Hmmm, would weakspot damage be good then? And perhaps more consistent?
I mean that’s on the way to the left keystone anyway but personally I forego it so I can get the deadshot + duck n dive + ghost combo and still have points for both stam regen delay nodes. I’m no headshot god so I’d rather have the crit chance and damage bonuses as insurance.
Not the first impression i am getting. Granted this was just what i could gather from the meat grinder with damnation health pools and comparing the weapons with the new marks. But i doubt i will invest in these weapons if i dont feel like they are worth it. Maybe the new revolver because while it is worse than the slower firing revolver it is probably more fun to play.
I mean the Veteran Mk 3 and the Ogryn mk 5 shovels are stupidly strong if built correctly. Mk 12 Chainaxe is a much easier to use Chainaxe and can still be strong, and can hit good breakpoints with Thrust. Mk 15 Evisc has decent hordeclear and very high single target damage. New Las Pistol is a bit finicky, but once you get crit headshots going it is a beast.
I hate the new Revolver though. Having the light, fast firing variant of a weapon lose all of its accuracy while moving absolutely kills it for me.
The new chain axe seems alright. I’m kinda disappointed in the new Eviscerator though. And on testing it seems to be just as deadly as the other pattern but the push follow up kind of sucks. I guess it’s just an inverted chain sword where the light attacks are your Cleavers but the power attacks are singular. Accurate attacks.
New revolver is flashy but for the flashier gunplay you sacrifice a lot of damage and the fanning will be a noob trap for sure. Because it isn’t accurate.
Just used it in Psykhanium with no Blessings/ perks.
It needs more dmg for slow rate of fire. It felt really Underwhelming! I expected a Laser “Handcannon” not what we have here… Im pretty sure we will see this baby get Buffed Hard (or so i hope ^^)
I was thinking more of swapping out crit damage on the gun with weakspot damage and not the talent for weakspot damage.
the las-pistol is more Damage then the Hellbore Mk3 rifle on Standard Shot, while with a decent Build for it you can make a Hyper Damage version for Gunners, and Elitles, use Powersword or Shovel,Sword or knife for the Melee, while pistol can be Built Right if you can Get 2 rolls of65+ in both Damage and Stopping power, the Rest are nice to have Stats. with the las-pistol makes up it doesn’t have a Very Long damage Drop off Compared to the other las-pistol, also the extra peneration angist Flak and Carapeace does mean a Differnece.
key states
Damage 75-80
Stopping Power 75-90
eitles/Carapeace/Manics/Flak/unwieldy?specialist X2
Reassuring Accracy
the reason why i say that it mean for a secound you can Regn on Crit Weak point kill, while your not using surigical in the meat grinder i was achiving about a Crit one every 6 Shots. on a grey.
also the buffs around regning Toughness is good and ghost to allow you to Regn Toughness so it a decent stack.
You should never run crit or weakspot damage as a perk on any weapon. I think maniac and flak are probably best perks for it.
Well, thats why i initially questioned Queenie on the efficiency of critical hit damage since he/she has refined one of the laspistol perks to be critical hit damage in the picture posted
And like i said, i always thought the way critical damage was calculated ended up giving a negligible amount of extra damage.
Again gun dependent. The perk is laughable largely because it’s only 10% bonus. Left Vet keystone meanwhile is 75% maxed out for both headshots and crits with just the base node. Yeah when you get to those kinda numbers on weapons with high base crit/headshot numbers it gets pretty significant. Still not actually a 75% multiplicative damage bonus but more than enough to hit a bunch of good breakpoints and make a noticeable difference in general DPS.
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