Hotfix #46 (1.4.12) - Patch Notes

Heyo Everyone,

Our latest hotfix (1.4.12) is out now on Steam and the rest of our platforms will follow. You’ll find the patch notes below!

  • Fixed an issue where ammo crates would still spawn in Maelstrom Mission C-I-VI.
  • The tooltip for the Stopping Power stat has been updated to reflect that it affects damage as well.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the canteen on Psyker “Shroudwrap Carapace” cosmetic upperbody to be warped.


There was someone that I replied to saying the penance pop-ups would be fixed this hotfix. It is actually in the next one. I tried searching for the reply so I could tell you ahead of time but I couldn’t find it. :smiling_face_with_tear:


Has the playtest pool for item update been expanded with members from the forum?

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Heyo, CommanderJ! I saw your comment about this yesterday. Could you point me in the direction of the post where that was said before?

I’m happy to work up another tester pool, but I don’t think it would be ready in time for testing this current patch. But I imagine it could be worked out for testing the next one. (Edit: It takes a lot more work that you might imagine to get it going.)


How can we apply for such a thing? Me and my friend have been playing DT every evening since it came out and would love to help!


I’m glad there is interest! <3 Honestly, that would also have to be figured out. The thing is, it would take a lot of manpower to get that set up. How do we make it fair? First come, first served? Hours? I’m not sure how many numbers we’d be able to accept. After this next patch releases, I’ll be able to look into it more. Right now, I am flat out and already working overtime. :disappointed_relieved:

I can’t make any promises yet. :pray: I saw CommanderJ mention before so I was also trying to learn where that was said. I know it’s something more players want so I’ll do my best to look into the viability of it!


I suppose the information here was… less than truthful, then.

The post seems to be in response to there being quite a lot of ruckus at the time on the forums, about the supposed ‘core’ playtesters, which have been with FS for a long time, and tends to include influencers, modmakers and moderator volunteers. Not exactly the ideal makeup of a testing group.

I guess what was said was to placate, with no action planned?


here’s the content update if you’re wondering. unsure on the Zealot and Ogg hats they might have something old there.


That message is exactly what it says. We had performed internal and external testing at the time and continued after. The message was in response to players believing Itemization was coming with Secrets of the Machine God and our decision to push it back so we could take on more feedback.

Since that message, we also recruited a series of testers outside of the existing core testers and they’ve been testing since end of June. Their feedback was also taken into account, along with the feedback in the forums and thread that I’ve been collecting throughout the last few months.


So… you go from saying you wouldn’t even know how to set up more testers in a reasonable way, wouldn’t know how to select them, that it would take a lot of manpower…

To now saying you’ve already done it?



HTML is not an imperative programming language and that's the best ...

The last thing Commodore needs is more gold trimmed, outlandishly flamboyant clown fits. Honestly, this is the tone of maybe half the sets that drop there. Why? It’s so wildly off brand for the whole theme of the game. How 'bout something actually thematic like overtly Inquisition themed sets instead of more of this?


There is more going on than I can properly explain, and I can see I won’t have the benefit of being understood in a generous light, no matter what I say. Which is fair, I understand you’ve been hurt in the past by the actions of the company. I will stop trying to discuss this further right now then.


What does ‘outside of the existing core testers’ mean exactly? Simply more discord sycophants or did you actually go around emailing long time players, steam or even forum users?
FS opaque way of backpeddaling and sidestepping questions is getting more and more tiresome if I’m being honest.

Also people (myself included) wouldn’t bother to get mad about stuff like this if there was some actual content delivered in regular intervals, instead of the majority of the company most likely working on another console version that’ll probably be dead in a month.

I’m starting to see a pattern with swedish devs and their limitless arrogance and unwillingness to listen to players.


Jack and J didn’t get invites? Man, weird…


A very zesty laspistol skin too


Ah, the Bath & Body Works aesthetic! I can smell the lavender scent already!


I don’t care about an invite. Nor did I imply that I would want one. But nice of you to try reframing it.

There are a lot of constructive people on the forums that could have given great feedback. Yet they’re also not chosen as well apparently. While the increased frequency of communication is nice, it’s utterly worthless if it comes down to the same conclusion: FS ignoring feedback and sticking to the narrow-minded idea in their head and only testing it on yes-men like you for instance.


I know, I was extremely disappointed to see like the third or fourth unique las pistol skin before my Lucius gets one. Hopefully the ogg pegleg doesn’t clip with the Kreig greatcoat, otherwise the revision is a wash for your boy.

I suspect that whenever Fatshark recruits someone for testing, they have to be extremely confident in that person’s ability and willingness to not let things slip. If testers don’t like something, they don’t want word getting out about it, understandably. The incentive is then to pick people with a proclivity to like the thing they are being asked to test, thus walking into their own echo chamber, rather than opening up the conversation to robust critique.

This manner of business is particularly bad with Darktide. VT2 has had, in comparison, multiple closed and now open beta tests for it’s Versus mode and has provided space for open dialogue on the forums and elsewhere about it. It’s unfortunate the same willingness to bring the community along isn’t happening with Darktide and this most crucial of updates.

Which all makes me even more nervous and apprehensive about it.

Why the lack of an open beta (where Fatshark appears perfectly capable of managing one), given the importance of this set of improvements? Why the EXTREME delay in sharing details about how this will all work, leaving all of us on edge?

The only logical answers are “it’s still in flux” (but come on… you’re a month out from release and have been working on this for months) OR “we don’t think people will like what they see.” If the it’s the latter, why the krak are you designing a system where that’s the anticipated concern?


Thank you fatsharkstrawhat, very cool.