I dont feel any of the elitism, or toxicity.
But they’re punishing the host, not the quitter who quit from dog attack. Because now the host has to play with a labotomised bot whom are particularly useless in havoc for some reason, presumably because they suffer the cheap toughness trick too.
I don’t think anyone at all has requested that.
I’m level 17 havoc and have a skulls frame and badge that shows I’ve maxed out all my penances…and I was getting denied for a level 23 game over and over yesterday. The game kept popping up and they kept refusing me. I’ve been rejected for quite a few games now. Very toxic and it will get worse as peoples ranks get higher and thus have more to lose.
Yeah. We needed to fill a spot yesterday for our last run. We got 25 requests in the first minute.
When I joined the random games earlier, I also noticed the huge amount of requests for the group. The number was in the 20s when I joined, and it just kept spiking upwards.
The Party Finder has some problems. One being that only the Host gets the level immediately, which means three quarter of the players need to find a host in or above there level range. The other problem is that people usually rather join than create a Party. Both those problems turn the whole experience into a sour one.
The quitter gets punished by not being able to join another game until they are done, AND with a lost continue. That is how I lost one of mine. I crashed and even after I rejoined and beat the map the continue stayed grayed out.
Yep. Everything you just said there proves that the entire system is even worse than I had originally thought.
These flaws will have been glaringly obvious, even on paper so I’m baffled as to how they made it into the game.
Just got a “request denied” on a level 29 game, and so now I hope their game fails - because that’s the emotions that this system unfortunately conjures after waiting 20 minutes for a 25-30 game to appear. So toxicity from all angles. Well done FS.