Hotfix #38 (1.3.3) Patch Notes



Maybe I’ll post what’s ‘new’ for recolors later. But you guys should post something about Skulls if you’re planning on doing anything at all. Even a ‘hey Darktide news will be at skulls’ post would revert a lot of gloom and doom around here.

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Game is literally dead. No reason to pay attention anymore.

Still no update/fix to the buff UI not working properly?


You have been posting here few times every week for months cough

No new content, bux fixes are welcome. I don’t care about cosmetics. I can understand the frustration with the content trickle, the “live” service model isn’t really delivering at Fatshark. You need a sizeable playerbase and a microtransaction shop / pricing model which actually make sense.

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You know it’s just such a joke when half of the changes in a “hotfix” are just macrotransaction clipping fixes.


Unpopular opinion maybe, but I don’t mind the guaranteed bi-weekly hot fixes that seem to be a side-effect of the shop update schedule/mechanism.

As long as the game keeps getting content/features, it’ll keep seeing new and old bugs. My feeling is this update schedule is ultimately a positive thing.

And it looks like they added in some stuff from the experimental branch to help with some of the other major issues that have cropped up lately: Sound is still bugged - #2 by FatsharkJulia


Why didn’t the crash that’s been happening for xbox get fixed? The first game I played after the update crashed, resulting in all my health being lost and dropping all of my items. This happens every. Single. Match. Quit making your microtransactions and fix your game.

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@FatsharkStrawHat What about the Krieg coat?

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Is the close range perk bug fixed?

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They already got our money - and as the Krieg coat FOMO rotated out of the shop a long time ago and contrary to earlier statements they seem to have zero interest in reoffering old stuff (despite I’m regularly asked wether the Krieg outfit will return by randoms during mission) - there is no money they can earn by fixing the super premium cosmetic that was way more expensive then regular premium cosmetics…

As there are rumors that new Krieg minis might be released in summer alongside the vraks novel I guess we’ll get the opportunity to buy a brand new (slightly different) Krieg set without that ugly bug…


Not going to buy shait if what I already got doesn’t get fixed… or refunded. The situation is crap, we paid too much for it and it’s been broken for months, I stopped using it since they flattened the rebreather because it looked silly stupid.

If I don’t get any answer I guess I’ll be requesting a refund. They changed the product we bought to something objectively worse.

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does this fix the 2104 and 2014 error codes that are consistently crashing users on xbox? (maybe on pc too idk).

these I’m pretty sure of, another awful hive ganger set mostly of reskins though the psyker/ogryn upperbody are not seen before. I see ‘privateer’ lower body set has its flags on veteran, so probably the ugly red commissar coat I won’t even post. That didn’t have flags, but the ogryn pants from last revision didn’t get it until the shop update either so eh that’s my guess. Another one for the books since its not an update worth throwing something actually related to GW and forgeworld out, just lame ‘connected universe’ larp and reskin eh. There is a backpack with skulls though, which isn’t terrible. Ogryn can’t use it obviously, and he didn’t get anything new in that slot either. I don’t see much in the way for new hats, so possibly a lot of old ones again?

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Darktide is literally at its lowest concurrent players since launch.

Darktide dropped under 2400 total players multiple times in the last week, lol.


Average Concurrent Players was lowest last August based on that chart. But of course, we didn’t have Xbox players then.

Please fix the alternative gamepad layout you’ve broken with the Karnak twins release, I beg you? It’s aknowledged for a goddamn half a year. It’s 100% replicatable and it’s there every karking game launch.

After updating and re-re-reverifying…
Made it to the last section of the hourglass spiral before sound finally kicked in and stopped jittering. 4 matches in, sound still cutting out. Not fixed.
FPS dropping mid match to spawn in balls of silent crushers ON the players. Still not fixed.
Penance completion tick/reward for Hard Mode of Orthos level. Still not fixed (been asking for that since a week after release).
Audio cutting out mid match and half the specials being silent.
Enemies in the walls in Logistratum. Still not fixed.
Text chat in game freezing and refusing to send messages- just halts your control. Still not fixed.
Gunners shoot through walls. Still not fixed.
Missing Grimoire in Warren 6-19.

So how long to a fix?

Two weeks at least - then the next premium skins have to be patched in.

But could be longer of course - some things take them months to fix …

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I recommend doing the %appdata deletion then re-verifying file to increase performance a lot. While the other issues I mentioned are still big, after deleting and reinstalling DT and re-verifying, then resetting steam, ensuring prior data is erased, I had a HUGE jump in performance. I also tweaked my settings. Sound glitching is still apparent but not nearly half as much and fps drops don’t happen half as much.
I already reverified 3 times today and it did nothing, so I did the full once over.
I’m running on a gtx 1080 / i7 8700k, also close off Nvidia from tray completely and ensure windows spatial sound is off (it reswitches on with updates usually and doesn’t tell you).
While this doesn’t fix a lot of issues mentioned, it does amp performance for the lower end. Hope this is some help to anyone raging at the instability. Reverifying from launcher prompt will not help! You gotta kill the app files too. It’s long AF process but worth it if you want the sound to have kicked in and the performance to be playable within the first game. After this, when levels loaded there were no longer hangings in the mission screen.

Now if FS could gimme my earned HM reward from months ago and stop trappers shooting through walls already, that’d be neat. xD
Still hoping for a new big patch ASAP to fix the rest.

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