Hotfix #46 (1.4.12) - Patch Notes

nice hotfix, i wish there could be more hotfixes often. one per week if possible, because there are still some problems with bugs etc. i know fixes often come with big updates, but doing more small hotfixes I think could give a positive light of “presence”

also if there is any test, sign me up please! :slight_smile: (i don’t wanna play Space Marine II :laughing: I’d like to test the itemization update asap :joy: ) i actually wish there was some sort of beta and saving up the progress, this update was very awaited by many players.

also, looking forward for the new dev blog about the new Mission!
is it possible to know when it will be released the new blog about the new mission?

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They think it’ll make them more money.

Queue the eternal discussion about games in this genre that have managed to grow their player base overtime (DRG, Payday 2) versus those that have not (most others).

I honestly can’t believe that prioritizing the harpooning of whales is better (financially) than having an ever growing stable base of players, particularly in such a niche genre as Darktide occupies.


I don’t know their reasoning but I can very easily imagine that they know that itemisation is such a sensitive topic with this community that they did NOT want the playerbase at large to see their initial drafts of the new system, even if they had faith in it themselves.

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Probably because it sold well. I know people who usually don’t buy anything who bought some of the Rogue Trader stuff. The fur coat on Zealot is nice in the original set I guess but it’s not for me.

I hate both sets in general, although this version is a lot worse than the original set. Somehow. I agree I would like more military themed stuff although I would wonder how much of the playerbase actually cares about lore/thematic fitting cosmetics compared to weird amd zany stuff.

I play this game a lot and I can provide a personal anecdote by saying that that does at least not seem like it is the case from my experience. In general, the premium cosmetics I see on people varies a lot and the distribution of all the sets that have ever been on rotation seems somewhat even when looking at todays players. There’s the occasional standout, like the Krieg veteran, but not many and usually not these types of garish sets. I also don’t think their thought process on these cosmetics goes that deep.

best hotfix ever! :slight_smile:

Psyker gets the XS coffee filter around their neck this time. Guess the large stock ran out.

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Sure I’m not the friendliest or most trusting in my interpretation of FS communication. I like to think I have reason for it, but obviously it’s not amazing for you, as a person, to receive those kinds of comments from me. They are about FS though, and not about you.

That said it shouldn’t be very difficult to give a definitive answer of if more community members have been added to testing or not, and how they were selected / from which pool. It’s kind of important, since Aqshy and others have made it very clear what is considered the ‘core community’ for FS, and it’s a very tiny group of people.

Of course one could argue that internal/external QA and other forms of hired testers are ‘players’, but any reasonable reading of

“we’re also looking at expanding the feedback loop on this rework, and will be including more players outside our core-testers.”

would make anyone sane think that you were expanding testing to more customers. If, for instance, you included a bunch more streamers in closed testing - that’s a PR move, that’s not an actual looking for feedback, testing move.


These outfits seem Rogue Trader or Throneside dwellers, in the sense of fashions.

The logistics may be difficult but deciding which forum users should playtest is simple.

I know exactly which forum members I would chose as playtesters if they were willing.

To be honest, it is easier than nosh.

I have five picks ready, and no, I am not one of them.

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Curious to see what the other items in shop are such as for weapons and any accessories in the side boxes. Haven’t been able to see the updated Commodores Vestures yet lol

Edit: saw them later, premium weapons cosmetics skins were interesting, ended up with some. Now I still await the chance the Commissar great coats can be available

Let me tell you folks what I would do to appoint play testers:

Grab all topics from Bug section of the forum, put it into an excel table with users, topic description (acknowledged, not a bug, etc.). Remove “not a bug” topic or assign to them 10% weight in scoring.
Pick top 20, 30 or 50 active (logged on forum within last month) reporters and request print screen with playing stats (hours played), date of last playing session, most often played Threat Level and confirmation if player uses mods (could be extracted from Bugs, but it’s not UpToDate data for some who didn’t install mods before). Now you have some of your play testers - proven to report bugs (useful), experienced Darktide players.

Add some new players (someone who just started) and couple of Randoms from Forum (active players – rogue element), sparkle sprinkle some people from somewhere else (Reddit, Steam etc.). I would also add some lore quiz to keep more setting oriented people and bam - there is your group.

Allow them to play for a month with minimum of 30 hours of gameplay during that month, collect written statements (time played within the given interval, preferably with some sort of scoring: atmosphere, enemies etc.)

Now what’s left is to assign some poor soul to analyze results.


I forgot - draw up some NDA for the testers, I’m sure you have something lying around.

Erratum 2:

Emperor damnit - Abominable Intelligence messed with my text and I didn’t notice until now.
Thanks @Crayvun


Got em.

Damnit! This was the first mission Jubilee has been on since 98’


That sounds like heresy to me. You don’t want to offer yourself in service of the Emperor? What’s next? Joining Chaos?


:laughing: WH40K art never seems to stop humoring me, especially when memed