Is it Rinda? I was hoping for Urmal or whoever killed Wyrmwood in the Vox message.
Or, y’know, an actual Herald of Nurgle.
Oh, maybe Rinda got like a partial apotheosis? Nurgle was like “You’re okay, not daemon princess material but, hey, I got an opening for a new Herald? That, or chaos spawn, take your pick.”
Still waiting for for **** internet to download so I can hear for myself.
I don’t understand, during the first event everyone said the rewards are way too low to bother, one of the CMs said it will change when the second one comes, second one had the same shitty rewards.
And now this one too.
I really don’t understand what’s the problem in increasing rewards.
Like others have said, frames/ titles are easy. Giving out recolors to already existing earnable skins would also be good. Obviously aquilas, but no one here actually expects that to happen.
Looking forward to whatever this possible new enemy is. Timing could have been better though, definitely prioritizing Hunt: Showdown on the 15th.
Titles are easy. Frames are art assets. Simple art assets, sure, but they require contracting an artist and going through GW approval. Recoloured cosmetics are actually simpler to produce with the dev tools.
The rewards are absolutely pointless. I have piles and piles of dockets and crafting materials. They’re coming out of my ears at this point. And let’s not even mention the nigh-useless melkbucks that just tower in ever-higher piles to the point where I don’t even care if I do my weeklies or not.
Give actual, material rewards. Unlock more free cosmetics. I remember once upon a time we were promised that we could earn in-game cosmetics, but the scant offerings we have are awful. Give us more weapon cosmetics. Use special event progress to unlock free cosmetics in the free in-game store.
Give us more character cosmetics. How are we in 40k, but the only hair styles and colours we have are brown, black, white, another brown and two types of ginger? The 40k RPGs that FFG did used to have tables and tables of hair/eye colour options, with various options for scars, tattoos and other cosmetics. Give us anything that’s not just more fecking dockets.
Making event rewards cooler:
You needn’t do all 3 butany of these’d be appreciated
Seeing as the Next big itemization update removes locks:
It would be very Awesome for the event to Reward me every other stage with a special token allowing me to remove 1 lock from a weapon family.
That would’ve sparked wayyy more interest than any number of dockets or crafting materials. And it’s not a big negative FOMO since it’s just an early taste of something coming like a month later for everyone.
Additionally: Any time there’s an event, you should Double the quick play bonuses So even players not doing the event goals are still benefitting and newer players get a nice boost. Increase this efficiency buff to triple for those who beat 10 challenge tiers of any event… keeps the whole redemption/rewards through toil thematic mindset of the game.
Finally: Please add an overachiver bonus if I surpass the final challenge quota and continue to serve: How’s about “Every Additional Terror Mission completed after the final stage shall reward a bonus: 200 Ordo Dockets 100 plasteel and 50 diamantine, Multiplied by difficulty.
Alt Example: the 1st weak spot kill event should’ve had an overachiever buff of “Every 200 Weak spot kills surpassing the final quota shall reward a bonus 100 ordo, 20 plasteel and 10 diamantine” smaller bonus because of how easy that was to farm
If you guys will ever expand the rewards past just granting the event participants some crafting materials and whatnot, please make sure that the rewards will be obtainable post-event through some ambiguous means, i.e. penances or other similar opportunities.
Rewards based on FOMO content should not be the drive to play, and Vermintide team has started learning that lesson recently by re-introducing certain items from previous events to be obtainable again through Lohner’s Emporium, which is a great decision, considering how many events Vermintide had featured with “one off” types of rewards that never saw the light of day bar their initial iteration.
Whether this solution would work is not for me to determine, but please don’t make the rewards exclusive to a time-limited event. Make them the ideal circumstance to easily obtain some cosmetic rewards, but not the exclusive ordeal.
With that out of the way, even simple, universal weapon camos that adjust to the model of weapon they are applied to would go a long way.
Im speculating its a Plaguebringer if not a mere Dreg Boss (as i think the Karnak Twins are Scabs but i may be wrong, and Herald Of Admonition refers to Dreg faction) yet i feel we are going to face Herald of Nurgle
Yeah so I think events should be an actual like, event, you know? Something exciting and rewarding, that ya wouldn’t wanna miss. I mean we’re not even getting them that often, compared to some games that are online co-op. Once a year tops? idk.
Tbh, these last two events have been so damned low effort from the lead dev. Put some damned juice in there bud, get this dirgible moving already. Sheeeesh.
Yes that is exactly what I been thinking since we already have scab faction boss in assassination mission and the twins are scabs too, we may finally see a Dreg Leader…
The funny part is that since Dregs wear the pale yellow-green garb and tend to get glowing green eyes in the dark, this Herald may stand out in the dark a bit once it is found and jump out at you lol!
when i found warhammer to be a “british thing”, i was pretty surprised to say the least.
and i suppose whoever’s writing the characters and stuff hardly thinks about what different “sound” it may have in other languages.
but “rind” being cattle or cow in german lifts her to a rowan atkinson like level of comedy, when i imagine her with a stern “moooh” whenever she jumps into battle
oooh, lore development. we haven’t seen anything but the lowest ends of the cult yet (they even call themselves dregs, i mean come on these ain’t their best and brightest) so actual info on the cult itself would be a huge thing here.