Hotfix #44 (1.4.10) Patch Notes

Actual information: do you mean the Scabs, also known as the Moebian 6th?

"Since its corruption, the Moebian 6th has determined that it will bring the truth of Nurgle to all the people of Atoma Prime, and will slay anyone who stands in their way of freeing their people from the stagnant rubrics of the Imperium. They are aiding the Chaos Cult known as the Admonition in spreading their beliefs through Hive Tertium, the primary hive city of Atoma Prime.

Like their allies among the Dregs of the Admonition, the Scabsā€™ primary objective seems to be summoning Nurgleā€™s Daemons into realspace by weakening the veil between the Warp and the mortal universe through the unleashing of death on a truly massive scale across Tertium with the Plague Lordā€™s supernatural diseases. All across Tertium the Heretics have written in the Dark Tongue portions of a Daemonic summoning ritual that claims, ā€œNurgle shall be called with Death.ā€"

source: Moebian 6th Regiment | Warhammer 40k Wiki | Fandom

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Huh. ā€œRindaā€ also means ā€œsurrenderā€ in Spanish (an office I visited around the time the Karnak twins launched had a motivational poster that said something like ā€œnunca te rindasā€ so I had to look it up) but I doubt either was intended by the authors.

According to an etymology of names site I just looked up, it is the Laticized form of the name of giantess from Norse mythology. But then Rodin is a famous French sculptor. So maybe they just came up with names like so many 40k stories.


Herald of Admonition? Weā€™re getting something related to the Dregs! Huzzah! I wonder who the ā€œpowerful enemy hiding in the darkā€ must be :wink:

The Wyrmwood Agentā€™s killer, perhaps?


@Khorne_Dawg HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!


Thank you so much! >.<

I promise to get you that QoL Compendium soonšŸ¤ž


:birthday: :+1:


Aww, thank you!!! :blue_heart:


the powerful enemy in the dark is Rinda Karnak. I decided to play Terror in the Dark with the solo mod because I was interested. She replaces Monstrosities that appear, and its a little jarring since she has no theme that plays and its dark. Just bam now sheā€™s in your face doing her ninja gaiden routine. Rinda has a line something along theā€¦lines of ā€˜you killed me before, how does it feel?ā€™ which makes me wonder if the Herald or some other member of the cult is a Necromancer. As for the new character, he is Mysterious Cultist and for some reason the mission overseers donā€™t banter back (or maybe I havenā€™t played the ones that do). He has a long introductory rant at the start of a level, but he doesnā€™t speak again. His portrait is just the vox caster again, which had me confused that he was another noble at first until I read ā€˜Mysterious Cultistā€™.


Aquilas :slight_smile:

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When does the the new event actually start, CET?

The updates being loaded onto servers cause mocro dispruptions

Im guessing after 12pm CET?

But Rinda Karnakā€™s a Scab? Strange. I mean, she canā€™t possibly be THE Herald of Dregsā€¦ right?

Sienna cameo? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Iā€™m curious to hear from this new character. Urmal, perhaps?

Dear Fatshark, when are you going to fix the loading screen freeze? (The image in orbit)

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Woah, spoilers! While I guess it is to move the lore/plot forward and introduce a new powerful enemy that can raise the deadā€¦ it just feels lazy. I guess we can look forward to defeating Rodin Karnak in the next event on gas maps?

Iā€™m curious to beat up this new character. Swagger, perhaps?

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Heyo Pirx,

Could you please submit a thread on the Technical Issues section of the forums for this? Iā€™ve seen a couple mentions but Iā€™m having trouble finding any tickets on it. This can help me push it up the chain. :pray:

Thank you kindly!

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So the ā€œthing hiding in the darkā€ was just one of the Karnak twins making a random appearance once. I can scarcely contain my disappointment :frowning:

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Added a note:

Note: This event is only available on the normal board on 3/4/5 difficulties (regular malice, heresy and damnation).


I really like the lights out condition. Itā€˜s the most immersive one and I hope it makes it bag into regular rotation.

And the boss fight in the dark is nice.

That said as I thought I canā€™t get myself to care for the event due to a lack of meaningful rewards.

Imagine each step would grant gradually aquilae with the total amounting to 3000 aquilae. Those who play absurdly much would have their loyalty rewarded with a premium skin of their choice. Casual players would afterwards have some aquilae sitting around and might be more willing to buy some more to be able to use them.

Itā€™s not uncommon a model and works for many other games - I think it would benefit players and FS bank account alike.


Maybe the ā€œglobal conditionā€ text should be removed from the auric board. It currently remains there when viewing auric missions.

Or alternatively, just let us have the event on auric, which would be much preferred :wink: :+1: