Hotfix #44 (1.4.10) Patch Notes

One of the biggest things I’ve seen is people either HATE the Lights Out condition or they love it. :face_with_spiral_eyes:


If the Hi-Intensity Shock Troop had a lights out modifier, it would be played regularly.
the regular lights out modifier is too easy and boring

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I really think a lot of it has to do with how lacking the current options are for bringing in a flash light. I kinda like it but it’s so incredibly limiting if you want to try to build into the gimmick.


This times infinity. Literally the biggest inhibitor of fun on this mission type. Because thematically lights out is incredible.


Yeah, thematically, the atmosphere is great. Heck, if every gun had a flashlight button I’d want to play it all the time.

But every gun doesn’t and with a couple exceptions the ones that do are severe underperformers.


The best autogun in the game (Colum V) has a flashlight, but yeah it would be nice to be able to pick between light, bayonet and bash as the special action. Maybe one day the weapon modification update will go live.

I wouldn’t mind light’s out if everyone had flashlights. But most guns don’t, and Ogryns have none at all. The innate eye strain and sudden bursts of contrast from effects (e.g. flames) or enemies closing in on you are headache inducing.

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not that i had problems wlth the visuals before ( in that regard i’m hardened by 40 hour/2 pee break mode from lan parties ) ever since i bought an oled i see even less of an issue.

so if those effects are straining, the type of monitor might add to it in a negative way.

as for oggy in the dark, most enemies are visible well enough and lacking a flashlight (are there even robust enough in darktide universe to sustain ogryn abuse?) i think of it as a “pin the tail on the donkey” mode.

only whatever my hands catch in the dark get strangled :rofl:

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I think they’re great, really atmospheric. I can’t understand people who say it’d be better with stronger flashlights - that’s totally missing the point!

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I think it’s nice Lights Out, but some weapons miss of the flashlight, like the ogryns.
I think by default, when going in these missions with lights out, the default torch should be way stronger, a flashlight that’s there regardless of melee and ranged weapons. so a flashlight that’s always there, only for these type of missions.

or reworking lights out, making a normal mission but every 5-10 mins there is a black out, and lights go out, and after few mins lights come back. and continuing this cycle.

many people when playing lights out, they have to raise up the gamma or brightness in order to play it properly well :smiley:

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I’m back and unlike one tall, blonde and handsome accountant I made it in time!
(Thanks StrawHat!)

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