How do people find the new laspistol?

Took it in a few games myself and find it sits in a weird posistion, doesn’t have the punch you’d hope for nor a fire rate that allows you push out said damage.

The the old quickdraw revolver could output raw damage at the cost of big reloads.

Smg can clear a crowd and a handful of specials.

older laspistol sat as qucikdraw weapon you could get decent number of shots in with reliable flexability and a safe relaod time.

New revolver sits between a las pistol and old revolver with decent damage, reload and panic fire into the meat of an enamy.

Testing the new las pistol I can’t rightful find where it works. Maybe it’s not for CQC at all as it lacks any useful stagger on specials, doesn’t seem to hit breakpoints or fill a helpful role in a brawl other than being a lesser revolver I’ve found.

What are your thoughts? because I’m sure someone found a use for it so far.

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It’s crap. Needing 3 headshots to kill a trapper is insane. For some reason this pistol just dosent want to do damage to maniacs or infested.

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mine is on creat and if i crit i oneshot people here is my laspistol it’s ok but it’s missing the big wooms for low dps I run VOC + middle keystone and have deadshot 30% weakspot and 20% on pressing f for 10 sec.

Honestly tho revolver does the same job better but I don’t need to take scav aura if i take the crit ammo save talent. So yeah saving those 2points gives me dmg somewhere else.

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I haven’t tried to really build one up, but the one I bought to play around with feels very much like a ‘flavour’ weapon. That is, it feels like something to use when you want to RP rather than something that does a particular job particularly well.

It doesn’t feel much different to the original laspistol.


i find the original does offer better spray in a pinch for trash or medium range gunnger clearing., it also paired well with crit builds as well.

The new one feels like its going for something differant, can’t figure out what.

I need to roll a proper one but some basic Psyk testing with a grey one with passable stats suggest I’ll likely sub it in instead of my old laspistol for my Vet laspistol build. Crit headshots hit incredibly hard, again a mediocre grey was one shotting most things less healthy than a Rager.

I like not spamming click as much, I like more damage per shot for conserving stamina with deadshot. I like one shotting all shooter mobs without ult on a reasonably fast firing weapon.

TL;DR I like it, I think it’s good.

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I love the Mk II because of its high volume of fire which can make Infernus proc often if you get a nice bunch of crits. The new one? Its disappointing, I must admit, so much so I put it away after just a couple of missions. I like it being slower firing but its lack of general punch does not make up for that.

I think its audio is lacking too, sounds a bit weedy with its dull ‘thomp’. I feel it should have more of a ‘crack’ to it.

I don’t think it would really fit in with that either, as you can still do so with the Mk II, unless you must have the aesthetic of the Mk X if you’re not using the Weapon Customisation mod.

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Its decent but +25% maniac damage is basically required.


I dunno. I haven’t found one yet.
Edit: This isn’t quite as troll-posty as it seems. Across all my characters, multiple shop rotations + melk, I haven’t seen a single one.
I assumed they were left out somehow.

Welcome to RNG

I like it a lot so far, las pistol felt a bit too limiting on Veteran not hitting things very hard at around 30m, while you aren’t as zippy as the other humies who honestly use it better. Its also nice to brain shooters no perks. With flak and weakspot node you can kill shotgunners with a headshot, agile or weapon specialist would be really nice. Especially with it still having las pistol draw time, that’s really the main appeal.

Something about being immune to gunfire and being able to kill them back easy while still only hipfiring is just too appealing to me.


for me i am finding it pretty good 2 Shots Scrap and dreg gunners, and Mag dump for Mualers and Ragers.

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I really must be missing something with it then. Evidently, I need to play with it more.

honestly it sounds like I just need to experiment more to find the comfertable role for it. But its interesting to hear your differing perspectives and builds you’ve come up with.

Did some meat grinder Testing and all the weapons feel pretty underwhelming imo. Not saying they are crap. Just not worth the plasteel unless you like the moveset which I did t care for. New Eviscerator feels awkward. And it’s push stab weird.

Blew several million dockets and thousands of plasteel on shovels, so idk yet. Would love to know though, want to run one on one of my officer builds.

Is ranged critical hit damage even worth it? I always thought the way they calculated it meant it was a marginal damage increase.

For perk slot no but the left Vet keystone that gives a lot of ranged finesse is very good here if you can keep it up decently since the gun has very high headshot and crit multipliers. Mine very nearly one taps Ragers with a crit headshot with exe + keystone active, if I had a better stopping power roll it would probably reach the threshold. It also 3-4 headshots Reapers depending on crits without an Unyielding roll.

Not worth it. The extra damage is not enough to make it a viable choice over the rate of fire of the other variant.

All the new weapons are really, really good what are you on about

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